Chapter 16 “It”

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:38:56
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The time and space where the primordial secret realm, the power center of the human race, was located had been changed, and under the control of the newly promoted True God “Lord of Chaos City”, even the laws had been changed. At least it was impossible for the enemy camp to directly kill the hinterland in a very short period of time through methods such as “Divine Kingdom Teleportation” and “Instantaneous Shift”.

Before the giant axe perished, the human race’s control of space and time on one side was much weaker, which made it possible for the allied camps to kill the lair in a very short time.

“Wow wow wow wow ……” The endless sea of ghosts straddled the void, setting off a wave.

A figure suddenly appeared on the waves.


Luo Feng stepped on the waves, his divine power was rapidly replenishing himself, a large amount of divine power was also drilled into the “tomb boat” to replenish the golden horned beast, in an instant, the two divine bodies were all restored to good health…….To the entire endless sea of ghosts, this amount of divine power was not worth mentioning at all.

“Divine power route, indeed subtle and difficult.” Luo Feng waved his hand, a world ring was directly thrown out, while the endless waves next to him immediately lifted up in one wave, before engulfing that world ring in one go.

That world ring, hid a large number of strange substances harvested in the universe boat in these nearly 800 years, rocky substances alone, there are 92,083 kinds, there are also flames, gases, liquids, metals …… In addition to these inanimate ones, like the perished Thunder Shuttle Lord, like the body fragments of the Hao Lei Star Lord, the same was put in this world ring.

From divine power ……

There are a variety of ways, and the endless sea of ghosts has the gift “creation”, can analyze the life gene, create life! Naturally, the route of “analyzing and dissecting the genes of life” is the most effective. In fact, before he left for the cosmic sea last time, Luo Feng had already sent a large amount of items from the primordial universe into the endless sea of ghosts for the endless sea of ghosts to analyze.

Luo Feng’s way was simple –

Endless Psi Sea dissection! After that, the divine power incarnation would study and ponder under the ten thousand times acceleration of the “cultivation space”, and once he had gained something from his research, he would use the endless sea of ghosts to conduct another test.

“It’s a pity that I prepared some creatures last time, many of them have rotted.” Luo Feng secretly shook his head, some of the creatures lifespan was maybe just a thousand years, they all died of old age during the research process.

“Teacher!” Luo Feng stood on the endless ghost sea waves and opened his mouth to shout.


A figure appeared out of thin air in front of Luo Feng’s eyes, it was none other than the Chaos City Lord, at this moment, the Chaos City Lord was wearing a golden robe, his eyes were even faintly filled with the birth and destruction of the universe. He naturally carries an endless calm breath …… that also makes Luo Feng marvel, teacher and giant axe are very different breaths.

The giant axe is more flamboyant and reckless, more adventurous.

Chaos, on the other hand, was as calm as a mountain and didn’t like taking risks.

“Congratulations teacher.” Luo Feng also noticed the increase in his teacher’s strength.

“Compared to you, it’s still close. I as a teacher just became the strongest, you’ve already killed one of the strongest.” Chaos city lord teased, “Looking at the entire cosmic sea …… there aren’t many that have the battle record of killing the strongest person in the universe in hand.”

“Luck.” Luo Feng even said.

“You dare to say thirty percent certainty before the battle, and you still say luck.” Chaos city lord shook his head.

Luo feng no longer argued, immediately waved his hand, only to see a star tower immediately levitated up next to him, the base side door of the star tower directly flew out a strange armor glowing with a hint of green light, an ancient savage aura emanated from this armor, causing Chaos city lord to be shocked, “Hao Lei battle armor?”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded, then said, “Teacher became the strongest in the universe, and my disciple happened to be lucky enough to kill that Hao Lei Star Lord, so I just happened to take this Hao Lei Battle Armor …… as a congratulatory gift to congratulate teacher’s breakthrough.”

“You yourself don’t even have a supreme supreme treasure armor in your body.” The Chaos City Lord immediately shook his head, “This Hao Lei Battle Armor will also be of great use to you. This treasure …… you keep for yourself.”

“Teacher.” Luo Feng staggered and even said, “Disciple has supreme supreme treasures, it’s not that bad, disciple came back on a special trip, teacher might as well take it.”

Chaos city lord frowned and drank, “Don’t argue, you know my character, if this was an attacking piece, or a palace supreme treasure, I would just take it and not be polite with you. But this strongest supreme treasure armor …… you yourself do not have, you are now in the cosmic sea to break through, the teacher is now instead sitting in the primordial universe, a short period of time do not go out, there is no need for Hao Lei Battle Armor. It has much more use for you!”

“But, but …… But even the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Pangong have obtained a supreme supreme treasure. Teacher you …… “Luo Feng was anxious and helpless.

He was indeed a grateful heart.

He himself had several treasures in his possession, even if he was missing a supreme supreme treasure, it was no problem. In terms of life preservation, there weren’t many in the entire cosmic sea that could do anything to him. This Hao Lei Battle Armor …… himself has long been planned to give the teacher.

“Darkness and Peng Gong are different, at that time, the community was facing the battle of destiny. And the attack type and palace type of the most powerful supreme treasure, you have all of them.” Chaos City Lord said, “So I didn’t block it, and Hao Lei Battle Armor …… I don’t need it, there’s no need to talk about it anymore.”

Luo Feng froze and could only obey.

He also instantly understood-

Teacher had presided over the general situation of humanity over the long years and had always been very fair. Would a strong person with this kind of character easily accept favors from others? Even if it was a disciple, if it was just a treasure that was not important to the disciple, how could he accept the most powerful supreme treasure armor that was also extremely important to the disciple?

