Chapter 7 – Luo Feng’s Special Ability

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:56:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

For those like Luo Feng who have enough conditions, they can break through to “planetary level first rank martial artist” at any time. However, Babata still taught Luo Feng nine consecutive movements, somewhat similar to the guiding technique.


When performing the first action, Luo Feng felt that his whole body started to heat up, as each action was performed, every cell in the body seemed to boil, the genetic energy lurking in each cell that was not absorbed started to seem like drops of water beads started to converge, the water beads converged into a stream, converged into a small stream, the river……

A hot stream came from all over the body, constantly rotating and gathering, finally converging on Luo Feng’s abdomen dantian location.


There is a fundamental difference between a spiritual master and a martial artist, a spiritual master’s origin is in the “sea of consciousness” in the head, while a martial artist’s origin is in the abdominal “dantian”.


It was as if Pangu had opened up the world. The originally non-existent dantian instantly opened up! The rotating genetic energy accelerated and kept expanding and contracting, each time expanding and contracting to a smaller size! Luo Feng only felt as if his consciousness was in a state of war, his body was trembling!


In the vast dantian, a miniature planet appeared! Unlike the “miniature planet” in the sea of consciousness which was transparent when it was first born, this miniature planet in the dantian was actually golden in color! The entire golden miniature planet was actually a large number of golden six-sided crystals aggregated into a unified whole!

The golden miniature planet was constantly spinning while emitting a burst of strange fluctuations!

“Genetic raw energy!”

Luo Feng’s heart moved, a trace of golden primary energy instantly flew out of his dantian and flowed into his body.

“Ka ka ka ka ……

“Crackling ……”

In an instant Luo Feng’s entire body bones, bone browns, skin membrane, meridians, internal organs and every other part of his body was rapidly changing, this metamorphosis was even more exaggerated than the last time when his spiritual nimbus crossed over to the planetary level! Luo Feng only felt as if his bones were being cracked and then coalesced again!

“Let me see what your special ability is.” Babata laughed strangely.

“Don’t be nervous, genetic proto energy is what’s best for transforming the body. The magnitude of its body transformation. It can be much more exaggerated than spiritual thought transformation.”

“Oh? Tsk tsk ……”

“Surprisingly, it’s a golden talent body!”

“Haha, Luo Feng, you’re lucky!” Babata was happy.

And the body transformation was still in progress.

Luo Feng’s entire body was constantly getting stronger by leaps and bounds, much more exaggerated than the average martial artist crossing over to the planetary level! Like when “Li Yao” entered the planetary level, although his body also transformed, the magnitude of the transformation was far less exaggerated than Luo Feng. Among the metamorphosis of all parts of the body, the most exaggerated was the “bones”!

Luo Feng’s bones, as if they were being constantly beaten and exercised, the sound of “click click click” even penetrated Luo Feng’s body. If someone came to the second floor martial arts training hall at this time, they would be able to faintly hear the “clack clack clack” sound of bones being forged and transformed over and over again.

“Babata, you said ‘adamantine body’ what is adamantine body?” Luo Feng even asked.

“At the apprentice level, a spiritual nymphomaniac has a huge advantage!” Barbarata said, “However, once you step into the planetary level! Martial artists also possess their means! This is the special ability, different planetary level martial artists, some have the special ability of ‘flame’, some have the special ability of ‘light’ ……”

“These are all the most basic sayings of you Earthlings.

“In the universe, there are all kinds of special abilities. In fact, they are mainly categorized into eight major categories – the eight major categories of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, and light. Yours, is the rarer of the ‘Metallic’, the ‘Vajra Body’.” Babata said.

Luo Feng listened in confusion.

“Simply put, because of the difference in physique and soul.”

“The cosmic energy absorbed by your body is actually different, and this converts to form genetic raw energy! Of course it’s also different!” Babata said, “Genetic original energy, the main division of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, lightning, wind, light eight attributes. And your special abilities are given by the Gene Primordial Energy!”

“It can also be divided into eight major categories, but each major category. It can also be divided into many kinds!”

“For example, the major category of ‘fire’ can also be divided into many kinds such as ‘Flame Man’, ‘Fire Refining’, and so on, even if the same ‘Fire Refining’, the same lines of ‘Fire Refining’, the same lines of ‘Fire Refining’, the same lines of ‘Fire Refining’, and so on. Refining Fire’, the same planetary class is of the first order. Controlled refining fire, some have higher temperatures.”

Luo Feng finally understood, in fact, the eight categories were each other, there was no one higher or lower. There are very strong special abilities in any category, and very weak special abilities in any category!

As for Luo Feng himself, he is the “Vajra body” under the category of “gold”.

Villa second floor martial arts training hall.

“Rinse it off.” He had just finished his transformation. Luo Feng entered the bathroom and lay down in the bathtub to take a bath.

Outside the bathroom window, it was snowing heavily.

Lying in the bathtub, Luo Feng’s consciousness communicated with Babata.

“Vajra body, represents the same level, your skeletal muscles will be stronger than other martial artists! This is a very rare ability. Because the skeletal muscles are strong, you’ll be able to explode with more power! Attacks can also be stronger.” Babata said, “This can make you strong in attack, speed, and defense, especially defense, your defense will be amazing once your Genetic Primordial Energy is fused to the surface of your muscular skin!”

