Chapter 90 – Strength of the Golden Horned Beast

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:00:08
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“Devouring beast.”

“Haha, a living Stinging Devouring Beast.”

The three captains, Duo Leiwu, Alman, and Ablut, howled with volatility, and the other team members all looked excited. They were well aware of the rules of the Nolan Mountain Clan, the greater the merit, the greater the reward naturally was! If a live Devouring Beast was caught, the reward would definitely be amazing.

How could they not be excited?

“Not right.” Duo Leiwu even stopped.

“Arman, Ablut, you guys lead the people to chase the Devouring Beast first, I’ll come later.”

“Don’t worry.”

Arman and Abrote quickly disappeared into the distant sky with the others, while Tuo Leiwu was suspended in mid-air, his consciousness instantly entering the “Virtual Universe Network” and sending an email to his direct superior–” “Lord Pula, that Golden Horned Beast isn’t dead. It is still alive! It has reappeared on Earth! This is the video captured by the other team members!” At the same time even sending that video over as well.

And then Tuo Lei Wu instantly exited the virtual universe network again.


Tuo Lei Wu’s body just happened to fall into the sea, splashing snow-white waves. Because the physical body was in an unconscious state before, it naturally began to fall in a straight line.

“Well, it counts as informing the family. Below ……,” Duo Leiwu flew out from the seawater and licked his lips, a pair of eyes glowing green, “It’s time for me to take the credit!”

“Capturing the Golden Horn Beast alive, hahahaha ……”

With astonishing speed, Tuo Lei Wu transformed into a stream of light, breaking through the air and even chasing after it.

In just a few moments, Tuo Lei Wu saw that a group of Nolan guards wearing battle clothes with different looks were levitating in the midair of the sea in front of him.

“What’s going on?” Tuo Lei Wu angrily shouted, “Why aren’t you chasing after them?”


The two of them, Arman and Abrote, turned to look, “That Devouring Beast is at the bottom of the sea, it can be seen with the naked eye, but, Captain, do you smell the bloody aura?”

“Bloody breath?” Tuo Lei Wu sniffed his nose.

Stellar Grade Ninth Order powerhouses were much stronger than normal people regardless of their hearing and sense of smell, and with a careful sniff, he was able to smell the bloody aura that permeated the surroundings.

“We just contacted the other team members, and none of them answered back.”

“No reply at all.”

“All of the Stellar Rank 8 and 7 team members, all of them.”

Arman and Ablutt all solemnly said. This caused Tuo Lei Wu’s heart to tremble, all the other team members all had no echoes? This, this was too exaggerated. One must realize that the two sides had only been separated for a few minutes, and in just a few moments, all 44 members of the team were dead? Tuo Lei Wu asked himself, although he was ranked in the top ten of the 8,000 Nuolan guards, to kill those 44 team members, he could do it alone, but that had to be enough time needed.

“This Devouring Beast is so powerful?” Tuo Lei Wu’s brows furrowed as he looked down at the sea below. With his eyesight …… he could indeed see the flash of black shadow in the seabed!

“Drop.” The intelligent light brain on Tuo Lei Wu’s wrist rang out, “Long range test.”

“Master, the strength of the Star Beast below is Stellar Grade Seventh Order.”

“Seventh order?” The surrounding group of Nolan Guards standing in mid-air all looked at each other and whispered.

It was about two thousand meters away from the sea.

The golden-horned beast that looked like a rolling mountain range was perched on the bottom of the sea, its body length was about seven hundred meters, and that long scaly tail was close to the length of its body.

It was! Stellar level seventh stage!

Back when Luo Feng first left Earth to go to the gnarled dragon star, at that time the golden horned behemoth was still only stellar grade fourth rank! According to the normal cultivation of the Golden Horned Beast …… the first three levels of the Stellar level combined, one and a half years to get it done.

Stellar level fourth, fifth, and sixth orders, each breakthrough layer required two years. Stellar level seventh order, eighth order, ninth order, each breakthrough layer needs 12 years. Stellar level ninth order breaking through to cosmic level first order, however, would take over 50 years.

When Luo Feng sold the arc blade disk, and right after that, he spent tens of billions of black dragon coins to buy a large amount of metal combinations, the evolutionary efficiency could be increased by 51 times. After that return, Luo Feng cultivated on earth for a month or so, the cosmic adventurers came, and three months later, the family fleet came but was deterred by the imperial constitution and left again, only quietly leaving behind an elite squad to do things in the name of star pirates.

It took another six or seven days before Luo Feng fought against the left behind elite squad!

In other words! Luo Feng had practiced for almost four and a half months using that metal that increased his evolutionary efficiency by 51 times!

Four and a half months, 51 times evolutionary efficiency, comparable to 19 years of normal evolution!

Stellar level fourth order to sixth order requires 4 years! Sixth order to seventh order requires 12 years! So …… the Golden Horned Beast is indeed at Stellar Grade 7th Order. If another two or three months passed, the Golden Horn Beast body would be Stellar Grade 8th Order.

Stellar grade seventh order Golden Horn Beast!

How strong was it?

One should know that some elites who received special teachings and had powerful nimbus weapons would be able to fight over two or three orders! For example, back then, Luo Feng could easily fight over three or four orders, of course the main reason was that the strongest people on Earth didn’t have systematic cultivation and didn’t have any good weapons. It wasn’t surprising that they were bullied by Luo Feng.

In the vast universe.

It was normal for elites cultivated by big powers to fight over two or three orders!

And the Golden Horned Beast?

