Chapter 33 – Duel on the Lake

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:27:29
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The silent cave was filled with hidden mist.

Luo Feng sat in it with his knees crossed, but his consciousness was already connected to the virtual universe, researching blade techniques in his own cultivation field in that primordial area.

Luo Feng stood on the pale earth with his blood shadow battle sword in hand, executing his blade technique over and over again, while beside him were countless peak sector lord powerhouses rushing to kill, those sector lord powerhouses were frantically killing Luo Feng.

Bladework! Yoyo! Remnant dream! Getting shadows! Burial! It’s hard to stop hating! The road to the end of the world!

Blade light flashes!

Tearing through the sky!

A Boundary Lord powerhouse was killed as the slaughter went on.

“It’s not right.”

“It always feels wrong.” Luo Feng waved his hand and drank lowly, “Set!” The countless realm lord powerhouses that had originally rushed to kill were all fixed there motionless, after all, this was only simulated by the cultivation field.

Luo Feng walked amongst that crowd of fixed sector lords, his brows furrowed in thought, “When I was engaged in a fight with the 12 foreign race immortals earlier, I felt that my blade technique was still flawed, or rather …… it didn’t reach one of the extremes that my current sense of law could bring to bear. ”

Luo Feng’s mind moved, with a flip of his hand the beast god weapon shield appeared in his hand.

“Beast god soldier first style – beast god descent.” Luo Feng directly executed it, instantly 999 diamond shaped metal pieces flew out from that golden beast god soldier shield, tickling the simulated cosmic origin in the virtual universe, countless golden filaments were strung together, directly transforming into a huge beast god phantom, the mighty pressure directly arose.

“This is the perfect secret method.”

Luo Feng raised his head and looked at the Beast God phantom suspended in mid air that was emitting a mighty pressure! Even if it was only the first style …… even if it was only called the secret method cast by the mouth metal piece combination drive, it was that perfect and the beast god phantom formed actually possessed a mighty pressure!


“I cast a sword technique and naturally produce some beast god phantoms, but there is no pressure.” Luo Feng secretly shook his head, “Maybe compared to my teacher Hu Yan Bo, the blade method I created is considered subtle, but …… compared to Xiluoduo, my blade method is too crude. How exactly should I progress? How to break through?”

Luo Feng stood there silently.

Under the watchful eyes of countless realm lords, he just tilted his head and looked at the Beast God phantom suspended in midair that was emitting a mighty pressure.


“Breakthrough from where?”

“My Golden Horn Beast Split’s ability to fight in close combat is that one move that appears to be a crude Heaven Tearing Claw? There’s no secret technique as perfect as Herodor’s mastery, Beast God Soldier?” Luo Feng continuously watched the Beast God phantom in mid-air, vaguely seeming to touch something, but there was always the vague feeling of searching for flowers in the fog.

Time passed.

Luo Feng meditated and pondered over the sword technique, pondered over the Golden Horned Beast’s combat method. In fact, the Golden Horned Beast combat secret method and the sword method were similar, both belonged to the category of close combat! One relied on the Golden Horned Beast’s body to realize an attack, and the other relied on the battle knife to realize an attack, and the battle knife could be completely taken as an extension of the body.

Naturally the two types were interchangeable.

However, these had to be created by Luo Feng, the first 100 years Luo Feng had already been considered a small success of the blade method, but a battle had made Luo Feng feel that …… the blade method was still not complete enough, and was not yet able to utilize the strongest power of the Beast God realm of intent.

“Once it’s perfected.”

“The power of the blade method, will surpass the Beast God Soldier, because of course I create the most suitable for myself, that Beast God Soldier is most suitable for Herodor.”

In the first hundred years, Luo Feng occasionally went out to hunt and fight, but 99% of the time he was feeling the Beast God way and studying the Xi and battle secret methods. And now …… Luo Feng was immersed in that state again.

Twelve days had passed in the blink of an eye.


A pyramid ship about 600 meters tall was breaking through the air and flying rapidly, inside the pyramid ship.

“Star Eater Realm Lord, Star Eater Realm Lord.” Sitting on the alloy seat was none other than the Card Witch Race Immortal “Burning Asia”, his eyes were burning with flames, and next to him were two polygonal sledgehammers, obviously he and the fallen Long Suo …… used the same heavy weapons such as sledgehammers.

“Surprisingly has not moved.”

“The location of the token hasn’t changed.” Burning Asia said in a low voice, “Could it be that he knew about Long Suo’s relationship with me and was worried about being retaliated against by me, searched and found the token and directly threw it somewhere?”

Assuming Luo Feng really wanted to escape, the vast misty sand island, where would Burning Asia go to find it?

Not to mention that once Luo Feng escaped to other places such as the Amazing Ritual Continent, Burning Asia would be even more unable to find it.


“No, must be there, must be there.” Burning Asia was worried and expectant in his heart, he really wanted to kill that hateful human and avenge his dear brother, but he was afraid that that hateful and cunning human had thrown down the token and fled, so he didn’t know when he would be able to avenge himself.

The distance kept shrinking.

“Must be in.” Burning Ya gaze distantly shou distant, even if the outer view was virtualized 100%, he could only see some mist in the distance just.

“Luo Feng, a dangerous target has been spotted.”

“The target is traveling alone in a mechanical race ship, flying towards the direction we are in, and detecting his appearance …… is the Kahwu race! And while the immortal deities on Misty Sand Island are usually a few together, he’s acting alone, coupled with what you said before you killed that Karwoo race before Luo Feng – there’s a 90% probability that we can determine that this dangerous target is the ‘Monolith’, one of the twelve feudal lords. ”

Babata reported to Luo Feng.


