Chapter 54 – Arrival at the Gnarled Dragon Planet

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:58:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Suddenly want to leave home for a month, indeed caused his wife, parents inquired, Luo Feng also headache, lest the family worry, can only lie that to go to a hidden place “closed” once.

The next morning.

Luo Feng and his family ate breakfast, after eating this breakfast, he was going to leave the earth, leave the galaxy, and go to a planet that is very far from the galaxy – Qiu Long Star.

“Brother!” Outside the door Luo Hua walked in, “I heard you’re going out for a month? Surprisingly, you didn’t even tell me, if mom and dad hadn’t informed me, I wouldn’t have known.”

“I was going to tell you before I left.” Luo Feng said as he sipped his porridge.


Brother, and his two older brothers “Hong” and “Thunder God” Luo Feng actually did not intend to directly inform. After all,…… to explain it really quite troublesome, with today’s Luo Feng’s speed, even if a circle around the earth will not take a day. He is going out for a month, what for?

Say closed door cultivation.

Meng Meng’s family was fine, but Meng Hong and Thunder God were difficult.

“Xiao Hai, Ping Ping.” Luo Feng hugged his two children.

“Dad, kiss.” The eldest son Luo Ping’s small face stretched out and kissed Luo Feng, next to him, Xiao Hai also even stretched out his small face and pouted.

However his wife Xu Xin, his parents, and his brother all had a hint of worry.

“Don’t worry, there is no place in the world right now, that can threaten me. It’s just that this retreat is very important, it can’t be disturbed by anyone and is very demanding on the environment. So I have to make a trip out.” Luo Feng comforted his family, “Xiao Xin, take care of mom and dad while I’m not at home. If Hong and Thunder God call, just say that I’m in seclusion and can’t be disturbed.”

“Hm.” Xu Xin nodded.

“I’m leaving then.” Luo Feng placed the two children on the ground and smiled as he headed out.

The family, including the two children, walked out into the courtyard.

“Bye dad.” The two children crisply shouted.

“Bye.” Luo Feng smiled and waved as he slowly rose into the air.

The family tilted their heads and watched as Luo Feng continued to ascend until he disappeared from sight.

High in the sky.

A huge black flying saucer type ship appeared, the outer hatch opened and Luo Feng quickly flew into it, the hatch closed.

And then it quickly broke through the air towards the outer space of Earth.

Black dragon spaceship, inside the control room.

Luo Feng, in a blood colored combat suit, stood in front of the console screen, on the screen appeared the small face of the demon Baba Towers, who grinned triumphantly revealing his fangs, “Luo Feng, the spaceship has already left Earth.”

“Exterior, 100% simulation.” Luo Feng said.


The surrounding control choked everything disappeared out of sight, luckily it was standing on the ground and could feel the ground exist. It was impossible to see with the naked eye.

Looking around ……

Boundless vastness of the starry sky, turned around to look at the back, it was the huge blue planet – Earth!

“Babata, this first time leaving Earth and going to other planets with life, I always feel …… that my heart can’t settle down.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but say.

“It’s just like when you were in the college entrance exams, this is called nervousness!” On the screen, Babata grabbed an apple and nibbled on it twice, hehehe laughed, “Not surprising, in your Chinese, ‘Liu Lou Lou enters the Grand View Garden’, ‘a country bumpkin enters the city for the first time’, one reason! You went from earth, to a powerful and prosperous planet like the gnarled dragon planet, of course you’re nervous!”

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

In fact, the main thing is that …… Zaron star that kind of place, according to Baba tower said, is more prosperous than the control of the eight galaxies of the universe primary civilization country “silver blue empire” the most prosperous empire, but also a hundred times more prosperous and powerful! Luo Feng had never even been to the Silver Blue Empire, so how could he not be nervous about going to the Gnarled Dragon Star all of a sudden?

Fortunately, as a spiritual master, his consciousness was strong and he quickly adjusted his emotions.

“Babata, hasn’t the ship reached light speed yet?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask.

“If it’s the Meteorite Ink Star ship, of course it’s quickly reaching light speed. However, this is only a C5 class ship after all.” On the screen, Babata shook his head in disdain, then hemmed and hawed “Of course, this C5 class ship is still considered a relatively high class ship in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. Some of the universe level powerhouses are only piloting such airships.”

“The acceleration of the Black Dragon airship is considered good. If it’s one of those big roadsters from Starfleet, that acceleration is what’s called a slow one!”

“And some low-grade trash spaceships cause too much acceleration when accelerating. It also requires passengers to enter the ‘safety cabin’. Otherwise the passengers could lose their lives.” Babata said.

Luo Feng suddenly woke up.

Right, acceleration!

Accelerating to the speed of light, even if the speed increases by 500 kilometers per second. That’s still 50,000 times the earth’s gravity! But he didn’t feel it at all when he was inside the flying general.

“This is the benefit of a high-grade airship, there is a gravity automatic adjustment system inside this airship, it can follow the automatic adjustment to keep the gravity inside the airship maintained at a fixed value. Right now the gravity inside the airship is double the Earth’s gravity.” Babata said.


Luo Feng awoke with a start, he had been walking inside the airship the same way as he did in earth, there was no difference in gravity. Babata didn’t say hadn’t reacted, now Babata said, Luo Feng realized that …… in the universe, the spaceship maintains earth’s gravity, this would have been a noteworthy thing.

