Chapter 655

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:21:10
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“So, you think the threatening letter might have something to do with the employee who was laid off from the hotel?”

Baron Ackerman shrugged, “I don’t know. But I know the employees who were laid off, and some of them cherish the job and need it. Once they are laid off, it’s a big blow to them personally and to their families. I sympathize with what they’re going through, but there’s nothing I can do.”

Luke asked, “Are there any of these people who have been laid off who feel strongly about the hotel.”

Baron Ackerman thought for a moment, “There was indeed that one man who came to the hotel after he was laid off and made a scene.”

“Why was he laid off?”

“He received a complaint from a customer who was a longtime customer of our hotel.”

“What was the reason for the complaint?”

“Sexual harassment.”

Luke said, “That’s a serious complaint.”

“Yes, it took a senior member of the hotel’s staff to resolve the matter, otherwise the customer would probably have chosen to call the police, so, personally, I don’t think the punishment of layoff is serious.

However, he didn’t admit to star harassing the customer, and had run into the hotel twice to cause trouble, and almost did it once.”

Luke said, “I’d like a list and information on the recent layoffs.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that tonight, tomorrow I have to report to Vice President Kieron Powell and have to get his approval.”

Luke backed off, “I’d like the name and information on the employee who was let go for sexual harassment.”

“Right now?”


“OK, I’ll see what I can do.” Baron Ackerman walked to the balcony and made a call, only to return to the guest room after a while, “I only found his name and cell phone number, the details will take tomorrow.”

“Name and cell phone number will be enough.”

“Ron Winters, cell phone number, 702-876-3578,” Luke jotted down the name and cell phone number, “I’ll look into the man as soon as I can.”

Baron Ackerman got up, “Mr. Lee, then I won’t disturb your rest. If you need anything, feel free to contact me.”

“Thanks.” Luke sent the other party out of the room.

Luke walked over to the coffee table, opened the bag and looked at the red wine, then rose and opened the red wine bottle and poured himself a glass.

With the glass in hand he walked out onto the balcony and made a call, “Hi beautiful, good evening.”

Not too bad. Yes, I need you to help me investigate someone.”

The next morning.

Luke got the information on the hotel layoffs.

The number of hotel layoffs was eight, all of them were basic employees of the hotel, including three males and five females.

Luke carefully looked at the information of these eight people, two of them had previous convictions, including the one mentioned last night, Ron Winters.

Luke borrowed a car from the hotel and drove himself to Ron Winters’ address.

Polk neighborhood.

A black Audi pulled up in front of the small gray two-story building.

The driver’s door opened and Luke stepped out of the car, his eyes scanning the surroundings before walking towards the small gray two-story building.

“Knock knock.”

Luke knocked on the door.

After a moment, the door opened and a woman with red hair stood in the doorway, looking at Luke and asking, “Who are you looking for?”

“Is this Ron Winters’ house?”

“No, you’re looking in the wrong place.” The woman’s voice was hard, like she was carrying emotions.

“What’s your name, ma’am?”

“Shouldn’t you introduce yourself before asking someone?” The red-haired woman looked at Lou with a scrutinizing gaze.

“I’m a friend of Ron Winters.”

“Then you should have gone to him instead of coming to my house.”

Luke spread his hands, “That’s the address he gave me.”

“He moved away.”

“Can I ask about your relationship with him?”

“I’m his ex-girlfriend.”

“I’d like to know where he’s been.”

“Either under some woman’s covers or wandering the streets, who knows where he is?” The redhead bristled, “Why don’t you just contact him.”

“I’d love to, but his cell phone can’t be reached.”

The red-haired woman snorted, “That means his cell phone is in arrears, so if you want to reach him, recharge it for him.”

“Bang!” The woman finished speaking and directly closed the door of the room.

Luke: “……”

Wanting to find him and having to pay his phone bill first, Luke thought it was a bit bullshit.

What was even more bullshit was that after he paid the phone bill, the phone did get through.

“Hello?” A bewildered voice came from across the phone.

“The person who paid your phone bill.”

