Chapter 23 – Amazing Ritual Continent

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:26:58
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Luo Feng had also killed quite a few sector lords during the majority of his time in the shattered star belt, even killing five immortal deities. Although he gave some of the valuable loot of the five immortal deities to his brothers and sisters in the sector lord elite squad, Luo Feng still left some items behind – such as the cosmic spaceship!

These alien sector lords and alien immortal deities had also gone through life and death time and time again, killing many humans as well as the mechanical race, the strongest of the two sides, and seizing many spaceships, but they were taken by Luo Feng in one fell swoop, leading to the fact that Luo Feng now owned many, many spaceships.

F class spaceships, just one, was the Meteor Ink Star.

E class universe fly a full 182 ships.

D class universe fly 302 ships.

There were a surprisingly full 800 million or so C-class cosmic flying ships, but unfortunately, they were likewise the least valuable.

In addition to this, more than 100 million biological spaceships of different levels were also obtained.

“Even captain Taiwo, at least he’s an immortal deity, he still uses that C9 level spaceship every day in the shattered star belt, he bought a whole bunch of E9 level spaceships, this C9 level spaceships this kind of cannon fodder, who knows how many to buy.” Luo Feng secretly said, many strong people were in the extra domain battlefield for tens or even hundreds of thousands of years.

They usually order a lot of C class airships as cannon fodder in one breath.

It was cheap anyway!

Inside the control room of this standard class 4 spaceship, Luo Feng was sitting leisurely on a sofa with a steaming cup of tea.

“Purchasing this advanced detection instrument, on the extra-terrestrial battlefield you can at least drink your tea in peace without worrying about a sudden cannon attack.” Luo Feng sipped his tea, the arm guard screen displayed the message of a team within a radius of 1 billion kilometers around the ship, those alien powerhouse teams however couldn’t discover Luo Feng at all.

Those who could purchase tens of millions of hybrid units and had this channel to do so, at least there weren’t many in the shattered star belt.

“Luo Feng, there’s mail.” Babata shouted.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng frowned slightly, consciousness connecting to the virtual universe network, the vast majority of moments on the extra-territorial battlefield were consciousness connecting to the virtual universe, because this was how one could know about their comrades and allies within a certain range around them, and at the moment of the battle it was even more important to turn it on, so that the virtual universe network remained synchronized and transmitting.

This is the way to monitor the battle and determine the military achievements.

“Message guide to the arm guard screen.” Luo Feng commanded, looking down at the arm guard screen.

The army system gave a direct order.

“Warrior Luo Feng, you have completed your military credit quota and left the team, you now have two options, one, continue fighting in the extradimensional battlefield. Two, retire and leave the extra-terrestrial battlefield.” The text message appeared directly on Luo Feng’s arm guard screen.

“Continue fighting.” Luo Feng said softly.

The monitoring system received Luo Feng’s voice reply and soon another email was sent over.

“Becoming free you have the power to ‘exchange treasures’ or directly exchange them for money, every 100,000 military merit is 1 hybrid unit, given that you’re a member of the virtual universe company, every 100,000 military merit can also be exchanged for 1 point, you can exchange military merit for treasures in the army system or exchange it for points to exchange for treasures in the Virtual Universe treasury.”

“You choose to continue fighting.”

“One, you can be alone.”

“Two, you can choose to lead an army that consists of 100 Realm Lords, 1,000 Domain Lords, and 10,000 Cosmic Levels. Your task is to lead this army to fight on the extra-terrestrial battlefield, and when you encounter alien powerhouses, you deal with the immortals among the alien powerhouses, and the army under your command goes to fight against the armies of the alien races.”

“Choose the first kind, then the military merits are accumulated normally.”

“Choose the second kind willing to lead the army and shelter the army, and you will receive an additional 50% military merit when the military merit is accumulated. For example, you get 100 million military merits for killing normal immortal deities, and you can get 150 million military merits for killing the same immortal deities when you lead the army. And …… when you lead the army, you don’t need to protect them, you only need to deal with the foreign race’s immortal deities and prohibit the foreign race’s immortal deities from slaughtering them.”

“Please make your choice.”

Luo Feng looked and smiled.

Being a nursemaid?

There were quite a few benefits, one could get an extra 50% military credit, this was considered a more troublesome errand but there was the same extra military credit offered, most immortal deities would probably choose, but unfortunately one had a lot of underhanded cards, especially the Golden Horn Beast split and so on, how could one perform this with a large army?

“I’ll choose the first one, alone.” Luo Feng said softly.

“Already recorded, warrior Luo Feng, you can apply to lead an army at any time, now sending the latest star map of the extra-terrestrial battlefield ‘seventh battlefield’, please receive.” The army control system sent the starry sky map directly through the virtual universe, and then the connection was severed.

“Starry sky map.” Luo Feng sat on the sofa with his tea, looking up at the projection formed in front of him.

The three dimensional virtual projection formed a star map, the star map of the entire seventh battlefield was very complex, densely packed with special zones, like the “broken star belt” this kind of location, that is counted in the tens of thousands, there are billions of more than the broken star belt is even lower than a number of areas, those areas are very small in number of strong people, generally are the realm masters, domain masters, cosmic levels of the scope of activities. .

“In the shattered star belt, there are many sector lord teams, there are many teams led by immortal deities, and there are only a handful of feudal lord levels.”

