Chapter 42: Earth’s Strongest Weapon, Out of this World!

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:32:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At 11:36 p.m. on January 8, 2059, Chinese time, it was daytime in the Misty Island area of the Australian continent at this time of year.


On a white lake, Luo Feng broke out of the water and hovered in midair.

“It’s been almost three days since I’ve seen the sun.” Luo Feng tilted his head to look at the blue sky, and the flocks of flying bird-like monsters flying past in the distance of the blue sky, and looked down at the lake below, “Three days, the Mok Saeki crystals are estimated to be almost completely searched out. The first day the most were searched, the second day was much less, and this third day has only resulted in two searches so far.”

However, evaluating it, one’s harvest in these three days was not bad.

For one, it was relatively lucky, having once gotten three at once.

Secondly, as a planetary star level spirit numenera, one’s search efficiency was originally ranked in the top three amongst all. The combination of the two …… resulted in Luo Feng getting five Mok Sae crystals personally in these three days, just by his own strength alone! If you count the ones that he teamed up with Iceberg, Enchanting, and the pro guards to fight for them …… there were quite a few.

“Luo Feng.” The Pavilion Master’s voice rang out from his communication watch, in these three days Luo Feng’s communication watch had been maintaining a communication connection with concern and a few others.

“Pavilion master.” Luo Feng even answered.

“Come to my current location.


Luo Feng confirmed the location of the pavilion master based on his communication watch, “Hmm? Surprisingly, it’s more than two thousand meters underground there, one of the spots of that dark river.”


Luo Feng directly dropped down, blasting through the surface of the lake, quickly diving over towards the ground.

More than two thousand meters underground, one of the sections of that raging and wide dark river.

The man in black “Hong”, the three guards with golden masks “Enchanting”, “Beast” and “Iceberg” were all there. Even the other inspectors of the Extreme Martial Hall were present. “Peng!” The stone wall at the top cracked and Luo Feng crashed down, when stepping on the surface of the lake he directly levitated and then quickly flew in.

“Pavilion master.” Luo Feng shouted.

“Hmm, wait a bit, there are still people who haven’t arrived.” Hong nodded slightly and looked at Luo Feng with a hint of satisfaction in his gaze ……

This time on the extreme martial arts school side, Hong as the world’s number one powerhouse gained the most, followed by Luo Feng.

Luo Feng’s reputation had been boosted this time in the Moksae Crystal scramble! The planetary level powerhouses on all sides of the planet were clear …… that Luo Feng’s current strength was already able to fit into the second echelon! The same level as the third speaker, fourth speaker, and fifth speaker. This kind of strength is indeed very scary.

The three speakers, the third speaker and the fifth speaker, were all planetary level three! And the fourth speaker, “Istar”, was a planetary level second-order psychic master!

Hong was also very happy to have such a prima donna like Luo Feng under the banner of the Extreme Martial School.


Another silhouette flew in, it was none other than one of the inspectors of the Extreme martial arts school, “Pavilion master.” Liu He respectfully bowed to the pavilion master before flying towards Luo Feng and the others, laughing and cursing, “Luo Feng, you’ve made a fortune this time. Our other four inspectors are nowhere near as much as you’ve earned.”

“Luck, luck.” Luo Feng hemmed and hawed.

This time, the pavilion master had only brought Luo Feng, Enchanting and Iceberg at first, and then had the Beast rush over. The other five inspectors weren’t sent ……


When the news of the Moksae Crystal gradually spread, the other five inspectors of the Extreme Martial Arts School knew that the Moksae Crystal was extremely valuable, and also knew that half of the planet’s planetary level powerhouses had gathered at the Misty Island Lakes. One by one, Liu He, Vladimir and the others arrived in their warplanes.

However, missing the first wave of excavation opportunities, Liu He and the others gained very little indeed.

“Alright, everyone is all together.” Hong looked at the three major personal guards and the six inspectors, immediately forming a diaphragm in the surrounding space.

“This time our Extreme Martial Hall’s harvest is not small.”

Hong rarely revealed a hint of a smile, “According to what I said before, the person who discovered the Moksae Crystal, and when they finally managed to get it, the person who discovered the Moksae Crystal gets 30%, and the one who fought to obtain the Moksae Crystal gets 30% as well, and in the end, the 40% goes to the martial arts school.”

“Beast, if you discover and get one alone, it counts as 60%, it counts as 0.6, and if you join forces to fight as a group three times, it adds up to 1.2 according to the three times you contributed differently. So you get 1.8 Moksae Crystals.” Hong said.

“Yes, Pavilion Master.” The personal guard “Beast” said respectfully.

“Enchanting …… total, you can get 1.6 Moksae Crystals.

“Iceberg…… total, you can get 2.2 Wood Saeki Crystals.