“Why do such a stupid thing, might as well buy me a drink, haha.”

“I’m at Barstow’s, come on by if you want a drink.”

“Wait, who the hell are you? What do you want with me?”

“I’m a censor at the Nitro Hotel, and I want to find out a few things from you.”

“I’ve already been laid off by you guys, and you’re still thinking of censoring me. fuck, are you guys crazy.”

“Take it easy, this might be good for you.”

“Shit, are you guys going to make me go back to work at the hotel? The woman who complained about me is a platinum VIP of the hotel, there’s no way the hotel is going to offend her for me.”

“Perhaps, it’s true that you can’t go back to work at the hotel, but the hotel can give you a letter of recommendation.

You can use this letter of recommendation to apply for a job at another hotel. At least you won’t have to wander the streets anymore.”

After a long time, Ron Winters sighed, “You’re right, it can’t get any worse than it is now.”

Half an hour later, Luke met Ron Winters at Barstow’s.

From the information given by Barron Ackerman, it had been less than a month since Ron Winters had been laid off, but his current line was no different from that of a hobo.

With messy hair, a face full of scruff, and a tattered leather jacket, Luke would have a hard time recognizing the other party at first if he met him from the street.

Luke waved his hand, “Ron Winters, I’m here.”

Ron Winters came closer and looked Luke over carefully before taking his seat, “Who are you?”

“Just call me Luke.”

“Can I have a beer?”


Luke waved for the waiter to bring him a beer.

Ron Winters picked up the beer glass and took a hard swig, going straight down most of it.

“Ouch! I just feel like a human being now.” Ron Winters wiped his mouth and looked at Luke, “You were sent by the Nitro Hotel?”


“What are your thoughts on seeing a former employee in this condition?”

“I know that the Nitro Hotel laid off a bunch of people a while ago, including you. I’m here this time to verify the reason for the layoffs.”

“Huh.” Ron Winters sneered, “I was shafted, by a disgusting old woman.”

“I know you’ve been feeling aggrieved since you were laid off and have gone to the hotel to complain, can you tell me why?”

Ron Winters gulped, took another swig of beer, and asked, “You’re really going to give me a hotel recommendation?”

“Of course.”

“Why should I trust you?”

Luke looked him up and down, “Do you have anything worth cheating on?”

“You’re right, it doesn’t get any worse than it is now.” Ron Winters chuckled to himself and said slowly, “I worked at that hotel for two years and it was the longest job I’ve ever had.”

I loved that job.

I made the hotel my home.

And now, I was being chased out of my home like a dog, and I had nothing left.

I used to despise those bums, but now …… I’ve become just like them ……”

Luke interrupted, “I checked the hotel, you had been doing well before, the reason you were laid off was because of a report.”

“That’s right, it was because of that damn whistleblowing that I not only lost my job, but I got kicked out of my girlfriend’s house.

I always wondered if that bad woman was sent by God to punish me.

But I can’t really think of anything bad I’ve done to be treated that way.”

“I want to know exactly why you don’t complain so I can help you.”

“It’s …… a bit of a long story.”

“Then start at the beginning.”

“Teejay Ally is a platinum VIP customer of the hotel, she has a long-term room at the hotel and stays there for a few months every year.

When I came to this hotel, she was staying here.

She takes the car, I open the door for her.

She goes out, I help her with her luggage.

She has room service, I deliver it for her.

Almost on call …… “Ron Winters sighed and continued, “Of course, I didn’t do it without a purpose, she was very generous and tipped a lot every time.”

After becoming familiar with it, she occasionally gave me some small gifts.

Gradually, we became friends.

At least that’s how I thought it was.

I could tell that she was lonely and spent the holidays alone.

Once, she called customer service and ordered a table of food in her room, but she was the only one eating.

She asked me to join her in dining with her.

But the hotel had a rule against that.

I was going to refuse, but she was sincere and pitiful …… Yes, pitiful.

Although she was rich, I could sense that she was not happy, she was lonely and needed company.

Perhaps out of this sympathy, I sat down and dined with her.