“Haha, I’ve been on Earth for too long, I’m so used to this kind of gravity that I didn’t even realize it.” Luo Feng laughed.

“Twelve seconds to go, reaching light speed!” Babata shouted.



On the screen, Babata’s little face was serious as he counted down.



Luo Feng looked at the outside world, he couldn’t see the planet with his naked eyes anymore, he could only see the surrounding stars completely blurred, gradually even becoming dark.

“So strange.” Luo Feng held his breath.

“3……2……1!” shouted Babata.

In the vastness of the starry sky, a black ship that had become blurry suddenly-

Space rippled slightly.

The spaceship disappeared!

Not because it reached the speed of light, the naked eye can not see the “disappear”, but really disappeared in this universe!


Luo Feng felt the ship vibrate slightly, it vibrated for about ten seconds, the surroundings were completely dark, then it stabilized.

“Cosmic shuttle successful, have entered the ‘dark universe’.” Babata shouted on the screen, “Turn off the exterior simulation.”

“Dark universe?” Luo Feng was curious, “Babata, what’s the dark universe like?”

“Right now the ship is traveling at the speed of light, it can’t capture the outlook.” Babata said, “It needs to decelerate to capture it, but …… accelerating and decelerating consumes a lot of energy. Luo Feng, let me simulate some of the scenery of the dark universe and show it to you directly.”

In front of Luo Feng’s eyes, screens appeared out of thin air.

On the screen appeared some gorgeous scenery, this is a vast space, the only thing in the space is as if fireflies like a light emitting light a light point, this is the “light point” of the ocean, in addition to the beautiful a light point, this vast space and no other. Oh …… and spaceships!

“The Dark Universe and the ‘Original Universe’ where we live, correspond in coordinates.”

“However, in the Dark Universe we fly a distance of say ’30 light seconds’, before shuttling back to the Original Universe. You’ll find that the distance you’ve traveled is 1,081,000 times ’30 light seconds.’ .” Babata said, “The dark universe and the original universe, in proportion, correspond to 1:1,081,000 times.” Luo Feng was secretly surprised.

Flying at the speed of light for a year in the dark universe was only one light year. But universe shuttling and returning to the original universe, that was 1,008,000 light years away.

“In the original universe, matter can’t break through the speed of light, once it reaches the speed of light, it will be a direct cosmic shuttle to the dark universe. In the dark universe, it is possible to break through the speed of light instead.” Babata said, “The ship is now slowly accelerating, the maximum speed of this Black Dragon ship is 1.5 times the speed of light, but from the consideration of saving energy, 1.2 times the speed of light is just right.” Babata said.

“It’s expected to take close to 10 days to arrive at the Gnarled Dragon Star. Luo Feng, during this time, you can rest or cultivate.”

The days of flying in the dark universe were dull and boring.

Nine days later.

“Luo Feng, there are still 20 minutes to go before we are about to cosmically shuttle and arrive at the Zaroon star.” Babata said.

“Right, Babata, to come to the dark universe from the original universe, you need to reach the speed of light to do so. What about going back? From the Dark Universe back to the Original Universe, how do you shuttle?” Luo Jin was a bit curious, this vast universe was too mysterious, how could an Earthling think of what would happen when they reached the speed of light?

As for the so-called reaching the speed of light and being able to turn back time, Luo Feng had always disagreed.

A distant planet is 1 million light years away from earth, then when it is seen by earthlings, it could be seen 1 million years ago. According to some people’s reasoning, beyond the speed of light towards this planet …… can see this planet as if time flows back, see the scene before this planet.

But in Luo Feng’s opinion ……

The first thing you need to do is to get a good look at the planet and see what’s going on!

The so-called “time reversal” of the planet is only visible to the naked eye. In reality essentially, that planet was constantly aging!

“It’s simple, slow down, slow down to a standstill! Just automatically shuttle back to the original universe.” Babata said, “This dark universe, there is no stationary matter.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng was surprised.

The spaceship gradually decelerated, from 1.2 times the speed of light, all the way down to – static!

Luo Feng only felt the ship vibrate slightly under his feet, the vibration lasted for about ten seconds before everything calmed down.

“Cosmic shuttle successful, returning to the original universe.” Babata said.

“External virtualization, 100%.” Luo Feng even said.


Luo Feng instantly saw the vastness of the starry sky around him, the most special thing was that …… at a glance, he saw a planet in the distance that seemed to have colored light throughout, and there were two satellites vaguely around this planet.

“That planet, is Zaron star.” Babata said, “Luo Feng, enter the gnarled dragon star and follow our plan.”

“Babata, you said that entering the planet also requires money. But, I don’t have currency.” Luo Feng even said.

He was even richer on Earth, but the Silver Blue Empire and Black Dragon Mountain Empire, how could they recognize your Earth currency? If you get it here, it’s just a “printed picture” that has no use.

“You don’t have it, but I do.” Babata shouted, “But the master’s bank card to you is useless, that is with the spirit seal binding, but the master at that time also left some coins, that is the master with coins, sometimes, coins change, is also a little use.”

“Coins?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“Yes, I carefully searched through my entire storage space and found 932 dry witch coins.” Babata said.

“932 coins?” Luo Feng blinked twice.

So poor.

“This is dry witch coins, not black dragon coins, much less cheap silver and blue coins.” Babata even shouted, “It’s still enough to let you hang out in Zaron star for a while!”

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