“Willow River…… total, you can get 0.3 Wood Saeki Crystals.

According to merit scores, everyone’s harvest was counted out.

“The last one is Luo Feng and the one with the most harvest this time. He got 4 Moksae crystals alone with his own hands, which is 24 according to 60%. The joint group battle 4 times, according to the different contributions, it adds up to 2.1 pieces. So the total is 4.5 pieces.” After Hong finished speaking, he began to distribute the Mok Sae crystals.

As Luo Feng …… surrendered his Mok Sae Crystals first, and then was allocated four Mok Sae Crystals.

Enchanting, was allocated one.

Iceberg, was allocated two.

“For each Moksae Crystal, I can offer you ’20 stars’!” Hong Zheng said, for example, Luo Feng, you have four Mok Sae Crystals in your hand right now, and you still have 0.5 on your account. That means …… you still have 10 stars on your account! Of course you can also exchange them with Moksae crystals.”

“The same goes for everyone else.”

“When we return to the headquarters, you can exchange the change into ‘stars’ and purchase items from me.” Hong said.

Hearing these words from Hong, the three personal guards and the six inspectors all revealed smiles.

“Luo Feng, you’ve earned hard money this time. One moksae crystal is equal to 20 stars, 4.5 of yours would be 90 stars! It’s all good enough to purchase a ‘flood level intelligent fighter’.” Liu He smiled and said, “I’ll be pitiful, 0.3 of them, that’s only 6 stars. Compared to you ……”

“Luck, just luck.” Luo Feng smiled humbly.

In reality the Moksae crystals he got alone were five, not four.

This search for Moksae crystals, a lot of information was publicized, but there were others who got Moksae crystals quietly, without the second person knowing. Luo Feng had gotten five Mok Sae Crystals alone, four of them were discovered, the only one …… was not discovered by anyone else, so Luo Feng naturally hid it.

This was actually an unspoken rule.

Can not be discovered by everyone, hide it …… Hong also understands this reasoning, the so-called “water to clear there is no fish”, Hong also will not be too ruthless. After all, let alone get wood sae crystals hand over 40%, already hard enough.

“Now at the bottom of this Misty Island Lakes, there’s probably not much in the way of Mok Sae Crystals.” Hong looked at a few people, “Our collective search ends here, those who want to go back go back, those who want to continue to take their chances here will continue to search! Any of you who searched …… will be 100% completely your own. But the surrounding area underground has almost been searched, don’t hold too much hope.”

“Yes, pavilion master.”

Luo Feng and a few others all chatted a few words to each other and dispersed.

Such as Liu He and the others who came late, unwillingly wanted to continue planting. And such as “Beast”, they were ready to go back to the headquarters.

“You guys go find it, I’m not in a hurry.”

“Luo Feng, of course you’re not in a hurry when you’ve earned a lot, well, we’ll go search first.”

Luo Feng said goodbye to Liu He and the others, and directly slammed into the ground, roughly at a depth of more than 3000 meters from the lake, and directly propped up a cave by virtue of his spiritual nimbus.

Using the auxiliary light brain.


Luo Feng dialed Xu Xin’s phone, nowadays the communication system on earth is indeed very developed, except for special areas such as the ancient civilization relic #9, otherwise even in the depths of the earth, or even in the magma layer, one can easily receive signals! This was a great gain from the ancient civilization recluse.

“Luo Feng, you didn’t think to call me until now, say, what’s going on?” On the auxiliary optical brain screen video, Xu Xin was wrapped in a bathrobe, her hair wet.

“These past few days have been on this side of the Fazhou continent.” Luo Feng laughed.

“Oh? I did hear that all the countries and HR alliances around the globe are going to the Australian continent in the past few days, right, what exactly are you guys doing? My grandpa and the others want to probe for news, but this news is HR alliance internal SSS level news, my grandpa can’t see it either.” Xu Xin’s face was filled with curiosity.

“Capturing a kind of treasure called Moksae Crystal.” Luo Feng said.

“Wood sae crystal, what for?” Xu Xin was puzzled.

“I don’t know, I only know that this thing is priceless, if you really count the money, even a large flying airliner can’t catch up with a single wood sae crystal.” Luo Feng was walking in the cave, talking as he walked.

“What? It’s impossible, right?” Xu Xin was shocked.

“Yes, your Xu family’s entire family assets combined can’t catch up with a single moksae crystal.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Oh my god.” Xu Xin finally understood why even her Xu family’s patriarch wasn’t qualified to inquire about the news.

Luo Feng didn’t lie either.

The price given by Hong was “20 stars” for a Mok Sae Crystal, knowing that one serving of dragon blood was only 1 star! The price of a dragon blood is 80 billion, you can imagine the price of Moksae crystals……. But for one thing, Moksae crystals are more important than nuclear weapons to each country as a strategic item! It was impossible to measure it with money!

