Chapter 687

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At 8:00 p.m. on February 8th, Luke and his brother drove to LAX.

The plane took off on time at ten o’clock in the evening, Los Angeles time.

The plane flew for over five hours before landing at New York International Airport just after 6:00 a.m. New York time.

It was nearly seven o’clock when the brothers took the ferry, picked up their luggage, and walked to the airport exit.

“Luke, Jack.” A middle-aged Chinese-American man stood in the crowd and waved.

“Dad.” The little fat man looked a little excited, pushing his suitcase and running over.

Luke also waved in greeting.

Li Zhaofeng took his youngest son’s suitcase, his face full of joy, “Did the road go well?”

“Quite smooth.” Luke responded and asked back, “How are grandparents’ health?”

“They are quite good, and have been chattering about you two brothers for the past two days.” Li Zhaofeng smiled, sizing up his two sons, and touched his youngest son’s arm, “Eh ah, how come you’re still wearing a singlet, the weather over here in New York is cold, hurry up and put on thicker clothes.”

Under Li Zhaofeng’s persuasion, the two brothers had to open the suitcase and put on a down jacket and thicker pants before rushing to the parking lot.

After getting on the car, Li Zhaofeng fastened the seatbelt while saying, “Let’s go home first, you two go back to make up for your sleep, and then go to your grandfather’s side in the afternoon.”

Luke was not sleepy, however, after going back and settling things first, there was no telling what time he would be back at night.

After returning to Li Zhaofeng’s house, the father and son three worked for a while, tidying up the brothers’ rooms.

Afterwards, Li Zhaofeng made a pot of tea, and chatted with his two sons for a while.

Near noon, Li Zhaofeng personally cooks, a plate of fried cabbage, a plate of beef in sauce, and the main dish is fried noodles.

While picking the noodles, Li Zhaofeng said, “Let’s keep it simple at noon and have a good meal at night.”

Little Fatty picked up a chopstick of beef in sauce, put it in his mouth, and nodded, “It’s delicious. Brother, this meat is not firewood, try it.”

Luke smiled, “This is beef tendon, it has tendons and meat, chewy to eat, definitely not firewood.”

“Here, try my newly learned fried noodles.” Li Zhaofeng placed two bowls of noodles in front of his sons.

Little Fatty stirred the noodles with his chopsticks, picked and took a big bite, raised his eye brows, and said, “This sauce isn’t too sweet, it’s not quite the same as what I used to eat.”

Luke also tasted it and looked at the sauce in the noodle bowl and said, “What you used to eat was Korean fried noodles, this is Chinese, it should be a mixture of bean paste and sweet noodle sauce.”

Li Zhaofeng was a little surprised, “Eh, Luke, you can ah, this you can even eat out.”

Luke said, “I often go to Chinese restaurants when I’m tired of eating Western food.”

“It’s good that you like to eat.” Li Zhaofeng smiled, before cooking, he was worried that his two sons wouldn’t be used to eating.

The eldest son spoke up, surely he liked the food and had researched it.

The younger son ate with his mouth full of sauce, so it must not be wrong either.

The little fat man quickly bald a bowl, looked at Luke and said, “Brother, will you do it, when you go back to Los Angeles, you also do it for me to eat.”

Luke laughed: “I will ah, quite simple, when you have a birthday, I teach you how to do, as your birthday gift.”

Little Fatty: “……”

After lunch, the three of them rested for a while, loaded up the gifts they brought from Los Angeles, and drove to Grandpa Luke’s house.

The car had just pulled up to the front of the yard when Luke saw two familiar figures; Luke’s grandmother was directing his cousin Will to put up a couplet.

Will stood on the ladder and asked, “Grandma, is this okay?”

“Point left, yes, yes, paste it.” The old lady had double-sided tape in her hand, something much easier to use than paste.

The car drove into the yard, Li Zhaofeng father and son walked down from the car.


Luke and Little Fatty greeted with a smile.

“Eeyo, Luke and Jack are back, great, the house is lively this time.” The old lady couldn’t stop smiling, looking up and down at her two grandchildren and said, “What you guys are wearing is too thin, why don’t you wear more?”

“Grandma, it’s okay, I grew up fat and resistant to freezing.”

“Come inside, it’s warm in the house.”

Seeing Luke and Jack coming, Will also did not put up the couplets, greeted the two and went back to the house together.

“Old man, look who’s here.” The old lady shouted at the top of her voice before she even entered the house.

Luke’s grandfather was sitting on the sofa and drinking tea, looking up at the door, and after seeing Luke and Jack, a smile appeared on his face as well, slowly standing up and welcoming him out.

Luke and Jack rushed over and helped the old man. The old master looked thinner than last year, and his spirit was also a bit worse.

“Grandpa, we came back to see you.”

“Fine, all back, it’s good that all are back.” The old master grabbed the brothers’ hands and said with concern, “Did you guys eat at noon?”

Little Fatty laughed, “I’ve eaten, my dad made fried noodles, it’s delicious.”

The old man laughed, “You like noodles, let your grandmother roll out noodles some other day, the noodles she rolls out are only delicious.”