Luo Feng shook his head, “It’s not challenging for me at all, and there are too few Immortal Deities …… that are troublesome to search for alone, the hunting efficiency is too low.”

Shattered star belt, not suitable for himself.

“Then go …….”

Luo Feng looked at the star map.

The star map was the “seventh star field battlefield” after miniaturization, countless locations, surrounded by text markings.

“Amazing sacrifice continent.” Luo Feng saw this location at a glance, “This is the only extremely high level battle zone within the range of the 026 barracks base amplitude.”

“Zoom in.” Luo Feng ordered.

“Zoom in on the Amazing Sacrifice Continent.”

One of the billions of points on the starry sky map “Amazing sacrifice continent” quickly zoomed out, only to see an irregular continent appear on the starry sky map, around this continental bush, there were also some continental debris floating around. At the same time, the starry sky map was accompanied by a dense text, detailing the Amazing Sacrifice Continent.

“Amazing Sacrifice Continent: the highest level battle area within the control range of the seventh battlefield’s barracks base 026, humans who dare to enter the Amazing Sacrifice Continent as well as countless alien powerhouses, if it’s an elite squad then there will definitely be an ‘Immortal Divine Spirit’ in the squad, and if it’s an army, there will definitely be an Immortal Divine Spirit leading the team as well. ”

“Every team has Immortal Deities, and the number of Feudal-level Immortal Deities is extremely high.”

“Among the Immortal Deities, ‘Immortal Army Lords’ account for about two-thirds, ‘Feudal Grade’ account for about one-third, and there are only a handful of ‘Feudal King Grade’. ”

“Here, if one doesn’t have an immortal body, then the probability of survival will be very low.”



A large number of introductions about the dangers of the Amazing Sacrifice Continent, this dense text finally said, “The Amazing Sacrifice Continent’s main continent has a maximum diameter of 1.8 light years, there are also thousands of continental remnants that float around the continental bush, those continental remnants are as small as a million kilometers in diameter, and as large as over a trillion kilometers in diameter.”

Luo Feng sat on the sofa in the control room, drinking tea and looking at the star map formed by that three dimensional projection.

“The Amazing Sacrifice Continent, is the highest level battle area within the control range of Barracks Base 026.” Luo Feng said softly, “But in the entire 7th battlefield it’s considered the second class battle area, above it, there’s the first class, the range of barracks base 022 – 036 spread out, there’s an even more terrifying place. However, the weakest ones who dared to enter that place were all at the Feudal Marquis level. Seal King level immortal deities are almost always in this most dangerous place.”


“Even if my Earthling essence relies on armors and has 1000 times the power of a realm lord …… it’s still only the level of a Primary Feudal Marquis’ Immortal God Body, even if it’s a bit stronger than a Primary Feudal Marquis in terms of law comprehension. But I don’t have an immortal body.” Luo Feng shook his head, “Even if I face an ordinary feudal marquis immortal deity, my earthling essence would be struggling ……”

“Then the most dangerous place, the battle area where a large number of Seal King Immortal Deities gather, wait for the future.”

“Right now I’m not strong enough.”

Luo Feng nodded slightly, “When I can become a hegemonic existence in the Amazing Ritual Continent, only then will I be qualified to travel to that first class dangerous place.”

“Babata, set off.” Luo Feng ordered.


With Luo Feng’s detection instruments being able to spot some enemies early on, the spaceship could easily avoid them, so this E9 class spaceship flew all the way to the “cosmic shuttle point” without any sneak attacks.

“Cosmic shuttle.”

“50 times the speed of light.”

“Luo Feng, in about two hours, we’ll arrive at the shuttle point near the Amazing Ritual Continent. After arriving at the shuttle point, it will probably take close to six more days of flying before we reach the Amazing Ritual Continent area. However, we have very advanced detection instruments, the probability of being attacked is very low, but Luo Feng, you can’t be careless, you might just run into a Seal King level alien powerhouse, that kind of powerhouse has detection instruments that are probably higher than yours, and when he realizes that your detection instruments are so advanced, he’ll probably sneak up on you for a sneak attack!”

“Being sneak attacked by a Seal King would be dangerous.”

“So always be careful and vigilant.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng nodded.

Six days later.

The black flying saucer that had been flying on the extra-territorial battlefield for a long time finally arrived at its destination.


The alloy door of the control room automatically parted, Luo Feng stepped into the control room and commanded, “100% exterior virtualization.” Immediately the outside starry sky scene could be clearly seen.

“Amazing sacrifice continent.” Luo Feng stood in the control room and looked ahead, “Finally arrived.”

Far away in the starry sky, it was a vast and boundless continent, outside of that continent suspended in the starry sky, there were some equally large fragments of continents.

“During the thousands of years and more in the extra domain battlefield, I’m afraid that I’ve been intruding in this Amazing Ritual continent.” Luo Feng’s mind floated to a person’s silhouette, Taiwo, Poison, Hammer, Phantom Girl ……

“They’re still in the shattered star belt right, Taiwo, I hope you guys can retire alive.”

“I hope I can retire alive too.”

Luo Feng revealed a smile.


The E9 class spaceship quickly flew towards that Amazing Sacrifice Continent, from now on, the elite squad led by Taiwo was in the Shattered Star Belt fighting with the alien powerhouses, while Luo Feng was here in the Amazing Sacrifice Continent fighting with the even more powerful alien races. And what would happen in the future, no one could say.

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