If it was the same level and same rank, the Golden Horned Beast could be claimed to be invincible! Only a very, very, very small probability will appear, the same level and the same rank, can win the Golden Horn Beast of the absolute rare genius. That is simply perverted general existence!

When the Golden Horned Beast was a “Stellar Level 1”.

Hong and Thunder God were both claimed to be invincible at the planetary level and possessed domains! At first, they burned their souls, but they couldn’t even break through the Golden Horn Beast’s scale armor. In the end, it was only when Hong, who had reached the second level of the domain, sent out his strongest stance that he was able to break through! It wasn’t that the “stellar level 1” was so strong, it was that the Golden Horned Beast was too perverted!

When Luo Feng burned his soul and used the secret method of the Meteorite Ink Star lineage to attack the badly injured Golden Horned Beast ……, he couldn’t break through the Golden Horned Beast at all.

It was impossible to break through the Golden Horn Beast’s soul defense.

In the end, the teacher left behind the “inheritance soul seal” burned into the attack, broke through the golden horn soldier beast! The reason why it was so difficult to kill the Golden Horn Beast in the first place was that it was just too perverted!

Among the human geniuses in the universe, there existed some who could kill a ninth-ordered Golden Horn Beast on their own at the seventh-order Stellar level.

A Golden Horned Beast of the seventh stellar level?

For a human of the Stellar level seventh rank, 99.99% could directly use the Devouring Talent Secret Technique to directly devour and kill it. Simply, killing Stellar level eighth order humans …… is completely forceful and sweeping! If it was against a Stellar Grade ninth order human, although it could gain the upper hand and kill one or two. But facing a group of stellar level ninth order humans …… is still troublesome! What’s more, there were strong people in this group of Stellar Grade Ninth Order humans.

Such as Tuo Lei Wu, one person is worth ten ordinary Stellar Grade Ninth Order! At the same level and same rank, there is still a difference in fighting strength.

That’s why ……

The Golden Horn Beast was the reason why it was in the sea, and in the sea, its strength was not affected.

But the group of Nolan guards were affected.

Over the ocean.

“Listen to my order.”

“Three squads, from three directions, attack together! I don’t believe that a Stellar Rank 7 Devouring Beast can still win against fifteen of our Nolan Guards!” Tuo Lei Wu’s green eyes released a vicious light.

“Capture the Devouring Beast alive.” Arman growled.

“Yes, capture it alive.” Ablut also shouted.


Toremu’s loud voice rang out.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three squads transformed into three long chain-like streams of light, charging directly into the seawater.

A distance of 2,000 meters was a joke for a battle of this level!


The Golden Horned Beast, which looked like a continuous mountain range, let out a joyful cry and raised its head, with a pair of huge dark golden eyes looking at the three lightning-like squads that rushed towards the seabed from above.


The huge scaled tail was like a large python violently piercing through the seawater, directly sweeping towards one of the elite detachments.

“Attack!!!” The captain of this elite detachment, Arman, roared, and at once, a piece of ordinary original energy weapon emitted a dazzling light and directly blasted at the sweeping scale-armored tail, and the one used by that detachment’s captain, Arman, was even a first-order original energy weapon.


The Nolan guards were all equipped with Primordial Energy Weapons (Battle Suits) and Nimble Power Weapons (Battle Suits). However, depending on the combat strength, generally the Nora Guard used ordinary Force Energy Weapons, which were cheap. And the more powerful ones, such as Arman and Abloth, use first-order protoenergy weapons, which have an additional effect on combat strength.

The absolute elites like Tuo Lei Wu were even equipped with “second-order raw energy (nian force) weapons” that could best utilize their stellar-level combat power.

“Boom ……”

The scale-armored tail was slippery and swift, colliding with two of the Force Energy Weapons, and then quickly disappearing.

“Hands are numb.”

“Strong enough.” Arman shouted in triumph.

And Tuo Lei Wu, who presided over the entire situation, could not help but smile at the sight, facing an opponent two orders lower, albeit a Golden Horned Beast of great renown. But his side were all five people forming a squad and joining forces to attack! This would be too perverted if they couldn’t resist anymore.

“Surround and attack!” Tuo Lei Wu ordered.

“Alright.” Arman roared with excitement.

“Kill.” Ablut’s eyes glowed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

For a time, it was like the sky crumbling into the earth, the three Nolan Guard detachments frantically surrounded the Golden Horned Beast and attacked it. The Golden Horned Beast was indeed very powerful, but in front of the 15 Nolan Guards who were very good at cooperating and had received careful training from the Nolan Mountain Family, it could only be considered to be struggling hard. Completely at a disadvantage.

“Oooh–” a high-pitched, frantic cry rang out.

Only to see the dense golden spots on the black pointed horn on the Golden Horn Beast’s head steeply light up, dazzling beyond compare, and then golden streams of light madly flowed along the golden spots to the four hooves and claws, the tail, and the wings.

The strengthening of the three great natural secret techniques!

“The big guy is playing for keeps.” Arman even shouted.

“Don’t kill it, capture it alive.” Duo Lei Wu even shouted.

“Boom ……”

Huge hoof and claw violently a stomp, Abrote and other five members of the team are crazy to exert their weapons, “Rumble ……” a sound, the golden horn behemoth’s hoof and claw ruthlessly stomped on one of the three pieces of the original energy weapon, the golden horn behemoth huge as a mountain range body a stagger, and the Ablut’s five team members were directly dispersed by the attack, among them, there were even two team members who directly sprayed out blood with a wow sound.

“So strong all of a sudden?”

“Too perverted.”

Arman and Abrote all stared with wide eyes, being two orders lower, they could still blast through five human powerhouses?

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