Chapter 320.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 14:01:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The deal was established, and Sheng An led the fragments towards the outside of the escape ship.

The ordinary people and aliens that they encountered along the way all stopped to look at them, their eyes were worried, yet they were fearless and undaunted.

No one wanted to live with oxygen tanks on their backs forever, but if that was the case, the big deal was death.

What is there to fear?

It was as if the thoughts in Song Linwei’s head had been split into two halves, half of which was the side of absolute sanity, making him worry about the future, even if it did reopen, everything would only get worse.

Moreover, would the shard really let them do what they wanted?

Finish putting it together and who knows what it will do.

This half faced a future without hope, endless despair and pain.

And the other half was the emotional side, the half that was endlessly mad under today’s situation, desperate to die with the shard despite everything.

It would be better to die together for destroying my planet and harming my compatriots!

And also to avenge all the human beings who were killed all over the world.

Song Linwei was tormented in the midst of two emotions, one moment the whole person was downcast and lifeless, and the next moment he was carrying the crazy fighting spirit of breaking the boat, and his brain was filled with anger ……

He fell at the end.

If Hao Jingye is still there, what will he do?

Song Linwei shook his head, came back to his senses, and was about to catch up, next to him, Wu Buye, who had heard many people’s hearts, gently pulled him.

He looked over, and the two of them locked eyes.

Wu Buye’s mind moved.

Base hospital.

Elder Li received the news of “Sheng’an’s imminent time regression”, he slowly stood up from in front of the base chief’s bed, his whole body hunched over, he looked outside, and did not say anything for a long time.

After a few moments, he straightened his back again, his voice soft: “May everything go well for them, and may human civilization last forever.”

He raised his hand, gave a standard military salute, and turned to stride away.

On the bed, the base chief closed his eyes, but tears slipped from the corners of his eyes, opened his mouth, and with great difficulty, he let out a voice-

“Everything …… went well.”

Countdown: 2 hours.

Outside the escape ship.

All the core members of the Special Intelligence Service had arrived, their state had already been adjusted, and since the meteorite shard had promised to cooperate, it naturally wouldn’t restrict them from mobilizing the energy around them anymore.

Coupled with the fact that they were all high-ranked xenos, and with Song Linwei and Jia Guangliang’s xenos, all of them were in peak condition at the moment.

Sheng An was at the forefront.

The Shard Egg was held in her arms, silver-white and eerie.

She was wearing an army-green combat uniform without a helmet, the higher the level of her psychic ability, the stronger the resistance to oxygen-deprived environments, coupled with the matching shard as well as the country’s sustenance equipment, two hours, enough.

[You can return the shard to me now.]

The shard’s voice went straight into the soul, not too high and not too low, but high enough for everyone to hear, as if the other party was right in front of their ears, making it impossible to ignore its presence.

Sheng An looked down at it and inquired once more, “Will you really honor the deal?”

–Shards for the other party’s cooperation deal.

[Of course.]

[However, I really appreciate you, are you sure you don’t want to leave with me? And that man beside you, you can be together.]]

The shard emphasized again.

Qi Lingmu didn’t react, as if she hadn’t heard it, unmoved.

Sheng An shook his head, “I just hope you keep your promise.”

Time was running out, Sheng An’s lips opened, the tip of his tongue moved slightly, the familiar shard appeared, and the “shard’s egg” moved up and down, unable to contain its excitement.

“Team Leader Sheng!” Gu Cheng pursed his lips, “Once the last meteorite fragment is handed over, it will never be able to be retrieved again, the pieced together fragments we can’t dismantle, and if something goes wrong, there’s no way to carry out the final escape ship plan.”

Since Qiu Yu’s death, her assistant Gu Cheng had never participated in the affairs of the Special Intelligence Service again.

But he still came today.

It was as if he had come to take a look for Autumn Rain.

Opening his mouth at this moment wasn’t stopping it, it was based on his concern for the future, and he couldn’t restrain himself from emphasizing the fact that it might happen.

The shards were given out, never to be taken back.

And once the other side messes up when it reopens, they can’t even execute the escape ship plan, and the human race …… doesn’t even have any seeds left.

“I know.”

Sheng An slightly lowered his eyes, then took out the shard and gently placed it towards the shard gap, murmuring, “There’s always another game to play.”

Before the fragment was placed on it, a powerful suction force sucked the fragment in, pulling it over fiercely, filling the gap, and at this moment, the entire “egg” shape was complete!

The fragment returned to its place.


The huge energy was like a pillar of light rushing into the sky, the gap was being filled, and even the whole “egg” was spinning, the speed was getting faster and faster and faster.

The red lines on it began to pulsate, like beating blood veins.

As the shape of the egg became more and more complete, the energy in the air was converging towards it, and Sheng An could feel that the energy contained in the blood on the scorched ground was also converging towards it.

It was accumulating all its energy.

It was just like sucking out the vitality of the entire world and using it all to nourish this “egg”.

The surrounding area was suffocated by the enormous pressure brought about by the gathering of energy, and the sky darkened.

The lower leveled aberrants were unsteady under the energy rush, Jiang Yu was swaying, Li Xin reached out his hand and pulled her back.

All of their gazes were fixed on the debris.

–What a strong energy!

The stronger this energy is, the more terrifying and …… invincible the shard’s existence is.

The blood flow became faster, beating more and more violent.

The “egg” was still spinning.

This process continued for half an hour, never stopping, and the fragment suddenly spoke:

[You can prepare for the Time Rewind now.]

Sheng An nodded: “Good.”

She approached the center of the energy vortex, holding the shard with both hands, and behind her, the huge clock of time appeared, this time the clock was far more massive than before, and the white blinding light shone in the faintly darkened sky like a dazzling bright light, illuminating the world.

Sheng An glowed as if he were a god.

Song Linwei had a pair of flat glasses on his nose and gently pushed them, his voice calm:

“Sister Sheng, Time Retrogression requires a huge amount of energy and a life sacrifice, you must hold on.

“Team Qi, the King’s Anchor is on full blast, anchoring a time in the past, at the same time, anchoring our powers and memories, Lord of the Fae, you need to help Team Qi.

“Yamana, you need to drill the hole and bring our memories and abilities back to life.

“The others wait and see what happens, and cooperate whenever you can.”

Qilingmu stood with Shanhua on her shoulder, they stood in a position diagonally behind Sheng’an, the others took their positions and stood behind them, conveniently anchored by Qilingmu as well as cooperating with Sheng’an at all times.

[Begin. The shard said as such.

Sheng An communicates with the Shard’s massive energy, the hands of the clock behind him move slightly, Qi Ling Mou and Shan Hua’s supernatural energy brews, while the others all get into position.


The massive energy was like an ocean, and like a vast universe, almost taking shape, stirring the air with thunderous sounds, as Sheng An’s psychic energy connected with the shard’s energy.

They were ready, about to have the world reopen.

Qi Lingmu and Shanhua simultaneously had their alien energies fully activated.

The pointer behind Sheng An moved slightly.

Going backwards?


The pointer was fixed and motionless, and the world seemed to go quiet.

Sheng An, who was glowing behind him, smiled coldly, his face, which had always been calm from the beginning, was colored with madness, and the “God’s Residence” spat out obscenities in full view of the public–

“I, open, you, big, master!”

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