Chapter 15: Bad News

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:56:51
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Yangzhou city bright moon neighborhood.

Luo Feng opened his eyes in the gravity room and quickly got up while the gravity room automatically opened.

“Xu Xin, Xu Xin.”

Luo Feng quickly rushed downstairs.

Downstairs in the living room Xu Xin was watching a teleplay, when she saw Luo Feng coming down, she even got up and inquired, “Luo Feng, what happened?”

“It’s too late to say, you come with me now, I’m going to pick up mom, dad and brother and they’re coming back right away.” Luo Feng wasn’t worried about his parents being outside, “I’ll talk to you on the way.”

“Oh. Good.”

Xu Xin could tell that something serious had happened.

Taking a king class intelligent fighter, she quickly took off and left Yangzhou city.

“Hey, mom, where are you guys? Northeast base city? Okay, just stay where you guys are staying now and don’t leave, I’ll go pick you up. Don’t ask, I’ll tell you later.” Luo Feng hung up the phone and then dialed his brother’s number, “Hey, Luo Hua, where are you? Oh, just in Yangzhou city? You hurry home now! Uh, yeah, right away!”

Only after dialing these two calls did Luo Feng let out a slight sigh of relief.

“Luo Feng, what happened?” Only then did Xu Xin dare to interject.


“It’s a havoc for Earth’s humanity.” Luo Feng’s voice was low, which caused Xu Xin’s face to change.

“Among the sea monsters, a ‘devouring beast’ appeared. Me, Hong, and Thunder God, are no match.” Luo Feng said in a low voice, “Even the strongest frequency laser cannons couldn’t leave a mark on a piece of its scale armor! Now the United States of America side has lost several war bases, hundreds of thousands of dead and injured …… and is rapidly increasing!”

Xu Xin was a bit confused, “Hundreds of thousands of people? So many?”

“Many?” Luo Feng shook his head, “If this goes on, South America, North America, Asia, European countries, all the base cities will all perish, the dead population will be in ‘billions’, there are no war bases, and once the base cities are destroyed again… . the humans are lambs to the slaughter.”

“This holocaust might be even worse than the Great Nirvana period.” Luo Feng said.

Xu Xin finally panicked.

Great Nirvana period? One of the worst catastrophes for humanity. However, Luo Feng and Xu Xin’s generation had never experienced it, but they had heard about it often from their parents’ generation, and in their parents’ descriptions of the …… Great Nirvana period, it was a nightmare! A nightmare for the entire human race!

From the northeastern base city, he picked up his parents who had a belly full of doubts.

On the flight back, Luo Feng let Xu Xin accompany his parents, while he himself was looking down at his communication watch while ordering, “No.1, connect to my communication watch, virtual display.”


A display appeared in front of Luo Feng’s eyes, on the display was the classified document – “Ancient Civilization Ruins”.

“Ancient Civilization Ruins #1, located deep under the sea in the waters around Bermuda in the ‘North Atlantic’, is a silver-white pyramid up to 1,200 meters high, this 1,200 meter high silver pyramid is extremely dangerous, any material or expert will be directly destroyed once they cross into the entrance. To date, there is no more detailed information on the Ruins of Ancient Civilization #1.”

“Ruins of Ancient Civilization #2, located underneath the former ‘Wrangel Island’ in Soviet Russia, is the wreckage of a spaceship that broke apart.”

“Ruins of Ancient Civilization #3 ……”

“Ruins of Ancient Civilization No. 31, located in the depths of the ‘Shenlongjia’ in the former Hubei Province of China, the ruins themselves are in the shape of a huge sphere, with a diameter of more than 800 meters, with many small pits on the surface of the sphere and emitting a large amount of poisonous gas, which can penetrate through the skin and enter the body, so far, no one has ever entered the ruins of ancient civilizations of No. 31 alive. Ancient civilization ruins, this place is listed as one of the three most desperate places along with No.1 and No.12, all of them are certain death for those who enter!”

Seeing from the beginning to the end, Luo Feng carefully thought about each ancient civilization relic.

Some ruins were terrifying, such as the “No.31 ancient civilization ruins”, some ruins were just wreckage, such as the “No.2 ancient civilization ruins”, and some ruins were very peculiar, such as the “No.9 ancient civilization ruins “.

“Babata.” Luo Feng’s consciousness contacted.

“You saw it too, you said, which one should I enter?” Luo Feng asked in his mind.

“Other than the three great extinct realms, all the other even trace countries have pretty much searched. It’s simply useless to go.” Babata said, “These three great extinct realms, relic 1 and relic 31, those are the real extinct realms. It’s a certain death for even a universe level powerhouse to go there! You go to Ruin 12 of the three great extinct realms.”

“Even universe level powerhouses will surely die if they go?” Luo Feng was taken aback.

“Well, come back later when you’re strong enough. Your goal is the 12th ancient civilization relic.” Babata explained, “This 12th ancient civilization relic, with your current strength, it might be a bit dangerous, but be careful and it won’t be a big problem.”

“This time.” Luo Feng’s gaze was frozen like a blade, “Even if it’s dangerous, we have to go!”

In the wrist smart space.