That was the first time, and after that, when she ordered room service again, it was always me who went.

She would buy me a drink all the time, and we sat on the couch and talked together, and we became closer ……”

Ron Winters finished the beer in his glass in one gulp and continued, “A month ago, she ordered room service again and ordered two bottles of wine and a fruit plate.”

When I got to my room, she invited me to join her for a drink.

She looked a little sad, so I agreed.

We drank and talked as if we were friends.

She grabbed my hand and said that I was probably the most caring person in the world …… I was a little on top of things, forgetting that it was a hotel, forgetting that he was a guest, and feeling like I was in a bar, I kissed her ……

Only one kiss and she screamed as if I was going to strong arm her ……” said Ron Winters with an angry look, “She’s in her forties, twenty years older than me, and I was trying to comfort her because I felt sorry for her.

It was her who grabbed my hand first that made me misunderstand, it was her who took advantage, not me.

And she was in her forties, and I had summoned up all my courage to kiss her that way.

But she seemed to be violated, and she didn’t care about her former friendship, she reported me directly to the hotel …… What an evil woman.”

Ron Winters looked exasperated and completely emotional.

“Do you feel aggrieved?”

“Don’t I?”

“Have you thought about getting back at the hotel and Teejay Alley?”

“I’ve been to the hotel to get even, but they wouldn’t even let me in and said they’d call the police on me if I went near the hotel again. What a bunch of assholes.”

“Did you put complaint letters in the hotel’s first floor side room?”

“It’s hard for me to even try to blend into the hotel in this outfit now, how can I put a complaint letter? Besides, I don’t think that complaint mailbox will help.

What happened to me can’t be solved by a letter. That wretched woman has ruined my life.”

Seeing that he didn’t look like he was lying, Luke pressed, “Are you in contact with any of the other hotel employees who were laid off?”

“No. They all treated me like an asshole who was harassing customers and no one wanted to talk to me.

The very day I was laid off, my girlfriend kicked me out of the house too, and now it’s a stray dog that won’t even look at me more than once.”

Luke said, “Give me an address and in a couple days, I’ll have references mailed to you.”

Ron Winters rubbed his hands together, “I don’t have a place to stay right now.”

“Can you rent me a motel? Just have a place to stay.”

Luke wasn’t going to spoil him, “Find the address and send it to me, without the details you may not receive the references.”

After saying that, Luke stood up and made a move to leave.

Ron Winters also hurriedly got up and shouted, “Can you buy me another drink?”

Luke looked at him and left twenty dollars.

“You’re good people. You’re not like the others, at least, willing to give me another chance, thanks.”

Luke waved and left the bar.

Luke basically ruled out the other party’s suspicion, first of all, Luke did not see that the other party lied, and secondly, Ron Winters’ current state, even if he wanted to retaliate against the hotel, it would be impossible to use such a “gentle” means, he simply did not have that kind of patience.

“Ringing ……” Luke had just returned to the car when his cell phone rang.

“Luke, it’s me.” Orty’s voice rang from his cell phone.

“Did you find out the information I asked for?”


Barron Ackerman, senior assistant at the Nitro Hotel and assistant to Vice President Kieron Powell.

He’s 32 years old, born in New York, came to Las Vegas five years ago, and joined the Nitro Hotel three years ago.

I also looked into his finances, and almost all of his credit cards were in overdraft, and the house and car in his name were mortgaged.

The financial situation can be described as a mess.

In addition, he has a record of going in and out of gambling halls multiple times, almost every week.”

Luke grunted, “A gambling dog.”

Orty asked, “You suspect he had something to do with those two threatening letters?”

“There is that suspicion.”

Last night, Baron Ackerman went to the hotel room to deliver red wine to Luke, and during Luke’s conversation with the other party, he vaguely felt that he was lying and hiding something.

That’s why Luke had called Orty to ask him to investigate the other man.

And Ron Winters is the smokescreen he threw out, the purpose may be to interfere with Luke’s investigation.

Although it hadn’t been found out that the other party was directly related to the two threatening letters, a losing gambling dog had no bottom line.

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