Chapter 632

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:08
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Half an hour later, Luke’s trio left the vacation home with Buddy Kerouac’s car recorder.

After getting into the car, Blackie asked, “Captain, we’re just leaving?

This guy has sufficient motive to commit the crime and is highly suspicious.”

“You’re right, but we don’t have evidence that he killed anyone.

Since he gave a new alibi, let’s go ahead and verify it.

Find the blonde woman who was at the hotel that night and confirm his whereabouts during the time period of the crime.”

Jackson asked, “If he’s really the killer, will he take advantage of the opportunity to escape?”

Luke thought for a moment, “It’s not very likely that he’s the killer.

He returned to Los Angeles the afternoon before yesterday and went to Coffey Travel yesterday, there are quite a few people who know about this incident, and the previous alibi has too many holes in it.

If he was the murderer, he would have run away a long time ago, not waited until now.

Moreover, we checked his car recorder, and it matches his description, although he returned to the community, his stay was very short, and he did not have the time to commit the crime.”

Jackson said thoughtfully, “He returned home early due to a job change, only to see his wife cheating on him, and that night, she and her cheating partner were killed.

Would it be too much of a coincidence to say that this incident had nothing to do with him?

It’s like it was set up.”

Luke nodded, “That’s my guess too.

If Buddy Kerouac is not the murderer.

Then, the real murderer most likely deliberately lured him into crashing the adulterous affair, and originally might have hoped that he would kill his wife and the cheating partner in anger, but he didn’t realize that Buddy Kerouac was very wimpy and just walked away.

Subsequently, the real murderer personally killed.

Because Buddy Kerouac had been to the scene of the crime and also had a significant motive, the police would still be the first to suspect Buddy Kerouac.

The real culprit is safe instead.”

Jackson said, “Could this real culprit be Dido Bruns, the president of Coffey Travel, who, along with several of the people involved in the case, are from the Coffey Group and know each other.

Also, he has the ability to meddle with Buddy Kerouac’s work schedule.

It’s just not clear what his motives are.”

Blacky concurred, “That’s right, the two victims were just killed and this guy ran off to New York, this guy definitely can’t get out of it.”

Luke instructed, “Contact the blonde who was with Buddy Kerouac on the night of the murder and confirm Buddy Kerouac’s alibi first.

If Buddy Kerouac is clean, then investigate Dido Bruns, the president of Coffey Travel ……”

“Ringing ……,” Luke’s cell phone rang.

“Hello, this is Luke.”

“Captain Lee, this is Chen Klin.

Our Second Squadron has just identified a suspect in the case, do you want to attend the interrogation?”

“So soon?”

“Yes, the suspect has a motive for the crime and has also been seen near the crime scene before.”

“Where are you now?”

“On my way back to the Detective Bureau.”

“See you in a bit.”

Luke hung up his cell phone and said, “You two go check on the blonde, I have to get back to the station.”

Blackie asked, “What happened?”

“Captain Chen has identified a suspect and I’m going back to participate in the interrogation.”

Jackson said, “They’ve been very efficient this time.”

Blackie bristled, “Don’t forget, they originally took over the case before us.”

“Forget about the others, first check out the clues you have at hand.” Luke barked a few words, then the three of them split up.

Robbery Certain Killing Division, Second Squadron Office.

Inside the conference room.

Across from Chen Kelin sat a white man around fifty years old, the man had long grayish-white hair, a large beard, and appeared somewhat unkempt.

The white man yawned and scanned his surroundings, his eyes landed on Chen Klin, his mouth slightly opened, but he didn’t open his mouth.

Chen Kling sat across from him and asked with a smile, “Mr. Otway Stone, would you like something to drink? Coffee or tea?”

“No, thanks.” The white man known as Otway Stone glanced at the gold Rolex, “I have to attend a friend’s party in a while, so I would like to speed up the conversation.”


Mr. Otway Stone, do you know Galian Coffey?”

“Yes, the chairman of Coffey’s company, who doesn’t know him in all of Los Angeles?

I also know that he’s dead.”

