Chapter 240.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:57:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

B11 Sanctuary.

Although the base was started later than the other bases, and the population loss was great, but the number of Exalts was relatively large, and having been terrorized by Sheng An and the others, all of these Exalts did their best to build the base.

On the contrary, the protective shield of B11 base was built earlier than other bases.

When the acid rain came, the shield opened, protecting all the survivors inside the base.

Of course, there were no accidents.

B11 had a water alien who accidentally came into contact with the acid rain while reinforcing the underground, and his hands were bloody.

While arranging for treatment, Liu Zhao frowned and urged, “Remember, be careful, no one should come into contact with any liquids before making sure everything is safe!”

Captain Tan asked, “Teng Lan, is there anyone to take over her duties?”

Teng Lan, as one of the leaders of the Exalted, communicating with and assigning the Exalted, he was usually the one doing it, and at this moment, he nodded, “Arrangements have been made.”

Only then did Liu Zhao and Captain Tan leave and continue to be busy.

Next to Teng Lan, an alien lowered his voice, “This acid rain is too terrifying, isn’t it? Can anyone still survive in the outside world?”

Another alien picked up, “I’m now incredibly glad that the Special Intelligence Service came in the first place, if we were still following Tang Tao now, we definitely wouldn’t be able to cope with this acid rain!”

The words landed on the ground, and all of them were instantly struck with a wave of fear.

Teng Lan was also in the same mood.

Regardless of how they secretly scolded that group of people as “Zhou Pickpockets”, deep down, they were thankful to the Special Intelligence Service and those who were there at the beginning.

Deng Lan stood up, “Continue patrolling, pay attention to safety, and protect the survivors of the shelter.”

“I’ll take a break.” One of the xenos said this.

Deng Lan turned back to him and smiled slightly, “Have you forgotten what the Special Intelligence Service said in the first place? If the survivors of the base have an accident because of our lack of diligence, you’ll see if Team Leader Sheng will skin you.”

The memory of those vines pumping behind was very vivid.

The man shivered.

As he stood up, he didn’t forget to mutter, “Che~ Who can walk outside when the acid rain is so bad? I’m afraid it won’t be long before the signal goes out, and if we can’t walk around plus disconnect, the Special Intelligence Service can’t control us ah, what are you afraid of?”

Deng Lan glared at him.

The man also just mouthed off for a bit and quickly followed.


He’d been talking out of his ass.

The main materials of the shield were transported from the capital base, some of which had been stockpiled before the end of the day, specifically for this acid rain, while at the same time, the shield needed the cooperation of gold-type adepts as well as adepts of the earth, water, and fire systems.

There were specialized programs for shield production.

B11’s strength was far inferior to the capital base, and the shield was not as thick as the capital base, they only had one layer, and the thickness was only a quarter of the capital base.

But their base is small, so the relative disaster is not that big.

But the original construction was all a prediction program, the acid rain is officially coming, it is very necessary for the aliens to constantly improve the weak points in the acid rain.

The bad thing was, on the fifth day of the acid rain.

Among their perfecting work, the most important one of the gold system alien energy users …… became a fae.

It was in the process of mending that he became a fae.

–This rare event was hit by their B11.

While they were preparing to deal with the fae quickly, that gold-type fae actually made a hole in the shield!


Screams rang out as disaster struck B11 once again.

Deng Lan was alarmed, “Quick, repair, Rue, come here! Hurry!”

The gold-type powers barely patched it up, but the acid rain coming in through that hole hurt the nearby powers that were busy, and all of a sudden, nearly ten powers were in bad shape.

What’s worse–

The acid rain flowed into the base quite a bit, and it was all rainwater near the gap.

Xiao Yun, as a Gold Alien, was in a hurry to repair it, and while mending it well, she was similarly injured, and her injuries were still serious, so there was no way to continue to hold on.

“Brother Deng! Something has happened! Water has entered the underground, underground as well!” Someone panted and reported.