No one exchanges this thing for money either!

It was beyond the economic system of the entire world. In fact, in terms of price,…… Hong gave “20 stars”, in fact, it is relatively low, but dozens of Moksae Crystals appeared on the Earth at once, Hong could not afford to give too high a price.

“A single Wood Saeki Crystal is more than our entire family assets.” Xu Xin was somewhat shocked.

“Surprised? More than 20 War God Martial Artists died in the fight for the Moksae Crystal this time! There were even three dead councilors! If it wasn’t for the ‘water of life’, I’m afraid the dead councilors would be more than ten!” Luo Feng lest he couldn’t scare Xu Xin as if he couldn’t, he reported another piece of news that made her tremble.

“A councilor, an existence beyond a war god? Three fell?” Xu Xin was shocked by this news.

While Luo Feng was strolling in the deep underground cave, he watched Xu Xin’s astonished expression on the auxiliary optical brain video, watching his girlfriend’s expression was also a very interesting thing.


Luo Feng who was walking in the cave suddenly felt a pain in his feet!

“What’s going on?” Cold sweat instantly broke out on Luo Feng’s back and forehead, his entire body whooshed and moved tens of meters away. He was a planetary level spirit ninja, his feet were wearing SS level combat boots and there was a layer of black god suit inside! With this kind of protection, what kind of attack would make the feet hurt?

And one didn’t even notice it in the slightest.

“What the hell?” Luo Feng’s spiritual thoughts swept.

Within the range of the mental thoughts sweep.

Where Luo Feng stood when his feet hurt earlier, an item was stuck on a rock.

“This is?” Luo Feng held his breath and walked over.

Reaching out, he picked up the pure blood red fragment stuck in the rock and ten held it in his hand! So heavy! A mere palm sized piece of debris, according to Luo Feng’s senses it actually weighed over a ton, in terms of density it already surpassed any kind of material on earth.

A blood red fragment, one side of which was a sharp blade!

This piece of debris should be the blade of a battle sword!

This “blade” is stuck in the rock for an unknown number of years, and he just stepped on it …… and his feet hurt.

“My foot?” Luo Feng cocked up his right heel to see that the bottom of this SS grade combat boot was completely sliced open! There was an opening! It was as if an incomparably sharp blade had sliced tofu.

“Oh my god.” Luo Feng looked at the gaping hole on the bottom of his foot and was completely stunned.

“This, this, this ……” Luo Feng stuttered a bit, his face turning red.

“This is SS grade combat boots.”

SS grade combat boots what is that concept? It means that the attacks of king level monsters can usually be resisted, and only through experiencing king level monster attack after king level monster attack could they crack! For example, the “mountain drilling cone” was only able to drill through the SS grade material combat suit when maneuvered by Luo Feng’s 12 strands of mind power.

Otherwise – with a mountain drilling cone, even a god of war wouldn’t be able to destroy an SS grade combat suit.

“Oh my god.”

“I didn’t use any force, just walking and stepping over it, and it broke through my SS grade combat boots?” Luo Feng held the blood red blade fragment in his hand, just by holding it in his hand, Luo Feng felt an inexplicable chill …… as if the sharp blade could cut through any item.

“It, how sharp is it.” Luo Feng even took off his battle boots.

With his right hand, he held the blade fragment.


Swing the blade fragment easily.

Puff! Puff! Poof! As if cutting through tofu, the SS grade boots were directly chipped and fell off in pieces, seemingly without any resistance at all.

“I didn’t use much force at all, it’s estimated to be just ten tons of force, and it easily cut through the SS grade material.”

“If I use my full strength, cutting through the Beast Emperor’s defense would be easy too.”

At the thought of this, Luo Feng’s heart trembled.

As if he had seen a ghost, he looked at the blade fragment in his hand, this was a heaven defying weapon! This is a heavenly weapon! It’s many times more powerful than the “Heavenly Escape Shuttle”, just the fragments of the weapon itself can cut SS grade material like cutting tofu!

The power of the weapon has greatly increased.

I’m afraid that this weapon is enough to threaten the Monster Beast Emperor, and can threaten Hong and Thunder God.


“This weapon is too terrifying, it absolutely cannot be exposed for the time being. Once exposed …… I’m afraid that even if I’m valued again, Hong, Thunder God won’t be able to let this kind of heaven defying weapon be in my hands.” Luo Feng was very clear about this, this was definitely the strongest weapon on earth nowadays! Incredible weapon!

“This, whose weapon is this?”

“It, and how did it break?”

Luo Niu carefully caressed the blood red blade fragment, vaguely could feel the ancient aura coming from this blade fragment …… That was the aura of an unknown number of years of silence.

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