Chapter 640

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Eight o’clock in the evening, Green Tree Bar.

It was an open-air bar located in the suburbs, and unlike traditional bars, the atmosphere here was quieter, perfect for friends to chat and have a small gathering.


The people from the Robbery and Murder Division’s First and Second Squadrons raised their glasses together.

The vice squadron put down their glasses and looked around with some dissatisfaction, “Why did you choose this place, I’m still more used to the Mezique Bar.”

Jackson explained, “It’s a newly opened bar, 70% off all drinks, very good value.”

Blackie looked around and smiled, “I like the environment here, nice view, big venue, lots of beautiful women.”

“That’s right, lots of mosquitoes too.” The lieutenant’s right hand slapped his left arm, and immediately there was a bloodied specimen of a mosquito on his arm.

Jenny took out a small box from her bag and asked, “This repels mosquitoes well, want to try it?”

“No, that’s only for women, my skin is thick enough for mosquitoes to bite through.” The lieutenant shook his head and scanned around, “Reed, not coming today?”

Luke said, “He’s got a date today.”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “If it’s the Mezique Bar, he should show up.”

Luke teased, “You’re right, that’s why I booked it.”

“Haha ……” the crowd laughed.

“You bad boys.” The vice squad shook their heads and laughed along with them.

Chen Klin raised his glass and said, “It was a pleasure working with you guys this time.”

Luke also raised his glass and laughed, “Not ‘you guys’, but us.”

“That’s right, we were originally ‘family’.” Chen Kelin said to the crowd around him, “To us, cheers!”


The crowd raised their glasses again.

The lieutenant put down his glass and smashed his mouth, “The whiskey here has a unique flavor.” He took another long look back, “The burnt flavor is heavier, it’s softer, not bad.”

Blackie laughed, “That’s why one should be brave enough to try something new, going to a bar all day long, even the best liquor will get tired of it.”

“Compared to the quality of the wine, I still think the drinking atmosphere is more important.” After the vice squad finished speaking, as if remembering something, “Guys, isn’t it a bit early for us to start celebrating.

Michael Kamara, while admitting to killing Garian Coffey and Blanche Kerouac, still refuses to admit that he was involved in the two murders forty years ago.

Do you guys have a way to get him to talk?”

Chen Kelin said, “If the two cases from forty years ago belonged to exchange murders according to Luke’s deduction, then Michael Kamara should be the real culprit in the Silver Cross case, and his fingerprints were found at the scene of the Silver Cross case.

But the problem is, forty years have passed since this case, the fingerprints at the scene alone cannot be used as evidence for conviction.

Vice squad, you participated in the investigation of the Silver Cross case back then, you have more say in this case.”

The Vice Squad thought for a moment, “If it’s really an exchange murder, then it’s likely that Wang Shaokang is the other murderer, the victim in the Silver Cross case ran over Wang Shaokang’s mother with his car, and he’s been trying to avenge his mother’s death.

Michael Kamara killed Wang Shaokang’s enemy.

And Wang Shaokang avenged Michael Kamala’s sister by killing Burnett Coffey, the first chairman of the Coffey Group.

Can I use Wang Shaokang as a breakthrough?”

Blackie shrugged, “Wang Shaokang is now a very good lawyer.

Getting him to confess to a thirty-nine year old murder case without direct evidence is simply a waste of time.”

The Vice Squad said, “Then give Michael Kamara an exoneration agreement, as long as he is willing to cooperate with the police, we can leave him out of the Silver Cross case and relieve him of his worries.”

Luke said, “Good idea, you can try that, but I don’t reckon there’s much hope.”

The lieutenant pressed, “Why?”

Luke replied, “Looking at Michael Kamara’s current combination of circumstances, there’s not much difference between him admitting to one murder and admitting to two.

The reason why he won’t admit to the Silver Cross case is more like an attempt to protect Shaokang Wang.”

“You think the immunity agreement is not very effective.” The lieutenant took a sip of whiskey and asked rhetorically, “Then what’s your best idea?”

Luke pondered for a moment and laughed, “There’s a Chinese saying, ‘cool it’.”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “What does that mean?”

Chen Kelin laughed, “You’re going to give up investigating two old cases?”

“Why not? We were given the task of investigating the murders of Galian Coffey and Blanche Kerouk.

We caught the killers and have done our job.

It’s not our responsibility to solve two forty year old cases.

Besides, I personally don’t really want to investigate such ‘controversial’ cases.” Luke made this decision after careful consideration.

Firstly, the two cases were decades old and extremely difficult to detect, and unless the suspects confessed, it would be difficult to find incriminating evidence.

Secondly, these were two typical revenge cases.

Take the Silver Cross case, the victim was a white villain who ran over and killed Wang Shaokang’s mother with his car without being punished by the law.

Wang Shaokang was also forced to take revenge.

This kind of plot is often seen in TV dramas.

When a person who has done a lot of evil, raped and pillaged is killed, and the murderer is probably a good man, should the police arrest the murderer?

From the legal point of view, the police should certainly arrest the murderer in order to uphold justice.

However, from the perspective of human nature, if the police arrest the murderer, it is tantamount to taking revenge for the evil person, which is a bit of a distinction between right and wrong.

Most movies and TV dramas end up with the police catching the murderer for the sake of justice.

In theory this is fine.

But it can be stifling, and some people may even point their noses at the police and curse that you don’t arrest the evil person, but arrest the good person who delivers justice.

Similarly, Luke was disgusted.

