Chapter 19: Prey

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:26:48
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“The human Realm Lord team has departed!” The immortal scale-armored creature “Fwesa” shouted in excitement.


The man sitting on the alloy chair with silver skin and a height of only two meters, possessing a human body as well as a snake-like head, was looking over. Next to him were two more alloy chairs, respectively the man with a human body and a dinosaur head covered in scales, and the woman with a human body and a rat-like head.

“Yes, Your Highness Montvina.” Fwiwi said with slight respect.

“Just departed, it should take a day for the spaceship to fly out of the human sphere of influence.” Next to him, another slightly taller immortal scale-armored creature “Rekia” said, “There’s no rush, it’s early.”

Fwesa immediately shouted, “If we leave now and fly there head on, it will take us more than two days to run into them. It’s not early at all to leave now.”

“Hm, then set off.”

The human body snake-headed man stood up, and next to him, the human body dragon headed man and the human body rat headed woman all rose at the same time.

At first glance, these three people looked like they were made of alloy, a bit like the “quicksilver guards” that Luo Feng used back then, they didn’t look like real beings at all.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Five figures successively flew out along the deep passageway, and when they flew into the starry sky, the man with a human body and snake head who was at the head waved his hand, and a biological spaceship with a diameter of about a hundred meters appeared in the starry sky, and the spaceship automatically revealed a hatch.

“I really envy you guys.” The humanoid snake-headed man looked down at the two Immortals of the Gnarled Thirsty Race, “Fwesa” and “Rekia”, and sighed in a low voice, “Even though your bodies are very tiny, you are able to easily ride in a spaceship. Like our demon race …… especially the strongest among the demon race, wanting to have a real body to ride a spaceship is very difficult, just like me, just to make my body be able to be stored, I must need an interstellar battleship ……”

“Hmm.” The man with the human body and dragon head standing at his side also nodded, “To make my true body storable, it’s the same, in fact, it doesn’t only need to be the size of a Star Battleship. And the hatch needs to be extra large as well, otherwise the body would get stuck out and not be able to get out.”

“With advantages comes disadvantages.” The woman with a mouse head on the next person said.

When the two Immortals of the Gnarled Thirsty Clan heard this, they couldn’t help but curse in their hearts, and Fu Wei Sa was even more jealous: “Born with advantages, so powerful, merely inconvenient to travel in a spaceship. I would like to be born with such a powerful body. Not is the real body is huge it …… rely on puppet body is not the same to ride the spaceship?”

Yes, human body snake head, human body dragon head, human body rat head, these three bodies were puppet bodies, somewhat similar to mechanical puppets.

The three Immortal Deities of the Demon Race’s real bodies were too large to travel on a spaceship, so they could only hide in the “World Ring”.

They let the puppet body carry the world ring to ride the spaceship, once in danger, they can always rush out from the world ring, as for this “puppet body” is a very popular in the Demon Race can be manipulated through the consciousness of the puppet body, is alloy casting, connotes the consciousness of the receiver.

Splitting out a trace of consciousness in the body of the puppet, you can manipulate the body of the puppet.

The world rings that their real bodies hide have long been refined and can come out at any time, and they are all very weak world rings that contain a side of the world that is relatively small …… Even if they encounter a special predicament, with the power of their real bodies, they can completely blow up the entire side of the world directly and then come out again.

In short–

The real body is hidden in the “world ring” and let the puppet body carry it. This is a very popular way for the Demon Race to travel on spaceships when venturing out into the cosmos, avoiding many dangers for a long time.

Of course this way was only for the strongest of the Demon Race, who could afford to play with it, as World Rings were very expensive.

“I really envy the Demon Race for having a strong body, we have such a small body, our Immortal God Body is weak.” Fu Weiwei sighed in his heart.

“If there is a strong divine body like the Zi Submerged Ten Thousand Serpents ……,” Lei Keya also envied.

The more massive the body, the more advantageous it would be once one became an Immortal Deity!

Because in the moment from the realm master into the “immortal deity”, hooked the universe origin place, the sea of laws, then there will be endless energy to provide instantly will realm master body directly into the “immortal deity body”, this kind of free to get that kind of horrifying energy conversion! This kind of free opportunity to get that kind of horrific energy conversion of immortal divine body is only once.

Some beings are only one or two meters tall, how many points of energy do they absorb to convert their immortal divine bodies?

Some had bodies as long as one or two kilometers, and the amount of energy they needed to absorb to convert their immortal divine bodies was naturally staggering.

Such as the Star Beast, with a body that was thousands of kilometers long, the absorption of energy was even more unbelievable! Perhaps 10 times stronger in terms of pure attack power, but the reserves of “immortal divine power” within the immortal body are many times greater.

The immortal team led by His Highness Monvina of the Demon Race rode in the biological airships and swiftly headed towards the direction of the human sector lord team’s flight.

Time passed.

Two days had passed in the blink of an eye.

In the control room of the biological airship, the three demon race puppet bodies were all sitting on alloy chairs.

“Your Highness Monvina, it is predicted that the two airships will meet in three minutes.” Fwesa respectfully spoke in the common language of the demon race, “The detection instruments of the human Realm Lord’s team are relatively low-end, they can’t even catch up to the detection instruments I use. Much less compared to Your Highness, they definitely won’t be able to detect us in advance.”

His Highness, the human-snake headed Monvina nodded his head and let out a chuckle, “Very well, by the time these humans discover us, there will be no escape.”

