Chapter 80 – Ancient Divine Kingdom

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:29:32
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The mouth said beautifully, but the Night Star King’s side and the Ice Blade’s side were both secretly vigilant, and now the two sides needed to join forces in order to enter the core area, which was why they could maintain the surface peace.

But once they enter the core area ……

Together with each other being hostile foreign races and rivals for the treasure, it would be strange if they didn’t kill each other!

“Hmph.” The gazes that the Violet Bell King swept towards Luo Feng and the rest of them were as if they were blades.

Luo Feng also gave him an icy look.

Hostility …… was not hidden on both sides, no one was stupid, there was no need to hide hostility at all.


“So many corpses.” Luo Feng they walked on the ring shaped corridor, the entire ring shaped corridor was about 1 kilometer wide and 3 kilometers high, encircling the entire inner periphery of the sacrificial tower time and time again……. Although the entire sacrificial tower was only tens of thousands of kilometers in height, the length of this ring shaped passage was hundreds of thousands of kilometers long.

The ring-shaped passage, occasionally connecting one hall after another.

Some corpses could be seen in each hall, skeletal remains.

“They are all immortal corpses, as for the skeletal remains they should be sector lord level, as for domain lords, universe level …… and so on downwards, they have long since rotted to the point where even the ashes have turned into nothingness.” Luo Feng looked at some of the corpses in the thousands of kilometers wide chamber next to him, he couldn’t help but sigh darkly, all of these died at the hands of the four peak ethnic groups.

The large group of universe reverends from the four peak ethnic groups might not have discovered the sacrificial tower.

But the sacrificial tower was hidden at best, but it could not withstand that soul attack!

Under the sweep of the soul attack!

They all perished!

Even the Seal King level died instantly, not to mention the other Immortals and even weaker natives of the Amazing Ritual Continent.

“Yang.” The Tiger Thorn King transmitted his voice.

Luo Feng glanced at the Tiger Thorn King.

“Have you noticed that all the immortal corpses we’ve seen don’t have space rings, world rings, or weapons?” The Tiger Thorn King transmitted his voice.

“Haha ……” Luo Feng of course understood why.

“The Night Star King and that Ice Blade, scavenged very cleanly.” Tiger Thorn King said, “The two of them came in early, except for the core area that they couldn’t get into …… At least the residential area they swept through, the legacy of the six sealed kings, and the legacy of a large number of other immortal deities …… The Night Star King has actually harvested How much, it really makes my heart itch.”

“Nightstar King, how is your harvest?” The Tiger Spur King was straightforward, directly transmitting his voice to inquire.

“I only got three seal king corpses, that Amazing Sacrifice community can be far inferior to peak communities such as humans, those seal kings are also poor, the harvest is average.” Night Star King directly said.

“Getting a bargain is still a good thing.” The Tiger Spur King transmitted his voice.

Walking while transmitting voice conversations, the two teams quickly arrived at the entrance to the core area of the entire sacrificial tower.

“This entrance ……” Luo Feng looked at the front into, this is the huge hexagram, the six corners of the hexagram is the channel six channels about ten meters in diameter, there is a misty stream of light inside the channel, one layer as if it was a film, vaguely exuding a powerful energy that makes people’s hearts palpitate. Heart palpitations.

“According to the information we got, six strong people respectively from the six channels to go in, must break through a layer of obstacles, and then will be embedded in that four letter symbols, six letter symbols are inlaid, in order to open the channel into the core area, the treasure is in the core area.” Night Star King said.

“Right.” Ice Blade also nodded, “There are layers of obstruction within each passageway, normally a Seal Marquis level immortal would be able to rush in, it should be a means used by the Amazing Ritual Continent’s aborigines to hinder some of the descendants of their own clans, preventing their descendant’s children from intruding into the core area.”

“Layers of obstruction?”

The Purple Bell King of the Saki Taste Clan glanced icily at the “Ice Blade” next to him and snorted, “Ice Blade, are you playing with me? The energy emanating from this passageway is not weak, what if it contains a special attack that will cause us to perish?”