These two old cases were a bit of that flavor, so why should Luke take the initiative to take on this kind of laborious dirty work.

He wasn’t the kind of man who would turn his back on all of his relatives for the sake of so-called justice.

As for the case of Michael Kamara’s killing of Garian Coffey and Blanche Kerouac, it was of an entirely different nature.

Saturday, early morning.

Robert yawned as he walked out of his bedroom, he made a cup of coffee and walked over to the window as the warm sunlight poured in, “Praise be to L.A., another beautiful day.”

Robert turned to the second floor and called out, “Val, get up.”

There was no response.

“Hey, stick boy, don’t make me kick you out of bed.

You know I’m an impatient man.”

From upstairs came Val’s disgruntled voice, “Dad, let me sleep in, please.”

“You’ve slept long enough, it’s time to go to the grocery store.”

“I told you, I don’t have to work today, I’m on vacation.”

“I know, that’s why I told you to drive to the grocery store and get some ingredients, don’t forget what day it is.”

A few minutes later Val walked down the stairs rubbing her messy hair, “Yea, of course I remembered, it’s family dinner day.

Why don’t you schedule it for the evening instead of lunch?”

Robert spread his hands, “It was Linda’s idea, if you have any complaints, you can say them to her face when you see her later.”

Val was a little deflated, he didn’t want to offend both bosses at once, “I don’t have a complaint, I’m just asking.”

“OK, now you know the answer, hurry up and make breakfast, after breakfast, we’ll go to the supermarket.”

“Why am I the one making breakfast?”

“Because this is my house, if you have a problem with it, you can move out.”

Val immediately perked up, “No, I don’t have a problem with that.

I’m happy to make you breakfast, I love you, Dad, you know that.”

“That’s right, son of the soon-to-be hobo, I love you too.”

Val forced a smile, “Haha, Dad, you’re so funny.”

Robert laughed, “It’s good that you like it.

Don’t fry the eggs too old.”

“No problem my dear dad, I super love fried eggs, haha.” Once again, the house erupted with Val’s awkward laughter.

A little after ten in the morning, Luke drove out in his black Raptor pickup and picked up Linda and Chubby from the Eno neighborhood before driving to Grandpa’s house.

Luke looked at his listless brother through the rearview mirror, “Jack, are you on a diet?”

Chubby didn’t reply.

Linda replied, “He hasn’t had an appetite lately, I think it’s the aftermath of a breakup.”

Luke said, “I thought you and Maggie had made up.”

Linda cautioned, “Don’t mention that name or he’ll cry again.”

The little fat man retorted, “I’m not crying.”

Linda stared at her youngest son, “Then why are your eyes red?”

“The window was open too wide and the wind blew them.”

Linda rolled her eyes, “You always have every excuse in the book, what a headache of a child.”

“I’m not a child anymore and don’t treat me like one.” The chubby little man cocked his head to the other side.

“Blame me, shouldn’t have opened that mouth.” Luke closed the window a little smaller.

Soon the car pulled into the Becca neighborhood and Luke parked in Robert’s yard.

Robert waved, “Hey, it’s a nice day, how about we eat in the yard?”

“Couldn’t be better.” Luke jumped out of the car, “Grandpa, what do you need me to do?”

“You go to the garage and get the canopy out.” Robert pointed to the lawn not far away, “Set it up right there.”

“No problem.”

Val came out wearing a blue cartoon apron as well, “Hi family, so you’re finally here. I can catch my breath and rest a bit too.”

Linda teased, “Val, you’ve gained weight again, that’s why you’re out of breath in your apron.”

Val “……”

It was nearing noon and a hearty lunch was set out under the canopy.

Beef stew with potatoes, grilled lamb chops, sautéed tuna, cola wings, vegetable salad, ham, borscht, and a Spanish seafood risotto for the main course.

Looking at his somewhat haggard brother, Luke rarely used a caring tone, “This cola chicken wings is what I specially made for you, eat more.”

The little fat man nodded, chucked a piece of cola chicken wings and lowered his head to eat.

Robert, holding a glass of beer, turned his head sideways to Linda and asked, “This kid hasn’t gotten over his breakup yet.”

Linda shrugged, “Why don’t you just ask him?”

Robert hesitated, “I got two tickets to an NBA game, Jack, do you want to go see it?”

“No thanks Grandpa.”

“Grand why don’t you go? Don’t you love watching basketball games?”

Jack forced a smile, “I just like going to basketball games with someone, not alone.”

“OK, does anyone else want tickets?”

“Grandpa, I want them.”

“Good, they’re yours Luke.”

“Thanks Grandpa, do you want to come with me?”

“No, it’s better if you youngsters go together.” Robert pointed aside to the chubby little man.

Val patted the chubby little man on the shoulder, “Jack, I’ve had a lot of similar experiences, would you like my opinion.”

Robert grabbed the lead, “My opinion is, don’t take advice from just anyone.

Especially, those who are single themselves.”

Linda nodded, “Agreed.”

“I’m just trying to care about my nephew, why are you guys taking it personally?” Val said, disgruntled.

Robert said, “I’m just being honest.

If you want to give Jack some advice, it would be more convincing to have a girlfriend yourself first.

I would have chosen to shut up too.”

Linda laughed, “I also think you need a new girlfriend more than Jack does.

Way to go dear brother.”

Jack looked up, “Thank you uncle.”

Val was a little confused, “Thank me for what?”

Jack shrugged, “Nothing, just suddenly feeling better.”

Val “……”

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