“Takitou.” Howina looked down at the two subordinates at his side, “Later on, the two of you and the two from the Gnarled Thirsty Clan, quickly separate and surround that human. No matter what, do not let any of their humans escape.”


A man and a woman with a human dragon head and a human rat head both responded, they only followed because Meng Wei Na was stronger than them, but there was no need for them to be too respectful, after all, they were also a member within the Demon Race, and even in terms of race …… that Takitu was not in the slightest inferior to Meng Wei Na.

“About to make contact, 60 seconds, 59 wonderful, 58 seconds, 57 seconds, 56 seconds …… ” Fwesa suddenly made a sound.

“Fwesa, Rekia, the task of destroying their ship is in your hands.” Howina ordered.


Fwesa and Rekia respectfully answered.

“Humans ……,” the eyes of Montvina’s puppet body glowed with excitement.

Just over ten million kilometers away from the biological spaceship was a C9-class spaceship.

Inside the lounge cabin of the spaceship.

A group of people were all laughing and joking, but Luo Feng was sitting on a corner sofa: ”Three demon race puppet bodies? Two immortal deities from the gnarly thirsty clan?” As early as that one creature ship appeared within a billion kilometers it was detected by Luo Feng’s detecting instrument, in terms of how expensive it was, the detecting instrument Luo Feng was using …… wasn’t known to be many times higher than the one that His Highness Monvina was using, it was far too advanced.

“From the looks of it, it’s just staring directly in this direction coming over, targeting our team.”

“The immortal deity that escaped in the first place even dared to come again, it seems like he’s sure of himself and invited powerful helpers.” Luo Feng’s eyes were half narrowed, “Three demonic puppet bodies, demon race ah demon race, the puppet bodies used are usually human bodies and demonic heads, hmmm, dreaming of pressing on my human head.”

“Seeing how those two gnarled Thirsty Race Immortal Deities respectfully look, those three Demon Race should all be Immortals.”

“Five immortal deities!”

“No wonder there’s complete certainty.” Luo Feng said darkly, “They definitely can’t handle it by relying on captain Taiwo, poison and the others alone.”

“I need to step in, I’ve never killed an immortal deity in the extraterrestrial battlefield before, the last time poison killed a gnarled thirsty race immortal deity, it belonged to an ordinary primary immortal deity, because I helped out, I got a share of 10 million military merit rewards, poison got 90 million military merit, a total of 100 million military merit.” Luo Feng secretly said, “A stronger immortal deity is estimated to have even more military merit.”

Killing a foreign realm lord alone, at least only 100,000 military merits, at most 10 million military merits, Luo Feng already knew that.

Whereas killing an immortal alone was a minimum of 100 million and a maximum of 1,000 trillion (killing a peak sealed king).

The so called 1000 trillion this had long been rumored in the barracks base, just to be able to kill a powerful peak seal king immortal deity got that amazing amount of military merit. But a peak Seal King! At the very least, it must be at the level of “Illusory Spirit King,” “Bloodthirsty King,” “Blood Demon King,” and powerful deities are notoriously difficult to kill.

If you want to kill a Marquis Immortal, you generally need to have the strength of a King Immortal.

To kill a peak King Seal immortal?

Difficult, difficult, difficult.

Defeating is easy, sealing is hard, killing is the hardest.

Luo Feng’s 10 trillion military credit amount …… was estimated to take a long, long time to complete. However, just the army’s requirement of “1 billion military merits” was easy.

“Five immortal deities, I don’t know if I can scrape together 1 billion military merits.” Luo Feng secretly said, “I hope they aren’t all 100 million military honors.”

“Alarm, under-”

A piercing shriek suddenly rang out from the airship.


The team members who were originally still relaxed all suddenly stood up, each and every one of them had battle armor floating on their body surface and weapons appearing in their hands.

“Rumble!” The powerful bombardment immediately followed by the bombardment on the spaceship, Luo Feng and a group of people inside the cabin felt a violent shock, and then the lounge cabin directly tumbled and flew out chaotically, as for that C9 class spaceship cabin under the bombardment was as fragile as tofu, it completely shattered early.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

The four hatches of the cabin opened at the same time, and two by two, the members of the Realm Lord Elite Squad rushed out, and the immortal deity “Taiwo” smoothly put away the lounge cabin.

In the starry sky.

Taiwo and ten other humans stood in the starry sky, looking around at the two immortal scale-armored creatures in the distance.

“How dare you come.” Poison grinned as he stared deathly at the faraway Fwerwer withdrawal.

“Of course I dare to come.” Speaking in the ear-piercing universal language of the human universe, the gnarled Thirsty Clan “Fu Wei Za” grinned, “Damnable humans, how dare you make me destroy 10% of my soul, this time, you’re dead.”

Boom! Boom!

The other two directions in the distance suddenly erupted incomparably powerful breath, which originally had confidence in the grasp of Taiwo, poison and other human faces changed greatly, each turned his head to look, only to see …… two directions in the distant starry sky, appeared two behemoths, one of which has a one-horned dragon head full of scales and armor immortal reptilian organisms, and the other one is The whole body is full of sharp as if spear-like spikes, neck position even has a circle of film fluttering in the wind, its head is a seemingly cute mouse head, a pair of eyes dropping seems to be very cute, but the eyes of the killing intent is chilling.

“Demon race!”

“Demon race immortal.”

“Four immortal deities.” Taiwo, poison, wild dance, Wei, hammer, whirlwind, chimera, deity, and rock each turned pale and embarrassed, but Luo Feng’s gaze was glancing at the demon race puppet with a human body and snake head in the starry sky far away.

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