Deng Lan’s face changed drastically, becoming more and more anxious.

He didn’t care about the injury from the rainwater on the back of his hand, grabbed the person beside him and shouted, “Quickly, send out a distress signal, contact the nearby bases and the capital base!”

Ten minutes later.

Teng Lan freaked out, “What? You’re saying that the signal was cut off due to the effects of the acid rain? It’s only just sent out a distress signal and the communication is gone?!”

He turned his head to glare at Crow’s Beak behind him.

“Crow’s Beak also realized that the situation was critical, and when it was safe to do so, it was just a matter of talking, who would really expect something to happen?

Who really expects anything to happen? The press and all that doesn’t matter.

At this point, they were desperate to still have contact with their country.

“What to do?” Deng Lan was almost frantic, while Liu Zhao and Captain Tan led the men in looking for underground gaps, wanting to patch them up as soon as possible.

Acid rain invaded, and more and more people were injured.

Xiao Yun’s weak psychic abilities and the gap that was patched up was large, once again the situation was out of control, requiring the gold system psychics to keep patching it up.

“No, if this goes on, after the gold-type alien energy users can’t hold up, we’ll be finished.” Teng Lan nearly collapsed.

There were also alien energy users who secretly cried out with a look of fear.

The survivors didn’t know what was happening and stood blankly in the dormitory corridor, looking out at the shuttling Alterans and military personnel, vaguely uneasy.

“Brother Deng, I can’t hold on much longer-” Another Gold Alien was about to hold on, the special protective suit on his body, although it protected him, could not increase his Alien ability.

On the ground, there was still rainwater.

At the gap, there was rainwater dripping down along the gap when his psychic ability was slack.

“Switch Er Liu on, I’ll think again, what to do, what to do!” Deng Lan spun in circles, hexed.

Er Liu’s supernatural energy had just worked its way up.

He made a surprised sound, “Huh? Okay?!”

The others froze and subconsciously looked over, bewildered.

The gap created by that gold-type fae had been perfectly patched up, without a single gap, intact as before, only the inconsistent color of the connection signaled what had happened.

It was like a top-tier gold fae had struck.

Deng Lan instinctively looked to the other side, which was a monitoring screen, monitoring the outside of the shield.

Not only was the gap patched up, but all the weak spots, one by one, were being repaired!

The crowd was startled.

Immediately afterward, an alien suddenly noticed a certain location and stared with rounded eyes, “There’s someone there there …… there!”

The others also saw it.

It wasn’t a person.

Correctly speaking, it was a large bird that was flying outside the shield, and it was as if his body was shrouded within a barrier that the acid rain did not invade.

The surveillance was somewhat destroyed by the acid rain, so they could only see the surveillance in one direction, and the group was not coming from the direction of the surveillance, which they only clearly saw at this moment.

On the back of the big bird stood four people, Sheng An, Qi Ling Mist, Li Wan Yun, Li Xin, and Shan Hua.

On both sides also hung Song Linwei, Jia Guangliang, Wan Wan, Jiang Yu, as well as Gu Qiansheng, Zhang Kun, and Long Tianyu, the others were not there.

Lai Wan Yun expressionlessly handed out one metal plate after another.

Li Xin maneuvered to repair the shield.

With great speed, they quickly mended it successfully, and in the next moment, Long Tianyu led them to appear in front of Teng Lan and the others.

Sheng An landed on their feet.

Teng Lan suddenly burst into tears, and beside him, “Crow’s Beak” also had red eyes.

Special Intelligence Division Team B. They were protecting the survivors behind them!

They were protecting the survivors behind them, and the Special Intelligence Service was protecting them.

Why do you think that they are Zhou Pickpockets?

Jiang Yu’s vines moved slightly in his hands, and he swished: “Did you guys think we weren’t coming, so you didn’t do your job properly? Why else would the shield be so thin?”

Deng Lan: “……”

–Confirmed, it’s still that Jiang Pickpocket.

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