“It’s hard to say if you want to eat rolled noodles, we’ll do it tomorrow.” The old lady’s body was still strong, and her speech was strong.

Luke asked, “Where are my uncle and aunt?”

Will said, “They’re still at the restaurant. Things are all ready-made over there, so when you’re almost done with the ingredients, bring them back and cook them directly.”

Li Zhaofeng said, “Your grandparents are getting older, and your aunt and uncle don’t want them to toss and turn.”

Luke nodded, remembering that last year the two old men prepared the fried goods, although the house was more lively, but it was also really tiring.

In the afternoon, there wasn’t much to do, Luke helped put up the couplets together and accompanied his grandparents to chat.

More than four o’clock in the afternoon, Luke’s uncle Li Zhaonian and aunt Yao Xin also came, and carried down a large number of ingredients from the car, bacon, small crispy pork, fried meatballs, fried yellow croaker, fried scallops, elbows, preserved sausage and so on.

The family came in full force, and there was another bustle of activity.

Luke also went to the kitchen, to help his uncle and aunt to cook together, mainly because he also like to eat, want to follow his uncle to learn Li Zhaonian learn a few hands, watch the chef cooking is also a kind of enjoyment.

Luke could cook himself, and occasionally liked to do so, he felt that he could relax when he cooked, but he had a disadvantage in that he was a very slow cook, and every time he cooked, he would clutter up the kitchen.

But his uncle Li Zhaonian was different, a dish was ready in three tries, and by the way, he even wiped down the stove, it looked clean and comfortable.

Looking at Luke playing next to him without the slightest bit of impatience, Yao Xin couldn’t help but praise, “If Will knows half as much as you do, I’ll be relieved.”

Luke laughed, “I see that Will is much more composed this time, it’s quite good.”

Yao Xin sighed, “I wish he could be more composed, hey …… all day long he keeps us on our toes for him.”

“What happened to Will?”

“Before, he enrolled in a training course, said to be what bounty hunter, you say …… that can be a serious job?”

“Bounty hunter?” Luke was also a bit surprised.

“Yeah, do you understand this industry?”

Bounty hunters are also known as “bail bond enforcers”, this industry has existed in the United States for hundreds of years, and it is also considered a legitimate profession.

If a suspect escapes while on bail, the bounty hunter is hired by the guarantor to obtain a copy of the bail bond, and has the power to arrest the escaped suspect.

Once the suspect was successfully arrested, the bounty hunter would receive a portion of the bail as a reward, and the large number of criminal suspects in the United States who abandoned their bail and absconded every year created a rather broad market for bounty hunters.

Luke said: “Understand some, but each state’s situation is different, on the whole, bounty hunters are legal, but also a legitimate occupation. However, there is also a certain amount of danger.”

“Yeah, I’m just worried about him being in danger.”

Even if he didn’t want to come work at the restaurant, he could still find a different job.

The bounty hunter job always makes me feel unsettled in my heart.” Yao Xin said somewhat helplessly, “Your uncle and I have advised him, but he’s older and has his own ideas, he’s not willing to listen to us and always feels that we don’t understand him.

You two are about the same age, he has always admired you quite a bit and is willing to listen to you.”

You’re a cop, and you know more about the bounty hunter business.

I want you to have a good talk with him and see what he really thinks.”

“Okay, I’ll ask him when I have time.” Luke made a note of it.

Eight o’clock in the evening.

The old man opened the TV on time, and found the channel that broadcasts the Spring Festival Gala, it’s not important to watch it, the main thing is to listen to a sound, people in a foreign land, more festive atmosphere in their hometowns will always seem more lively.

At this time, the New Year’s Eve dinner is also ready, full of a table, a total of a dozen dishes.

The little fat man can’t help but gulp, these dishes he usually seldom see, not to mention eat.

Seeing the little fat man’s appearance, the old man laughed, picked up the chopsticks and said: “Okay, don’t look at it, eat it.”

The family didn’t have that much to say, seeing the old master start eating, the others also moved their chopsticks.

Little Fatty ate most cheerfully, most of the dishes were his favorites.

Seeing his appearance, Luke also couldn’t help but smile, it’s good to be able to eat, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him so happy.

Luke opened a bottle of Maotai, poured wine for the elders, raised his glass and said, “Grandpa, I toast to you, wishing you and grandma good health and all the best.”

“Well well well, as long as you all are well, I am as happy as I can be.” The old man lifted his wine glass and wanted to directly dry it.

Li Zhaofeng hurriedly advised, “Father, Luke is dry, you can just drink half of it.”

The old master frowned: “That’s right, a child toasts, I’m still not going to do it.”

Li Zhaonian was also afraid that he would drink too much, and laughed, “Will and Jack are still waiting to give you a toast, you drink slowly, tonight is early.”

The old lady also said, “You old man, how old are you, still craving for wine.”

“It’s not that the children are back, I’m happy.” The old man gave a sarcastic laugh and put down the half cup of wine in his hand.

Luke didn’t sit down, poured another full glass of wine, made a round, and toasted a glass of wine to each elder.

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere at the table buzzed with activity.

The family talked and laughed, pushed the cups and chatted about each other’s interesting stories, and the house was filled with festive cheer ……

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