Chapter 635

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Los Angeles Chinatown.

A black SUV drove into Chinatown, there were a lot of pedestrians on both sides of the street, most of them looked like tourists, and among the tourists, there were mostly Chinese faces.

Luke looked at the right side of the street through the car window, he really couldn’t figure out why there were so many Chinese tourists in Chinatown.

It was not strange for local Chinese to be in Chinatown, but Luke couldn’t figure out why Chinese tourists also came to Chinatown.

Chinatown in the United States retained some Chinese traditions, but it was also more or less tarnished, and far less Chinese than the two islands.

In Luke’s opinion, since he had come to the United States to play, he naturally wanted to experience American culture, and coming to the United States to visit Chinatown was not as good as going to Hong Kong Island and Treasure Island.

The black SUV parked next to a small two-story building at a slanted corner, with a sign Xiuying Law Firm hanging above the first floor.

“Pull over, this is it.” Luke waved his hand.

“Soo Young Law Office?” Blackie probed and looked around, “This is the first time I’ve heard of a law firm by that name.”

Luke laughed, “That’s why it opened on Chinese Street, not Wall Street.”

Luke came here to look for Wang Shaokang, the suspected subject of the Silver Cross case forty years ago.

The two of them, Luke and Blackie, walked into the first floor of the law firm, which was decorated in a simple manner, with a reception desk separated by white wall panels, and behind the desk sat a Chinese woman in her thirties, who looked up at the two of them and frowned slightly.

“Good morning, gentlemen.” The Chinese-American woman spoke Chinese.

“Hello, may I ask if Mr. Wang Shaokang is here?” Luke also asked in Chinese.

The Chinese-American woman smiled, “Yes sir, what is your name?”

“My surname is Li.”

“Mr. Li, do you have an appointment?”

“No, I’m here by name.”

The Chinese-American woman flipped through the record sheet in her hand and said, “Lawyer Wang is fully booked today, you may have to wait for a long time.”

“That’s okay, we just happen to have time.”

The Chinese-American woman got up, walked to the front of the reception desk, and pointed to the right, “Turn right in front, there is a resting place.”


Luke and Blackie both went into the rest area on the right, and further in was a separate attorney’s office.

There were two rows of tables and chairs set up in this, there were quite a few people resting on the seats, Luke raised his eyes and looked around, basically all of them were Chinese faces.

Luke found an empty seat and sat down, at the table next to him sat a pair of men and women in their forties, the two of them were close and exchanged low voices from time to time.

Blackie greeted the man next to him with a self-congratulatory greeting, “Hey man, are you guys here to see Lawyer Wang Shaokang too?”

The middle-aged man of Chinese descent took a look at Xiao Hei and pointed at himself, “Sorry, I don’t speak much English ……”

Luke greeted in Chinese, “Big brother, what’s your name?”

The Chinese man smiled, “My surname is Song.”

“Brother Song, you guys are also here to find lawyer Wang Shaokang?”

“Yes, everyone here should be.” The man surnamed Song pointed at the people around him, his tone was certain, “Wang Shaokang is the best lawyer, the whole Chinatown knows it.”

Luke nodded in agreement, “That’s why I’m looking for him.”

“Cluck ……”

The door to the lawyer’s office opened, a woman around forty years old walked out of the office with a look of gratitude on her face, sidling up to a Chinese man in his fifties behind her, “Lawyer Wang, thank you so much, if it wasn’t for the help you provided, I really don’t know what I would have done ……

America is a little different from what I thought …… it’s really too difficult.”

The man known as Lawyer Wang nodded, “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, I’ll follow up on the follow-up situation to protect your legal rights.”

“I know, thank you so much.”

“No need to be polite.”

The woman revealed a difficult look and hesitated, “I’m having some financial difficulties right now, and my bank account has been frozen, so I’m afraid I’ll have to pay you later.”

“I understand, it’s just as well to pay when you have the money.” Lawyer Wang finished and teased, “Don’t forget to calculate the interest for me.”

“Thank you, I really don’t know what to say ……,” the woman’s voice choked, her eyes were a little red.

Lawyer Wang was somewhat unimpressed, “Go back and send the information to my assistant, so that you can go through the legal process as soon as possible.”

“Thank you.” The woman thanked again and left the law firm with a grateful face.

Xiao Hei’s mouth opened wide in disbelief, “This is the first time I’ve seen a lawyer who doesn’t love money! If I didn’t have money, my lawyer wouldn’t even give me a second glance.”

The man surnamed Song said, “Lawyer Wang is different from other lawyers, what he values most is not money, but justice, and that’s what I admire most about him.”

“Wow, your English is not bad.” Xiao Hei teased.

The man surnamed Song was a little embarrassed and gave a sarcastic laugh.

Xiao Hei also did not probe deeply into whether the other party’s English was not good, or did not want to communicate with himself, uncovered this, and continued to say, “In my impression, only some rash lawyers would value justice more than money.

The other lawyers hate lying in money 24/7.”

The man surnamed Song shook his head with a hint of admiration in his tone, “Lawyer Wang is the most responsible lawyer I’ve ever seen, he has a very famous saying.

Fees can be reduced, justice cannot be late.”

Xiao Hei spread his hands, “OK, if he is indeed as you say, he is indeed different from the lawyers I know.”

The man surnamed Song laughed, “You have definitely made the best choice by coming here.”

“I hope it’s not a bad trip either.” Luke got up and walked in the direction of the office.

The man named Song reminded, “Hey, you guys don’t have an appointment, Lawyer Wang won’t see you.”