“I’ve heard that the two of you were very close friends and held important positions in the same movie company, so I thought you must be familiar with each other.

So, wanted to get some information about him with you.”

“Come on, as I said, I’m very busy and don’t have time to beat around the bush for you guys.

We may have been friends before, but not now.

We’ve even clashed, there’s nothing to hide.

But I can tell you in no uncertain terms that I had nothing to do with his death, so don’t waste your time on me.” Otway Stone ran his hand over the dial, “My time is precious.”

“I’ll pick up on the main points without taking up too much of your time.”

“That would be best.”

“Knock knock ……” the door to the conference room rang.

Luke pushed his way in, “Gentlemen, I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“You came just in time.” Chen Kelin introduced, “This is Mr. Ottway Stone, the director of Ottway Films, and this is Captain Li of First Squadron.”

Ottway Stone frowned slightly and glanced at Luke, “Luke Lee?”

“That’s me.”

“I know your name, a very famous detective in Los Angeles, I heard you solved many big cases.

I know a very good screenwriter who wants to make a movie about your exploits, and frankly, the script is not bad.”

“My pleasure.” Luke smiled.

Chanclin continued, “Mr. Otway Stone, when was the last time you saw Mr. Galian Coffey?”

“Wowwww ……,” Otway Stone’s eyes rolled and he shrugged, “Honestly, I can’t recall, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.”

Chen Kelin opened his laptop and asked, “October 27th, that is, the day before yesterday between eight and nine o’clock in the evening, where were you?”

“Oh, it seems like you guys came prepared.” Otway Stone moved his body back and leaned back in his chair.

Chanclin continued, “So, you admit that you met the night before last, the night Mr. Garion Coffey was killed?”

“No,” Otway Stone shrugged, “I can’t talk about meeting, I can only say that I saw him unilaterally.

I don’t think he saw me.”

Chen Kelin pointed his right index finger at him, “You’re stalking him.”

“Slander, this is absolutely slander. I am Otway Stone, the founder of Otway Films, an excellent director and producer, and I don’t care to do such things.”

Chen Kling took out a picture of a red Tesla sedan, “Is this car yours?”

“It’s my wife’s.”

“But you were the one driving that day.” Chen Klin took out a few more surveillance photos, “According to our investigation, the afternoon before last, Galian Coffey left the company to go to his secretary’s house, and you drove this red Tesla all the way behind.

If you weren’t stalking, tell us what you were up to.”

Otway Stone scratched his hair with his right hand and said helplessly, “I wanted to see him and sit down and talk to him.”

“I don’t think anyone would like your style of conversation.”

“I don’t want to, but I can’t help it.” Otway Stone tapped his fingers on the tabletop and grunted, “That asshole won’t answer my calls, won’t let me into his company, and once had his bodyguards kick me out of his house.

So, I had to follow him, trying to find a proper chance to talk.”

“What’s the conflict between you two, and why won’t he see you?”

“Some trivial matters at work, nothing major.”

Chenklin said, “How did your talk go at Secretary Garion Coffey’s house?”

“You’re a sly one.” Otway Stone shook his head and lost his smile, “I’ve seen the news and know that Galian Coffey died in, don’t try to put this murder on my head.

I admit to following Garian Coffey’s car into his secretary’s neighborhood, but I didn’t go into his secretary’s house, much less kill anyone.”

“When did you leave Garian Coffey’s secretary’s house?”

“About ten minutes later, I think, when I saw that he didn’t come out, I left.”

“Left?” Chanclin questioned.

“That’s right.”

“Since you found out about Galian Coffey’s scandal, why don’t you take this opportunity to talk about it?”

“Huh.” Otway Stone sneered, “How to talk? Threaten him, I know that you cheated on me with your secretary, if you don’t listen to me, I will tell your wife and inform the media about this matter.

Come on, I looked for him to talk in order to ease the relationship with him, not to make it worse.

Once I threaten him with this, our relationship will be completely over.

Once the cheating is exposed, it will indeed cause him some trouble, but it’s not a big deal.

Once real interests are involved, he won’t care.

I know this guy too well, what he values most is benefits, not false fame.”

