Chapter 11: Waiting to close the net

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:38:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Teacher has finally broken through!” Luo Feng was excited, before he passed on the ancient civilization to the human community, Chaos City Master teacher had already vaguely wanted to break through, and then got detailed inheritance guidance, plus the oppression of the community’s battle of destiny …… Originally, the human community were all eager for Chaos to break through before the “Armageddon”. “The first time I saw him was when he was a young man, and he was a young woman.

But until the end of the battle, Chaos had not been able to break through. Luckily, Luo Feng broke through to become the Lord of the Universe first and saved the day with the “Endless Sea of Ghosts”.

“Before the great war, I longed for a breakthrough but couldn’t get it.”

“This great war is over, but then he suddenly made a breakthrough.” Luo Feng, who was in the virtual universe, immediately traveled to where his teacher was.

Virtual universe, the top of Thunder Island.

At the moment this place was incredibly lively, as soon as Luo Feng arrived, before he could see who was in the distance, he heard all sorts of noisy voices, either majestic, shrill, or hoarse ……

“Huh?” Luo Feng took a glance and couldn’t help but be surprised, “So many have come, even the foreign races have come.”

“Galaxy Lords.”

“Come on, Galaxy Lord, your teacher broke through. You as a disciple must show your appreciation and prepare more thick congratulatory gifts.” A foreign race universe lord with dozens of tentacles saw Luo Feng and even said.

Immediately, many foreign races surrounded him.

Becoming the strongest person in the universe was such a big deal!

In today’s primordial universe, as long as an ethnic group could produce the strongest person in the universe, it meant that the group could become the “peak group”! The Original Ancestor was suppressed, the Giant Axe perished, and now humans don’t have the strongest person in the universe to sit in the center, in fact, it also makes the entire Hong alliance a bit uneasy, now Chaos has broken through, and all the masters of the universe feel like they have a “backbone”.

“Luo Feng, Luo Feng.” The Chaos City Lord who was surrounded by the crowd, once he saw Luo Feng, he waved.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng also smiled and immediately greeted him.

“Before the last big battle, I did my best not to dare to slack off in the slightest, wanting to break through before the battle. But I just didn’t break through ……” Chaos City Lord shook his head and laughed, “But I didn’t expect that when the whole person completely relaxed, they naturally broke through.”

Luo Feng said, “Teacher this is a thick build up, naturally one day success.”

Looking at the noisy scene around, Luo Feng also somewhat understood, after all, the situation in the primordial universe was now tense, the chaos city master teacher had just made a breakthrough, telling all the universe lords throughout the Hong alliance that they were all celebrating together was also making the Hong alliance more cohesive internally.

This noisy celebration lasted for most of the day before those foreign races left one by one, leaving only the human native universe lords.

“Luo Feng, you quietly summoned us to stay behind one by one, what’s the matter?” The Lord of Ice Peak asked, the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Dragonwalker and the others one by one also looked at Luo Feng. Just now during the gathering, Luo Feng did quietly send a message to the human native universe lord.

“Me and the Hao Lei Star Lord, a battle is about to begin.” Luo Feng looked around.

There was a sudden silence.

Although the human side had confidence in Luo Feng, after all, the sparring opponent was the Hao Lei Star Lord.

“Luo Feng, Hao Lei star lord is not to be messed with, giant axe perished, we do have to take revenge. But there is no rush.” The Lord of Peng Gong spoke.

“I’m 30% sure of killing the Hao Lei Star Lord in this battle.” Luo Feng spoke.


Including the Chaos City Lord, everyone was shocked in disbelief.

Killing the strongest person in the universe?

Even the strongest person in other universes wouldn’t dare to say that. Luo Feng was only a universe lord …… how dare he say this? However, after seeing Luo Feng’s plan last time, and seeing that Luo Feng’s endless divine power ocean detachment was able to resist the combined soul attacks of the entire allied camp and the Freedom Alliance, causing the human universe lords to still be more confident in Luo Feng’s.

“Thirty percent certainty?” The Chaos City Lord himself spoke.

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded, “After all, it’s the strongest person in the universe, to kill him, I definitely can’t do it on my own, I have to use the three major jedi environments. So I can only say that I’m 30% sure! If he has a heart, if he’s arrogant, he’s still likely to get hit.”


A group of human cosmic lords, including Lord of Void Gold, Lord of You Hou, Lord of Qing Dong, etc. were all shocked and excited, they couldn’t believe it, and thought that Luo Feng had the “Tomb Boat” as well as the Broken East River lineage that might have given him some special means, so maybe it could really work.

“If it succeeds, the Hao Lei Star Lord’s ‘Hao Lei divine armor’ will be ours on the human side.” The Lord of the Phantom Marquis called out.

The Hao Lei Divine Armor, even the Strongest Supreme Treasure Divine Armor, was owned by the Hao Lei Star Lord.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng laughed, “I’m letting everyone stay because if I do succeed by a fluke …… once the Hao Thunder Star Lord perishes, then all of the strong Thunderstorm Star Clan members living in the Hao Thunder Star Lord’s ‘mini-universe’ will instantly perish, and the Small Universe would also collapse and dissolve. At that time, a large amount of supreme treasures will appear ……”

Once Luo Feng said that, everyone present understood.

From ordinary beings all the way up to the master of the universe, none of them could control themselves. If you live in the primordial universe, the root of your life is in the primordial universe …… while the lives of the first reincarnation era and the second reincarnation era are hosted in small universes! Once the microcosm collapses, all the lives in this microcosm will die……. Of course, if the microcosm becomes a “holy universe”, then the internal immortal, the venerable, the Lord of the Universe and so on can all exist forever.