“The most common of the general metallic, special abilities is ‘Sharpness’! Gives attacks a stronger penetrating power!” Babata said.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Having the ability of adamantine body, Luo Feng was satisfied, equal to the same level, he could have a stronger body than others! And the defense was still that amazing!

“Vajra body!” Luo Feng’s mind moved, genetic original energy immediately integrated into the surface of his muscle and skin, Luo Feng could clearly see that his skin seemed to have a hidden metallic luster, wow! Luo Feng stepped out of the bathtub and stood next to the mirror which had a heating and defogging function.

The Luo Feng in the mirror was like a god of war!

The whole body that had a hidden metallic luster, just by looking at it with the naked eye alone, one could feel the powerful force.

It is already the third day in Tianjin City.

The lawn and other places in the neighborhood were covered in snow, Luo Feng and his family had lunch with his aunt’s family, and a group of people were walking on the neighborhood’s roadway.

“Yong Qing and Yong Yuan, this time they also came back because they took a leave from the institute side, and when their vacation is over, they must rush back as well. The rules over at the research institute are very strict.” Tang Cheng and Luo Hongguo, a pair of cousins, walked side by side, both of them experiencing the Great Nene Nest period as children.

“Work is important.” Luo Hongguo smiled and nodded.

“It’s really thanks to you guys this time. Otherwise that Wang Xing’an, would definitely make our family ……” Tang Cheng couldn’t help but shake his head.

“Things are all in the past.” Luo Hongguo said.

“To your family Luo Feng is nothing, but to our family, it’s a great favor. Yong Qing, Yong Yuan, why are you two all shy like, quickly go and thank your cousin!” Tang Cheng even shouted, when the siblings at the back, Tang YongMing and Tang YongYuan heard this, they even turned their heads to look at Luo Feng.

“Cousin, thanks.” Tang Yongqing was beside Luo Feng, slightly restrained.

Indeed ……

Not only Tang Yongqing, the entire Tang family couldn’t help but be a bit formal after knowing Luo Feng’s identity! This can’t be helped, if you have a relative who is the president of a powerful country, the president is standing next to you, can you talk eloquently, without any psychological barrier? This is not something that ordinary people can do.

“Thank you cousin.” Tang Yongyuan also even said.

“It’s nothing, when you guys have time in the future, you can also go to our family’s side of Yangzhou city in Jiangnan base city.” Luo Feng smiled.

Walking on the neighborhood roadway.

Luo Feng suddenly his cell phone vibrated.

Picking up his phone, Luo Feng stepped to the side, the screen of his phone showed that it was Jia Yi’s call.

“Hello.” A smile appeared on Luo Feng’s face, the one who delivered the treasures of the ancient civilization had come.

“Luo Feng, this is Jia Yi.” Jia Yi’s voice was resounding, “The list is ready regarding the many relic items of the ancient civilization. You’re in Tianjin city now? I’ll come over right away, no problem?”


Luo Feng smiled, “Actually, Mrs. Isadona from HR alliance approached me yesterday, however, I’m still prepared to trade with your side first!” This was true, the HR alliance side was also prepared with forms and such, but Luo Feng was still prepared to pick items from his homeland side first, so that if he went to Isadona again and found the same thing, there was no need to buy it again.

“Haha, thank you so much then.” Jia Yi laughed loudly, “I’ll be at your place within 15 bells.”


Luo Feng then hung up the phone.

After Luo Feng sent off his relatives with his family, his father, mother and brother, stopped by the hospital to see his aunt. While Luo Feng stayed at home.

On the second floor of the villa, inside the study.

“You open this laptop, enter the acceptance security password first, then prepare to accept the transmission.” Jia Yi stood aside, holding a storage tool in his hand.

“Password passed, ready.” Luo Feng sat in front of the laptop.


After Jia Yi pressed the button, a large amount of messages were instantly and rapidly transferred to Luo Feng’s laptop.

In just a few seconds, the transmission was complete.

“Jia Yi, have some tea and sit down, I need to take a good look.” Luo Feng laughed.

“Alright, no rush.”

Jia Yi sat on the side, holding a cup of tea, but in his heart, he was expecting this Luo Feng to choose a little more ancient civilization relic items, after all, exchanging one more woodie crystal would be a big success.

Luo Feng was in front of the computer and started to look carefully.

Every special item unearthed from the ruins of ancient civilizations had photos, and some with special functions were also demonstrated with videos. The uses and values were all described.

“Babata.” Luo Feng pretended to watch, but in his heart, he said, “Did you receive the data?”

Although Babata, this intelligent being, was able to view a lot of information from all over the planet with the help of the internet. However, right now, because of the “ancient civilization relics”, the confidential information of each country on earth is kept off the grid! There is no network, also prohibit others to take the initiative to network.

All kinds of protection measures, so that Baba Towers can not see some confidential information.

Now, the computer was connected to Babata.

“Received!” Babata replied.

“Well, take a closer look and see what’s useful.” Luo Feng had left this all to Babata anyway, as for himself, he had to put on a show. Looking at the various items from the ruins of the ancient civilization.

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