“I’m barging through the cosmic sea.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Keep adventuring, when I get another armor next time, then teacher will have no excuse to refuse it.”

Although he thought so, Luo Feng also understood how hard it was to get another supreme supreme treasure armor.

“Teacher, this is a set of supreme treasures left behind after the Hao Lei star lord perished – Huan Yu Cone.” Luo Feng pointed to the star tower, only to see another series of treasures fly out from the side door of the star tower base before hovering above the waves, it was the strange 36 pieces of triangular pointed cones.

“Huan Yu Cone?” The Chaos City Lord’s eyes lit up as he exclaimed, “This is an extremely powerful set of supreme treasures, second only to the most powerful supreme treasures. This treasure, teacher accept it as a congratulatory gift.”

Chaos city lord also understood his disciple’s enthusiasm, the previous refusal had already made his disciple’s heart feel bad, this Huanwu Cone was taken away directly, it could also make Luo Feng feel slightly better.

The matter of congratulatory gifts was considered to have been talked about, Luo Feng no longer thought much about it even though he was helpless, he immediately said, “Teacher, I have a matter to ask for teacher’s help.”

“Speak.” Chaos city lord nodded.

“I have a ‘creation’ talent in this endless ghost sea.” Luo Feng said, “I need billions of creatures, billions of substances within the primordial universe, whether it’s living beings or dead substances. All are needed. Last time, even though I prepared some on my own, how big is the primordial universe? One only needs to mobilize the power of the Hong Alliance in order to gather enough.”

The Chaos City Lord nodded solemnly, “This matter involves you breaking through to the strongest, this is something that you can rest assured about. The entire Hong Alliance arranges for it, and even if it exhausts the entire primordial universe …… of all substances, treasures, and living beings, it will be prepared one by one. How will I give it to you at that time?”

“Just put it in the endless ghost sea.” Luo Feng even said, “Also, especially the living beings! The billions of communities in the universe, especially some of the weaker ones, have short lifespans. My long cultivation career in the future, perhaps ten million years, or even longer …… even if I prepare some living beings may perish and die, so I pondered …… to capture more, simply capture some, to be able to let them keep reproducing. This way I will have material for constant research.”

Chaos City Lord nodded, “Alright, this point is simple, just prepare some world rings and let them live within one side of the world. What are your requirements for the strength of the living beings?”

“From weak to realm lord level I guess.” Luo Feng said, “The more powerful the being, the tougher the dissection, it might take a long time to get to the realm lord level alone.”

“Alright, I’ll arrange it immediately.” The Chaos City Lord did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

“Even if you capture, there’s no need for more.” Luo Feng said, “For each group, just slightly capture a small amount that will allow them to reproduce. I’ll study …… them and won’t hurt their lives, I need a lot of types, but for each type, only a few units are needed.”

Luo Feng could be worried that because of himself, it would lead to the destruction of some communities.

After all, Chaos commanded down, the entire Hong alliance under the banner of unknown number of universe honors, really acted, maybe it would cause some small communities to be wiped out. That’s why Luo Feng informed in advance that arresting fewer would suffice.

“Teacher!” Luo Feng said, “I’m then going to continue to the cosmic sea …… this time I’m coming back, teacher must not divulge my whereabouts.”

“You mean ……” Chaos City Lord instantly understood, “Let them think that you’re still in the cosmic boat?”


Luo Feng nodded, “If the news of my disciple returning to the primordial universe spreads out, letting all the major powers know that I left the universe boat, then I’m worried that …… the lord of the equipment line will escape. Although the probability of him escaping is not high, I don’t dare to gamble! After all, once he enters the Purple Moon Sacred Land Universe, I won’t be able to do anything at all to extinguish him.”

“Hmm.” Chaos city lord nodded his head, he also understood why Luo Feng was meeting him here in the endless ghost sea.

The endless ghost sea was Luo Feng’s territory.

If Luo Feng showed up here, no one would even know that Luo Feng’s original self had already made a trip back to the primordial universe.

“During this period of time, this Huan Yu Cone, I won’t take it out either.” Chaos City Lord teased and laughed, “Until you deal with that Lord of the闇堣.”

Luo Feng shook his head and laughed, “Depends on luck, and I don’t know if the feather of the Lord of the Order is what I want.”

“Teacher, I’m leaving.”

After saying goodbye, Luo Feng quickly left the human frontier and entered the cosmic sea once again, advancing towards the Tilted Peak Realm.

Moving forward in the Tilted Peak Realm still took an extremely long time, and at this time, in the extremely distant part of the vast cosmic sea, it was known that the entire cosmic sea had not been discovered by any of the powerhouses so far, and even if one flew too far towards the depths of the cosmic sea, there was the “scourge of being lost”.

In the far reaches of the Cosmic Sea, the three great reincarnation eras, the two great holy lands of the strongest, had never been to the area.

“Boom ……”

Endless chaotic air flow, a behemoth into a dazzling light super high speed forward, its speed far more than a million times the speed of light, ten million times the speed of light …… the so-called speed limit is simply useless, just on the volume, than a small universe is even more huge a little bit, if we look carefully, this is bigger than small universe If you look closely, this is even bigger than a small universe “behemoth” is vaguely similar to a lying similar to the human form of the body.

Bigger than a small universe, the “human-like body” is flying steadily at this speed, flying along a straight line. ……

At this moment, this huge thing is constantly flying towards the direction of the “primitive universe”……

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