“An ethnic group all perishing, countless treasures, well, it’s something to be aware of.” The Chaos City Lord nodded his head, then looked at the Darkness Lord, “Senior brother, it’s up to you to personally go there. If Luo Feng really succeeds …… in disintegrating that small universe, you’ll sweep through and bring all the treasures.”

“Good.” The Dark Lord nodded, then he turned his head to look at Luo Feng, “Don’t make me make an empty trip.”

“I’ll definitely do my best.” Luo Feng laughed.

Cosmic sea, no one dared to say they were sure of killing the strongest person in the universe.

Luo Feng was also gambling!

The dark lord quietly left the primordial universe on that day, in the vast cosmic sea, through natural wormholes, as well as long distance transients, he tried his best to move forward, and after spending a full six days, he finally arrived at that “Hao Lei star lord’s” small universe.

“Small universe.”

The black pyramid that was as big as a sesame seed was suspended in the chaotic airflow, inside the black pyramid, the Dark Lord was looking at the incomparably huge small universe in the distance, “Luo Feng is really crazy, killing the strongest person in the universe ah …… even with the help of the Jedi environment, it’s still unbelievable. ”

Cosmic boat, center of the Spinning Zephyr Sea, on a huge reef.

“Is incredible.” Luo Feng was inside the star tower, overlooking the outside world, listening to the discussions of those universe lords on the reef outside, “Usually it’s the universe’s strongest who kill each other that causes a certain party to perish. The Lord of the Universe causing the strongest person in the universe to die …… has indeed never been done before.”

“And I, Luo Feng! In terms of strength, it’s enough to explode to the ninth order of battle! It’s considered top notch amongst even the strongest of the universe, it’s merely that my speed can’t break through the limit.”

“It’s entirely possible for me, to create a miracle.” Luo Feng was filled with endless battle intent.

One on one.

There was a possibility of success for himself, if it was one on two or three …… there was no hope. That’s why he had only provoked a single Hao Lei Star Lord. If even the Zhen Jia king and the gnarled rock ancestor god came along this time, Luo Feng would definitely turn his head and leave, and would also drink in the cowardice of that Hao Lei star lord.

Time passed day by day.

“Rumbling ……” The whirlpools of the swirling zephyr sea became more and more terrifying, and the fierce winds in mid air became more and more powerful.

The wild winds on the reef were smaller, and the 15 Cosmic Lords waited expectantly.

“It is estimated that, just in the recent period of time, the Hao Lei Star Lord will arrive.”


“Just wait, the Great Battle between the Hao Lei Star Lord and the Galaxy Lord, really looking forward to it.” Those individual universe lords were unwilling to miss this battle.

Just as they were chatting, a huge thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the distance of the void above the dimly lit Spinning Zephyr Sea, a thunderbolt instantly crossed the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it traveled from the distance of the void to the top of the reef, causing the group of Universe Lords who were originally very leisurely and casual to all get excited.

“Human boy! Quickly hand over the Lord of my clan’s Thunder Shuttle!” A magnificent voice came out from high in the sky.

The huge thunderbolt in the high sky had already formed a thunderbolt giant, which was lanky and tall, while a huge ball of thunderbolt light was rotating in its chest, and was looking down indifferently.

“Ho Thunder!” A cold cry rang out.

Only to see the side door of the Star Tower out of a silver-robed and silver-winged youth, his left hand stretched out, the Star Tower next to him quickly shrunk and fell into his palm, and he was looking up with a cold smile at the lightning giant standing motionless in the gusty winds above him, “Hao Lei, now that the Thunder Shuttle’s Lord lives and dies under my control, and you have a request for my help, you still dare to be this crazy.”

“Hmph.” The lightning giant high in the sky looked down below and snorted coldly, then he forced himself to hold back his anger, “Say, how can you be willing to release the Lord of the Thunder Shuttle.”

“It’s also easy for me to hand over the Thunder Shuttle Lord.” Luo Feng said, “As long as you kneel in front of me and kowtow to me in reparation! I will then spare the Thunder Shuttle Lord.”

When these words came out, the group of alien universe lords who were originally watching were all shocked.

Luo Feng had gone crazy!

“Unbridled!” The lightning giant high in the sky roared in anger as soon as he heard this, “Insulting a universe’s strongest person, damn you.”

“Insult? If I was strong enough, I would have killed you and tortured you a thousand times over.” Luo Feng icily looked up at the lightning giant high in the sky.

The Hao Lei Star Lord looked down below.

He instantly understood ……

The human seemed to truly know that the death of the giant axe had something to do with the three of them! It was because of the great grudge that Luo Feng had insulted him so much.

“It seems that you are unwilling to hand over the Thunder Shuttle Lord.” The Hao Thunder Star Lord looked down.

“I never thought of handing it over!” Luo Feng said icily.

“Thunder Shuttle ……” Hao Thunder Star Lord sounded from high in the air, “I will avenge you.”

When these words came out, the group of universe lords on the bystander reef who had long been hiding inside the palace treasure were all agitated, they understood that this Hao Lei Star Lord said this obviously no longer holds the idea of saving the “Thunder Shuttle Lord”, obviously it is going to start the big battle.

“Human boy, I will let you understand how foolish it is to provoke one of the strongest!” The lightning giant high in the sky suddenly roared violently, his hundreds of millions of kilometers of huge lightning right leg suddenly transformed into a huge thunderbolt and directly struck down towards the reef below, the power was so great that wherever it passed through, the space was shattered.

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