Luo Feng, who was sitting cross-legged in the cave surrounded by mist, slowly opened his eyes, “Is it finally here?”

“It’s still an estimated 1 hour away from here.” Babata said.

“After waiting for so long, it’s finally here, after coming to misty sand island for a hundred years, I’ve never fought a feudal lord before.” Luo Feng nodded, “I’m a little bit lost in my sword technique and the golden horned giant beast battle secret method, maybe I can take this opportunity to figure something out.”


Luo Feng instantly scurried out of the cave, sticking to the rock wall of the mountain range quickly flying towards the top, soon came to one of the more flat places of this mountain range, here is having a large lake, at the top of this mountain range this lake …… is tens of thousands of kilometers in diameter, on earth it is simply unimaginable, but in the Misty Sand Island it is quite normal.

“Water.” Luo Feng sat at the edge of the lake, already feeling the thick cold air filling the air, then he reached out to fish up some water.

The piercing cold instantly passed along the arm to the whole body, feeling a burst of icy cold, of course this cold …… Luo Feng can still easily withstand.

“Really cold.”

“But it’s refreshing.” Luo Feng smiled and sat there, casually teasing the water.

And I don’t know how long it took-


A pyramid airship quickly broke through the air from afar, and then quickly decelerated and stopped directly in the sky above the lake, because of the shockwaves caused by the super high speeds caused the surrounding area to be filled with flying sand and rocks, but the heavy and cold water within the lake only caused some ripples.

Wow! The 12-meter tall majestic Kamuu immortal wearing a fiery red battle armor took a step out of the hatch, and then the pyramid airship next to him disappeared into thin air, and he stood in the air above the lake, his invisible pressure spreading out, and flames started burning around his body, and the flames started to spread out, instantly covering the surrounding area of tens of thousands of kilometers.

“Buzz!” Luo Feng sat there playing with the water, world projection directly released open.

Hardly resisting that flame law field, personally not affected in the slightest.

“Goo goo goo goo ……” the lake water that had been ice cold gradually started to roll up, and then all the water in this huge lake that was a hundred times more than all the ocean water on earth combined started to roll up and boil.

“It’s so pointless.”

Luo Feng suddenly got up.


The world projection violently expanded away and directly pressed towards that flame law domain, the super strong world projection forced that flame law domain with overwhelming force, it looked like it was about to cause that law domain to collapse.

“Hmph!” The Marquis Immortal “Burning Asia” standing in the flames above the lake let out a furious grunt, and at that moment, the originally ordinary-looking Flame Law Domain began to operate internally, as if it had turned from a group of stragglers into a disciplined army, causing the entire Flame Law Domain to become even more stable.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

World projection versus flame law domain, colliding over and over again, although Luo Feng had a slight advantage, he was hard and unable to completely overwhelm his opponent.

“Eh?” Luo Feng looked at the flame law domain in surprise, this was the first time he had come across a situation where a separate law domain could resist his world projection.

“According to what teacher said, it’s possible to incorporate the comprehension of the laws of space and time into a ‘law domain’, but that would have to be at least to the extent of comprehending the fourth diagram of the ‘Nine Universe Chaos Tablet’. ” Luo Feng frowned slightly, “Law domains, are the …… natural law powers given by the laws of the origin of the universe, but when these powers are directly pressed, it’s as if they’re scattered. But once the law of space is manipulated and combed through the law of space, it will make the law field stronger. The sealed marquis immortal …… is really a lot stronger than those immortal army lords.”

“You are the Star Eater Realm Lord!”

The muffled human generalized again emitted from the mouth of that Burning Asia who stood over the lake.

Luo Feng looked up at him, “You’re a boulder?”

“Hahaha …… it really is you.” Burning Asia’s voice boomed, “I guessed correctly, you should have known I was coming.

“Right.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Have guts.” Burning Ya said in a low voice, “Killing my tribal life and death brothers, guessing that I’m coming, and even daring to keep my token and keep waiting for me here …… Do I have to be grateful to you, or do I have to snicker at you? Oooh – you made me find you with a lot less effort, I’ll let you die a painful death.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng flipped his hand, the blood shadow battle sword and six pronged shield appeared in his hand.

One hand shield, one hand blood shadow battle sword.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two’s world projections and law domains were still colliding with each other, Luo Feng’s world projection had some advantage but it didn’t have much impact on the battle.

“I’ve been waiting for you here for 12 days, you’re so slow, I hope you don’t let me down.” The black battle armor on Luo Feng’s body surface quickly extended and formed a battle helmet, this battle …… will be Luo Feng’s real first life and death fight with a feudal marquis level immortal deity, Luo Feng couldn’t help but have fiery expectations in his heart.

“It won’t disappoint.” Burning Asia looked down at the little dot in front of him, holding that green colored sledgehammer in each hand, surrounded by dazzling flames.

The thirteen overlords of Misty Sand Island.

The Star Eating Realm Lord versus the boulder, two by two colliding.

“Three strikes through the universe!” Luo Feng’s eyes suddenly flashed sternly, his entire body instantly left three zigzagging trajectories in mid-air, as if a flash of lightning, his speed drifting up to an extremely terrifying point, while accompanying his figure was a brilliant blade light illuminating.

“Die!” Burning Asia also roared up.

The battle began instantly!

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