“Don’t go in if you’re afraid.” The Tiger Thorn King coldly snorted.

“Cowards.” Luo Feng also said deliberately.

“Ice Blade, the helpers you hired are so timid.” The Night Star King shouted derisively.

The human side snickered.

Causing King Cangjin, Iceblade, and King Violetbell to frown slightly, King Violetbell glanced at the human camp side just snorted coldly and didn’t speak again. But the Purple Bell King, Ice Blade, and Cang Jin King they exchanged eye contact and secretly transmitted their voices …… apparently also argued for a moment.

Luo Feng, Tiger Spike King, and Night Star King’s side were also secretly communicating.

“I’ve tested this many times, feel free to rest assured, I’ll just lead the way in!” Night Chen King was confident.

“I have the Wuicide Feather, General Armor …… this energy is not too realistic to blast me, not to mention that this is only the Earthling himself, even if something goes wrong, it’s still under control.” Luo Feng was confident.

“King Nightstar, I trust you.” The Tiger Thorn King also trusted the Night Star King.

In just a few moments –

Both sides had communicated internally, how could they retreat when they were already in front of the treasure?


“Enter.” Both teams did the same.

The Night Star King, Tiger Thorn King, and Luo Feng were each along a passageway, and that Ice Blade, Cang Jin King, and Purple Bell King were each along a passageway as well.

Six passages …… six strong men ……

“This water curtain like film?” Luo Feng’s wings spread out, wrapping himself and barging in hard.


The water curtain broke through, there was resistance but it couldn’t stop Luo Feng’s power.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof! Pfft! Pfft!

A breath broke through layers of water curtain, although a layer is stronger than a layer, but Luo Feng’s Earth human body power over 10,000 times the power of the realm master, but easily came to the end of the channel, at the end of the channel on one side of the wall there is a triangular four holes, and Luo Feng previously got the talisman just fit.

Luo Feng’s hand floated in the center of his hand, and gently inlaid it.

“Ding!” The token was integrated into it, some secret patterns of laws within the entire passageway began to gradually light up, the space was emitting trembling sounds.

“Ding!” Similar vibrating sounds came from the other passages.

In a moment, the six channels trembled at the same time.

All the secret patterns of the six passages were getting brighter and brighter …… This scene made Luo Feng and the other six powerhouses tense up, this kind of treasure exploration is supposed to be risky, how would they dare to trespass without taking risks? And everyone is determined …… that the danger is very low before they dare to directly break in, but even with this judgment, no one is completely sure.

The core control room of the entire sacrificial tower.

The three dimensional virtual projection of the sacrificial tower was hovering, through this projection, it was possible to see the various areas of the sacrificial tower, when Luo Feng and the other six alien powerhouses just entered the sacrificial tower ……

“Foreign race invasion.”

“Foreign race invasion.”

Sitting in the control room was a six-armed mechanical golem made of alloy, this was a mechanical golem that mimicked the appearance of the aborigines of the Amazing Ritual Continent and contained intelligent life, it had been monitoring and watching the entire Ritual Tower for countless years as if it were day by day, and the long years had caused it to evolve into an intelligent life.

After countless years, it finally discovered the invasion of alien life.

“Whoosh!” It immediately stood up and directly stepped into a water screen next to it.

This water curtain was the Divine Kingdom spatial passageway.

Like the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is building a fixed space channel to the Divine Kingdom in the Imperial Capital Star, the fixed space channel …… is related to the distance, the farther the spatial distance between the two, then the cost of building the channel to maintain the channel is more amazing, but the closer the distance is, then the cost of building and maintaining it is less.

Even that immortal of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire can maintain it, and it is a simple matter to build a spatial channel …… in the core control room of the sacrificial tower.

