Chapter 22 Arrests

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:31:34
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The sixth inspector of the Extreme Martial Arts School! Although he had prepared his thoughts, it would be a lie if his mood was not stirred and surging!

But right now, one had more important things to do – letting Mr. and Mrs. Li Yao die!

“Elder Liu.” Luo some took his cell phone and waved his hand slightly towards Liu Yan in a gesture.

“I’ll be going out first.”

Liu Yan took his laptop and left Luo Feng’s study, leaving Luo Feng alone in the study.

“There are other people in your room?” Liu He laughed.

Luo Feng walked to the window, “Yes, it’s a head of the special department of the Huaxia country, I just asked him for some evidence materials! I’m going to sue that Li Yao and Venina duo through the ‘War God Palace’ for instructing them to murder my parents behind the scenes. Liu He, what do you think will be the final outcome for the Li Yao couple duo?”

“Oh? This Vulture Scorpion duo dares to take action against the families of martial artists?” Liu He was shocked.

“Right, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to resist going after them right in front of a large crowd.” Luo Feng nodded.

“No wonder!”

“These two are too licentious.” Liuhe’s voice on the phone was annoyed, “It’s always been a big no-no to take action against a martial artist’s family!”

“Liuhe, what do you estimate the outcome of the sentence if you’re found guilty?” Luo Feng asked after him.

“A capital offense, an unquestionable capital offense! It also has to be executed immediately!”

Liu He said angrily, “Don’t worry Luo Feng, your identity is different now. The War God Palace will directly elevate your status to ‘councilor’. Being a councilor! Status power is absolutely different. This vulture viper scorpion duo behind hurting a councilor’s parents, of course they have to be heavily sentenced!”

“Luo Feng you have to know that the council of the War God Palace consists of just 52 councilors and 5 speakers.”

The outcome of the trial was decided by the council. Hurting a councilor’s family was taboo! This is tantamount to provoking all the councilors, the councilors must choose to go for a heavy sentence. That’s what scares everyone.” Liu He said, “This is the unspoken rule, as long as it threatens the ‘status, power’ and so on of all the councilors, it will be unanimously punished by all the councilors.”

“Therefore, as long as there is enough evidence, there is only one outcome for the Vulture Scorpion couple death penalty, immediate execution!” Liu He said so much in one breath, obviously full of anger.

Luo Feng secretly let out a sigh of relief.

As expected, it was the same as what he thought, in fact,…… when the Vulture Scorpion couple made their move, Luo Feng wasn’t even a “councilor” or “inspector” yet. However! Just because Luo Feng’s identity has changed, the Vulture Scorpion couple’s results immediately changed.

Inside the study, on the laptop screen, there were documents and videos.

Luo some carefully read and watched.


“The tactics are surprisingly so sinister, so uncompromising.” Luo Feng’s face all became ugly, reading this large amount of documents and video information, that Li Yao Venina couple’s various means from beginning to end, all clear! Luo Feng is also a burst of fear, if the younger brother is incompetent, this time the parents are really miserable.

Half of the brother is ruthless enough, directly rely on the “millennium black crow root”, through the relationship, become the eighth largest shareholder of the Industrial and Commercial Bank.

Must know, now base city era, want to buy large-scale China’s first bank “Industrial and Commercial Bank” shares, is almost impossible. Generally, the big powers can’t afford to sell! Money can not be bought, only the “thousand years of black crow root” this kind of money can not buy the treasure, can be exchanged to hand.

“This evidence is too sufficient.”

“Even if I take out one tenth of the evidence, it’s enough to prove their crimes.”

Luo Feng immediately closed the videos, wond files, and so on.

He packaged all of this evidence, then entered his personal page, submitted it and transmitted it to the “War God Palace”, and in the email he sent, he wrote down the charges against the target, and so on.

Just three minutes.

Cell phone ringtone sound, Luo Feng picked up his cell phone.

“Councilor Luo Feng, hello.” A clear and soft voice rang out, “We just received your email, may I ask if it’s Councilor Luo Feng himself who wants to prosecute the duo of Li Yao and Venina Boreanas?”

“Yes!” Luo Feng nodded.

“Good, we’ll notify Councilor Luo Feng when the venue and time of the court hearing is confirmed.”

After a phone call to confirm, some of the staff from the War God Palace immediately started arranging this.

Those documents and videos were indeed a lot, it took Luo Feng more than two hours to read through them all, and when this news reached, the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, Chief Pavilion Master Hong’s ears, it was already evening.

Limit martial arts school global headquarters, inside the giant spaceship building.

Inside the quiet room.

The black-clothed man, Hong, was carrying a cup of hot tea, flipping through some internet messages.


A low voice echoed inside the quiet room, “Councilor Luo Feng has passed on evidence to indict Li Yao, Venina Boreanas, the masterminds behind the murder of his parents.”

“Can the evidence be sufficient?” The man in black, Hong, frowned slightly.

“The evidence is sufficient.” The voice replied.

The black-clothed man Hong nodded slightly, “Inform the three best lawyers within my Extreme Martial Hall and have them accept this case! Also arrange for planetary level powerhouses to personally arrest Li Yao and Venina and have them tried at 15:30 tomorrow afternoon right here in our headquarters’ highest court.”

“Luo Feng is about to openly serve as the inspector of my Extreme Martial Hall! This is a case I want to bleed beautifully.” The man in black Hong commanded.


After the low voice said this word, the quiet room once again returned to silence.

At night in the Bright Moon neighborhood, it was already all lit up.

Luo Feng stood on the balcony, looking up at the endless night sky, filled with stars.

“Hmm?” The cell phone rang.