“Man, don’t say that absolutely.” Xiao Hei stood in the doorway and waved his hand, “I’ll see you in a while.”

The man surnamed Song shook his head and lost his smile, naturally extending the five fingers of his right hand, “Five, four, three, two, one ……”

However, what made him slightly embarrassed was that long after he had finished counting, neither Luke nor Blackie had been kicked out of the office.

Inside the lawyer’s office.

Luke entered the office and asked the middle-aged Chinese man in a suit, “Hello, is this Lawyer Wang Shaokang?”

“It’s me.” Lawyer Wang Shaokang sized up both Luke and Xiao Hei, “What’s your business?”

Xiao Hei flashed his badge, “LAPD, Lawyer Wang, we want to talk to you.”

Shaokang Wang said, “I know quite a few police officers because of my job, but you guys look a bit familiar.”

“We’re from the Robbery Murder Division of the Detective Bureau.”

“Robbery and Murder Division?” Wang Shaokang muttered and frowned slightly, “OK, tell us your reasons for coming.”

Luke opened the door, “The Silver Cross case forty years ago, do you still remember?”

Wang Shaokang froze for a moment and swallowed, “Of course, I will never forget.”

“The police decided to reopen the investigation of the Silver Cross Keys case.”

Wang Shaokang was surprised, “Why?”

“We recently investigated a murder case and found common clues between the two cases and decided to investigate the two cases together.

I checked the file of the Silver Cross case from forty years ago and am visiting some of the people involved in the case back then.”

“People involved in the case?” Wang Shaokang smiled, “Or the suspected subjects?”

“Listen, I’ve read the Silver Cross case file, and I know that because you had some conflict with the deceased in this case, you were listed as one of the suspect objects.

But I don’t share their views, I don’t think you’re the murderer.

Therefore, I think that reopening the investigation into the Silver Cross case is not a bad thing, and catching the murderer will completely clear your suspicion.”

Wang Shaokang stared at Luke and pondered for a long time, “What do you want me to do?”

“I want to ask you a few questions.”

“What if I refuse?”

“Mr. Wang Shaokang, you are a lawyer and have enough ability to protect your rights.

I can’t think of a reason for you to refuse.”

Wang Shaokang sighed, “This case is not a fond memory for me.

Although I am not the murderer of the Silver Cross case, I have one thing in common with the murderer, I also feel that the victims of the Silver Cross case deserve to die.”

“I’ve learned about the victim of the Silver Cross case, he did do a lot of wrong things, but you’re a lawyer, don’t you think it’s more appropriate to use legal means to sanction him?”

Wang Shaokang was silent for a long time, “My mother was hit and killed by this bastard’s car.

At first, I also believed in the law and believed that he would be duly sanctioned.

But what was the result?

He was only sentenced to probation and community service, not even a day in jail.

Do you like the law like that?”

“No, of course I don’t like it.

I want guys like that to be sanctioned to the fullest extent.” Luke’s tone was firm.

Wang Shaokang’s face eased a bit and looked at his watch, “I still have a lot of booked clients today, so I can only give you five minutes.”

Luke tried, “Do you have anything to do with the death of the victim in the Silver Cross case?”

“If I had anything to do with the case, I would have been arrested by the Detective Bureau forty years ago, instead of waiting until now to be questioned by you.”

“Lawyer Wang, please answer my question positively.”

Wang Shaokang glared at Luke and said slowly, “There is no connection.”

“Do you know Galian Coffey?”

“Who is he?”

“The chairman of the Coffey Group.”

Wang Shaokang lowered his head and pinched his forehead, “Don’t recognize him.

Does he have anything to do with the Silver Cross case forty years ago?”

“He was also killed.

We suspect that the murderer who killed him and the murderer of the Silver Cross case forty years ago are the same person.”

“Are you saying that after forty years, the Silver Cross murderer has committed another crime?”


This is the direct reason why I want to understand the Silver Cross case forty years ago.”

Wang Shaokang slowly raised his head, “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t help you much, I don’t know the Galian Coffey you’re talking about, and I know nothing about his case.”

“But you know about the Silver Cross case.”

“The Silver Cross case involves my mother and I don’t want to bring it up again.

Every time I recall it is a pain for me.” Wang Shaokang stood up and assumed an attitude of sending off.

Luke also stood up and asked, “By the way, why is this law firm called Xiuying Law Firm?”

Wang Shaokang said, “It’s to honor my mother, whose greatest expectation was that I would become a lawyer or a doctor.”

Luke thought for a moment, “I am from what I understand, it seems that your mother’s name was Laura.”

“Laura was the name she changed when she came to America.

Xiuying was her name in China, very ethnic era.

She came to Los Angeles full of longing to fit in, so she changed her name to Laura.

Unfortunately, God played a joke on her.

She doesn’t belong in Los Angeles after all, and the laws of the United States don’t give her justice.

So, I still like her old name.”

“Sorry to bring back bad memories.” Luke nodded his head and left the office with Blackie.

Xiao Hei waved goodbye to the man surnamed Song in a self-conscious manner and followed Luke out of the law firm, his tone certain, “Captain, my intuition tells me that there must be something wrong with this guy.”

“You can’t get a conviction with just intuition.” Luke got into the passenger side of the car.

Black started the car, “Where are we going?”

“Coffey Group.”

Luke carefully recalled that when he mentioned the Coffey Group, Wang Shaokang’s demeanor was a bit unnatural, as if he was avoiding and evading.

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