Chen Kelin asked rhetorically, “So, you just left as if nothing had happened?”

“Of course not, at the appropriate time, I will mention it.

Seeing as I helped him keep his secret, I think he’ll be willing to pull me along as much as he can.

The cheating would still cause him and the company some trouble once word got out.

That’s nothing compared to the difficulties I’m having.

There’s no need to use threats when it’s a win-win situation.

I’m a smart man.”

“Where did you go after you left Secretary Garion Coffey’s home community?”


“What time did you arrive home?”

“I can’t remember, around nine o’clock.”

“Can anyone prove it?”

Otway Stone thought for a moment, “No, my wife was at a party that day and hadn’t gotten home yet.”

“Where was the red Tesla you were driving that night?”

“In my garage.”

“Mr. Stone, do you have a handgun?”

Ottway Stone spread his hands and said, disgruntled, “I’ve told you all that I didn’t go to Secretary Garion’s house and that Garion’s death had nothing to do with me.

Why do you guys keep interrogating me as a suspect?

Taking a step back, even if I were to kill Galian, do you guys think I’d be stupid enough to do it myself?

It’s not like I’m an idiot.”

“Please answer my question positively.”


“Are you sure?”

“I’m not at the age of Alzheimer’s yet.”

Chanclin took out his tablet and played a clip, and Otway Stone blushed slightly as he watched.

Luke also watched the video, elevator surveillance to be exact, as Otway Stone stood in the elevator and pulled a black pistol out of his bag and pinned it to his back waist.

“Mr. Stone, what is this?”

“Are you guys spying on me?”

“No, this is the elevator surveillance of the Coffey Company, according to the employees of the Coffey Company, two months ago, you went to the company to see Mr. Garion Coffey, and the two of you had a big fight in the office, and you took out a pistol to threaten him.

It was also after that that Mr. Galian Coffey forbade you to set foot in the company.

So this time you chased him to his secretary’s house and killed him and his secretary with that black pistol.”

“No, I didn’t.

I don’t have a pistol and I don’t kill people.”

Chenklin tapped his fingers on the tablet, “Then what is this?”

Otway Stone sighed, “It’s a prop pistol, a fake one that doesn’t kill anyone.

The gun sits in a cabinet in my living room, and if you don’t believe me, you can go see it.

Of course, provided you guys have a search warrant.”

Chen Kling shook his head, “Mr. Stone, you don’t seem to realize the seriousness of the problem.

You have a conflict with Mr. Galian Coffey, you once threatened him with a gun, and, moreover, were present in the community where he was killed during the time period of the crime.

These circumstances work against you.

If you are truly innocent, you should cooperate with the police investigation.

This will clear your name as soon as possible.”

Ottway Stone was a little displeased, “Didn’t I come to the police station to cooperate with your investigation?

And what I said is the truth.

Galian’s death has nothing to do with me.”

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Luke changed his question, “Mr. Stone, can you talk about your conflict with Mr. Galian Coffey?”

“It’s all corporate stuff that I don’t think you’ll be interested in, Officer Lee.”

“It might go some way toward clearing you.”

Otway Stone hesitated for a moment and nodded, “OK, there’s nothing I can’t tell you.

Ottway Films was founded by me, and we’ve done a lot of classic movies, Cold Gunner, Champagne for Lovers, He’s a Murderer, Brilliant Martin, and so on.

I’m sure you guys have seen them.” Otway Stone looked at Luke and Chanclin somewhat expectantly, but didn’t get a response and continued.

“Good movies don’t always sell like hotcakes, and the movie company wasn’t in very good shape, plus I lost my investment and had financial problems, I decided to transfer a part of my company’s shares.

There were a lot of investors who wanted to take a stake in the company, and in the end, I picked Garion.

Two reasons. First, we’ve always been good friends.

Secondly, he promised me two conditions.

But things always change. When he became the first major shareholder of the company, he didn’t fulfill his promise.

That’s when I realized that my previous behavior was leading the wolf into the house.

I was furious.

That’s why I brought a prop gun to him.

I’m not trying to kill him, I just want him to honor his original promise, that’s all.”

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