Luo Feng took out his phone and saw that it was Xu Xin’s call, connecting the call! “Hello.”

“Why didn’t you even come to pick me up.” Xu Xin asked.

“Sorry, I’ve just been busy with something and just finished. How about I go to Kyoto base city now?” Luo Feng was a bit apologetic, this just came back and his mind was all on his parents side, he didn’t think to pick up Xu Xin for this.

“I’m here, right in front of your bright moon neighborhood.”

Snap! The phone closed.

Luo Feng was slightly stunned, Xu Xin had already arrived at his doorstep from Kyoto base city?

“I’m such an asshole.” Luo Feng cursed himself lowly in his heart, he directly scurried out from the balcony, it was as if a stumpy shadow cut through the sky, with the aid of his spiritual thoughts, he scurried in mid-air for nearly a hundred meters before he landed, a few scurries multiplied to roughly 30 meters away from the gate of Mingyue cell.

Luo Feng saw at a glance ……

In front of the neighborhood, under the dim light of the street lamp, a slightly thin young girl is standing there silently, this scene makes Luo Feng’s heart hurt slightly.

Become his girlfriend, Xu Xin not only did not get any benefits, but also suffered a lot! He didn’t even have time to take care of her when he came back, letting her come alone from thousands of miles away.

Xu Xin through the cell door, looking towards the inside, the body can not help but slightly shiver.

It was now winter, and it was night!

Although the Kyoto base city side was also cold, the air there was dry, while the Jiangnan base city side was wet and cold! And after Xu Xin received Luo Feng’s call earlier, she hurriedly took the earliest train for several hours before arriving in Yangzhou city, she didn’t even pay attention to the fact that this side of Jiangnan base city was even colder.

“Xu Xin.” A voice rang out from the side.

Xu Xin was stunned, turned her head to look at the side, the familiar figure, this was her first love boyfriend, over the past year, especially these last three months every day Xu Xin was in heartbreak. “Luo Feng!” Xu Xin’s voice was a bit hoarse, she shouted and couldn’t help but cry, she directly hugged Luo Feng, hugged him tightly!

“I’m sorry, really sorry.” Luo Feng hugged Xu Xin, feeling Xu Xin’s tears soaking through his chest clothes.

Under the cold wind of late winter, under the dim street light ……

One year and three months later, Luo Feng and Xu Xin finally met again.

Compared to Luo Feng and Xu Xin, that slightly heartbreaking but with a hint of cozy meeting! At this moment, Li Yao Wei Nina and her husband and wife, although they were together, they were in a state of heartache.

On the airliner flying from Jiangnan Base City to Paris Base City in Europe.

Li Yao and Venina held each other’s hands.

“This is a big trouble.” Venina glanced at the surrounding passengers before lowering her voice, “He’s become a councilor! It’ll be …… to deal with us in the future.”

“Don’t be afraid.”

Li Yao lowered his voice and said, “We’ve been waiting for the flying airliner in Jiangnan Base City for two to three hours, and it didn’t come to us for those two to three hours! When we return to Paris Base City, that’s our territory. There are our HR Alliance’s councilors there, and that senior of mine is there, it’s fine, absolutely fine.”

I don’t know if he was comforting Venina or himself.

How is this, how did he become a councilor! , Venina gritted her teeth a little.

Li Yao’s eyes were also flashing ferociously.


“Endure, endure, only endure.” Li Yao lowered his voice and squeezed out word by word from his teeth.

The airliner finally arrived in Paris, Europe.

Paris this side of the sky at the moment some dark, but not all black, Paris base city airport, the flight airliner slowly landed, after stopping the cabin door automatically opened, the ladder stretched out.

The passengers came down one by one.


“Finally back in Paris.” Venina revealed a smile, Li Yao also revealed a rare smile, this was the first time he revealed a smile after knowing that Luo Feng had become a “councilor”.

The Vulture Scorpion couple were in the crowd, walking down the steps.

“Li Yao, Venina!” A voice rang out.

Startled, the Vulture Poison Scorpion couple turned their heads to look, only to see four silhouettes walking over not far from the side. One of the two at the head was a middle-aged man wearing black robes with brown curly hair, and his gaze was like an electric light that people didn’t dare to touch. And one of the people alongside him, his long, flowery white hair was spread out, and his entire person seemed like a piece of dead wood.

“Councilor Yan, Councilor Bonet.” Venina was startled.

“Seniors.” Li Yao looked at the old man.

That old man “Yan Hai” was the one who had a deep friendship with Li Yao.

Next to him, Councilor Bonnet looked at Venina and Li Yao icily and said indifferently, “On behalf of the War God Palace, we are formally arresting you, and we have the right to kill the two of you if you resist.”

Li Yao and Venina’s eyes widened, they thought that they were back in their territory, but they didn’t expect this kind of thing to come as soon as they arrived.

“Elder!!!” Li Yao even looked at Yan Hai.

Yan Hai let out a low sigh, “Little Vulture, this is an order from the highest level of the War God Palace, no one can help you. You …… are too reckless this time, too reckless! Let’s go, don’t resist maybe there’s still a chance of survival.” Arrested in the name of the War God Palace, if you resist you are an enemy of the entire War God Palace.

The War God Palace was a force where all the War Gods and all the existences that surpassed the War Gods were gathered together.

To resist?

Looking for death?


Venina, Li Yao and his wife were put in special handcuffs, the two of them were a bit dazed, but they didn’t resist at all.

“Senior, senior.” Li Yao looked at Yan Hai, who sighed without saying anything.

“Take away.” Next to him, Councilor Bonnet ordered indifferently.

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