Babata rubbed his little face, although he didn’t really agree with Luo Feng’s silly behavior, he was still satisfied that his master’s disciple had such a firm heart, “Master said, no matter if it’s an evil person, a good person, or an evil person, a truly strong person definitely has a firm heart.”

Luo Feng is very clear about his thoughts nowadays, in fact, in the virtual space conference hall, after knowing that news was also very shocked and panicked at first, but very quickly, he calmed down.

After talking to the commander of the Southeast Military Region, Li Dawei,……, Luo Feng had his mind made up.

Luo Feng was firm in his thoughts – “When I die and close my eyes, I don’t want to, regret because of my past lack of effort that caused regrets.”

Don’t want to regret!

“If I don’t put up a fight now, and watch my compatriots die, my nation perish, and only my family left on the entire planet. Will I regret it later?” Luo Feng asked himself this in his mind, and the answer was without a doubt – it would be regrettable!

Then – work hard now! Put up a fight!

Even if you burn your last drop of blood, as long as you succeed, I believe that when you close your eyes when you die, you will still be smiling! In fact, since choosing the path of a martial artist, Luo Feng had never feared death, he only wished to die a worthy death! Worthy!

Dark night, a villa in the bright moon small area, many of the home lights were still on.

The smart fighter landed on the lawn, Luo Feng, Xu Xin, and Mr. and Mrs. Luo Hongguo walked down together.”

“Hello.” Luo Feng picked up his cell phone.

“It’s me, Jia Yi.” A slightly anxious voice rang out, “Luo Feng, something big has happened.”

“What else can go wrong?” Luo Feng was a bit shocked.

The cataclysm had descended, what other big things could happen?

“Luo Feng, earlier in the conference hall, the leaders of the countries found out via satellite. After that ‘devouring beast’ destroyed all the war bases in North America, it unexpectedly flew quickly to Europe again and began to wreak havoc on some of the important war bases in Europe, and I believe that very soon, it will wreak havoc on our war bases in Asia!”

“Without war bases to block the sea monsters, countless sea monsters will rush inland! I’m afraid that it will only take a day or two for a large-scale war to break out with the base city!”

Jia Yi’s words caused Luo Feng’s face to instantly pale.

“You, you mean ……” Luo Feng’s eyes went red.

“With the Devouring Beast’s speed of over 10,000 meters per second, it can destroy all the war bases on Earth in just half a day! By then, the countless sea monsters in the ocean will quickly follow the rivers and kill inland! Really sparring …… even if the human race struggles again, three days, three days the human race to perish half! Seven days, the base city all perish.”

Luo Feng swallowed his throat.


“I, I thought there was another month.” Luo Feng shook his head in disbelief.

On the neighborhood road, Luo Hongguo couple and Xu Xin, were surprised to look at Luo Feng with such an expression …… Since Luo Feng’s status got higher and higher, he rarely had such a flustered expression.

“Yes, I also thought there was still time, but ……” Jia Yi’s voice was low and full of grief and pain.

“Why, why is this happening!” Luo Feng’s heart was in turmoil. The time was too short too short!

Originally, if that devouring beast had taken its time, devouring a few war bases every day and taking its time like this. Humans still had quite a bit of time! But now the devouring beast was actually preparing to destroy all human war bases on earth in half a day, allowing countless sea monsters to attack humans! Too vicious!

But Luo Feng could understand when he thought about it, if he was a devouring beast, I’m afraid that he would also take a bite out of his enemies first, so he could comfortably devour metal later.

“Luo Feng, the devouring beast will destroy the war base and destroy the laser cannons. The Devouring Beast is too smart, it’s very intelligent and knows very well that laser cannons are a threat to king level monsters, so it easily wields golden rays of light and destroys a laser cannon.” Jia Yi said, “And chasing down the human army, it was too lazy to do so, instead, it was the sea domain king level monsters that were chasing down the human army.”

“Being chased by a king level monster, even if tens of thousands of troops will be almost dead.”

“To kill a king level monster is to save hundreds of thousands of people or even more.” Jia Yi even said, while the average councilor, isn’t sure of killing a king level monster.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng nodded.

He himself was going to make a trip to the ruins in the shortest time possible! Then come back quickly ……

At that time the matter of assembling the weapons would be left to Babata!

And himself ……

was about to go on a killing spree!

“King level monsters? You want to slaughter humans, then I’ll slaughter you!” Luo Feng’s gaze was chilling, unprecedentedly cold, at such a moment, Luo Feng was indeed going a bit crazy.

Anxious and angry!

Already pushed to the edge of the cliff, there was no way back!

“Luo Feng, because the devouring beast is this crazy, the hydrogen bomb attack plan, will be executed this night.” Jia Yi said, “If we can kill the devouring beast, then we have hope. Right now the devouring beast is in Europe, looking at the direction, it will soon enter the territory of Soviet Russia …… By then the hydrogen bomb attack will be executed in Soviet Russia.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Soviet Russia was the largest country on earth in terms of area before the great nirvana era. And during the base city era, talking about the size of the territory didn’t have the slightest meaning. Humans could only be within the base city. And the population of Soviet Russia was relatively small.

The base cities are all established in the European sector of the map, so …… that there are over tens of millions of square kilometers of no man’s land! Perfectly suited for a mega-yield hydrogen bomb attack!

“Tonight?” Luo Feng silently prayed in his heart.

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