The intelligent robot appeared in the dispersion of a pale mountain peak, in front of a lofty shrine, and from the top of this mountain peak looking down towards the bottom …… was able to see densely inhabited areas in the distance, countless Amazing Sacrifice aborigines surviving in this vast continent of the Divine Kingdom.

“Whoosh!” Out of thin air, a tall six-armed figure wearing a golden robe was none other than the Amazing Ritual Aborigines.

“Master.” The intelligent robot respectfully said.

“Why are you here if you’re not in the Ritual Tower?” The golden-robed powerhouse said in a low voice.

“Master, intruders have been found in the sacrificial tower.” The intelligent robot said.


The golden-robed strong man’s eyes immediately lit up, as if two lasers, causing space to snort, then he laughed out loud, “Sacrificial tower ah, my clan’s survival heritage sacrificial tower ah! How long has it been …… how long has it been …… that our lineage has been hiding, and the offspring that have been reproduced have secretly survived in some mineral planets, and once they are discovered …… they immediately flee, 鑺� prolonging the residual life ah!!!! ”

“Haha ……”

“Finally an intruder! Finally, an intruder!” This golden-robed powerhouse laughed out loud.

“Seal King Immortals all come here, Third Brother, you bring them all.” The golden-robed powerhouse’s voice instantly resounded through the many regions of this divine Kingdom.

In just one breath of time.

Eleven powerful figures instantly appeared on the side of the gold robed powerhouse, these powerhouses …… each had six arms, their skin was like jade, their heads were bald, and they were all clearly aborigines of the Amazing Ritual Continent. Moreover, the aura they emitted was incomparably powerful …… had already reached the level of Sealed King Immortality.

“Divine Lord.”

“Divine Lord.” The eleven Seal King Immortals all looked at this golden-robed powerhouse in confusion.

“Summoning us here in a hurry is?”

“That sacrificial tower we rode in back then has finally, finally welcomed the foreign invaders.” The golden-robed powerhouse said.


The eleven Seal King Immortals’ bodies trembled with excitement, to the point that a large majority of them cried tears of joy and directly shed tears.

“How many years, how many years ah, back then, my clan faced the disaster of extinction …… and the honored ones were even the main target of that four peak clans to hunt down and kill, we divided into 10,000 teams and fled separately, each team carrying the clan’s inheritance and treasures, in order to try to rise up again. However, that damnable four peak clans came too fast, I’m afraid not many of our ten thousand teams were able to escape, the six leaders of our team were still arranging for their clansmen to enter the sacrificial tower when the attack descended!” One of the Seal King powerhouses was filled with tears, his whole body trembled, “Some of our immortals were placed in the core area, fortunately, the third brother was smart back then, just in case of accidents, leaving tokens inside the sacrificial tower, a few of us were directly divine teleported to the third brother’s divine country.”

“Which know …… wait for us to return to the sacrificial tower again.”

“But found that the sacrificial tower had long since died out.”

“The six leaders all died outside the sacrificial tower because of arranging their clansmen. Without the six talismans …… none of us can open the treasures within the sacrificial tower, and without the inheritance and treasures left behind by the clans, it is difficult for us to cultivate strong people within the Divine Kingdom even though we have countless clansmen.”

“There are no talismans!”

“The core area passage is shut down, we can’t get out of the core area even if our divine Kingdom teleports into it.”

“We don’t dare to return to the Amazing Ritual Continent.”

“Don’t dare to return.”

“We don’t dare to gamble …… that once we are discovered, the four peak communities will drive us to extinction, and our lineage will directly die out.”

“It’s been too long too long.”

This Seal King powerhouse whose face was all wrinkled up had tears in his eyes, but his eyes were full of madness, “Finally, finally, finally, finally, there are foreign invaders coming in, and they’ll be carrying a talisman ……We’ll finally be able to get the talisman, and we’ll be able to get our hands on the clan’s treasure.”

“Finally, the opportunity has come.” The golden-robed powerhouse said in a low voice.

The other King Seal powerhouses had a frantic look in their eyes.

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