Chapter 65 Endless Expectations

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:41:00
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The other three commanders who had just awakened from their long slumber all looked towards the suspended light screen, they were also filled with anticipation, after all, the order given to them by His Majesty the God King when he left …… was to look for a peerless person who could ascend to the top of the ‘Wu Qi Lou’, and they had waited for too long. Too long.


“This sergeant ……”

“Harnessing the Golden Claw God, looking at the speed of the Golden Claw God, this sergeant should not have used the Burning Divine Power secret technique.” The three commanders made judgments one after another, scrutinizing Luo Feng on the screen, as for the other nine sergeants, they simply swept their eyes over them and rejected them outright.

In the long years they had been on duty, they didn’t know how many elite sergeants they had seen, and without being of a sufficient caliber, they naturally wouldn’t appeal to them.

Watching carefully ……

Time passed by second by second, and all three commanders were silent.

“What a brilliant stance!” The lanky commander in the four great commanders with blood-colored armor marveled, “The many subtle ideas of body techniques are really …… him a Lord of Laws to have created this first class body technique. And it’s so pure, he was completely teasing the rock giants when he fought them.”

How could he know that Luo Feng had fought many strong people in the virtual space of the trial battles in the ‘inheritance space’ in order to hone his stance, and even fought with the ‘three generations of grandmasters’ (equal divine power base) many times. Having sharpened under that kind of high pressure, it was naturally easy to fight the stupid rock giants now.

Even the ‘Eternal True Gods’ in the World of Jinn weren’t qualified to be accompanied by an existence at the level of the Third Generation Ancestor.

“Even I am slightly touched by watching this.” The lanky commander lamented.

“You’re an Eternal True God!”

“You, an Eternal True God, are touched?”

The other three commanders all said.

The four great commanders, when His Majesty the Godking left, they were all Void True Gods who had received an encore. And after long years had passed, there was still one of them who had broken through to become an ‘Eternal True God’. It’s just that according to His Majesty’s Divine King’s orders, the four great commanders had duties that prevented them from leaving the World of Jinn at all.

Just like the four great generals, although they were also Eternal True Gods, they were likewise not allowed to leave the World of Jinn.

After His Majesty the God King left, some Eternal True Gods were indeed born, one by one they left the World of Jin, and of course never returned.

The four great commanders were all conquered by Luo Feng’s stance, if a Void True God had performed this stance, they wouldn’t have cared in the slightest. But this was a lord of laws! The basis of perception between a Lord of Laws and a Void True God was a complete difference between heaven and earth …… The Lord of Laws was able to do this, they had never seen it before!

“At least since we’ve been Guardian God Kings, he’s the one we’ve seen with the strongest stance.”

“The strongest stance! The others aren’t far behind.”

The four great commanders spoke one after another.

That lanky commander was even more expectant, “Perhaps …… he has hope, to ascend to the top of the Wu Qi Building!”

At that moment, the other three commanders quieted down, and the entire hall was shrouded in a stormy atmosphere, each of them staring at that screen as they watched ……

fulfillment of His Majesty the God King’s expectations, which was more important than their breakthrough into Eternal True Gods, or even their lives!

On the second level of the Wu Qi Building, within the ten small worlds on that vast dark red earth.

The first five sergeants were in great distress, each of their divine bodies extremely depleted.

Although the latter five soldiers were also in a sorry state, they had been fighting for a short period of time and were quite a bit better. Especially among them, Luo Feng …… was the most relaxed one, from the time he was teleported to the small world until now, his divine body didn’t consume much at all. After all, he hadn’t even performed the first level of ‘Broken Destruction’.

He was able to tangle on with the True Gods solely by virtue of the ‘Golden Claw God’ causing his strength to soar two levels.

“The first five soldiers, their godly bodies are greatly depleted, although one by one, they are still alive, but at this rate, it won’t be long before they start to have a fall.” Golden Claw God Luo Feng swept a glance at the other nine small worlds in the distance, I’m afraid that he was the only one who could dare to be distracted from his surroundings at such a tense moment.

“Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!”

Five angry howls suddenly rang out.

It was the small worlds of the first five sergeants, the five dark red rock giants were all howling with their heads thrown back, the howls were mournful and frantic!

The howls were completely different from the roars of the rock giants during their previous battles, not only did they sound bizarre, but they also had an attack power that affected the soul. Even some of the sergeants from other small worlds felt a tremor in their hearts, Luo Feng and his group of five sergeants couldn’t help but look into the distance.

Accompanied by mournful howls, the first five sergeants were also a bit terrified, sensing that a crisis was about to descend.

Wow! Wow! Wow! ……


In the rock giant around not far away from the cracks in the earth, suddenly gushed out a huge rock hand, that rock hand is also surrounded by hot blazing liquid. Enough four huge rock hands …… each rock hand, there are millions of kilometers wide, and the outstretched rock hand also has a thick and long arm, without warning suddenly appeared, directly grabbed to the elite soldiers.

“Ah!” Among the first five soldiers, an elite soldier with a graphic pattern on his face was about to dodge, but half of his divine body was directly gripped by the rocky hand!

The rocky hand held the sergeant in its death grip.

The ancient secret pattern map in the high air suddenly began to fall continuously, as it fell, then this ancient secret pattern map toward the bottom of the pouring a large number of streams of light, to the sergeant to dodge time is even shorter.

“Roar …… “The dark red rock giant roared as well, and a fist blasted at the seized sergeant, pang ……

smashing the sergeant in agony.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The rocky hands grabbed and the rock giant smashed furiously, causing the sergeant’s divine power to continuously deplete.

“Open, open, open.” The sergeant struggled hard, even manipulating his divine hammer with his divine power, finally, before the rock giant’s another punch came, he smashed out the rocky hand with enough gaps for him to scramble out, but just now, after being grabbed for a while, he had already lost a great deal of his divine body.


In the cracks of the earth, a rocky giant hand appeared from time to time without warning.

In an instant, the first five soldiers were all caught in the collapse, before if it was just a mess, then now it was a real life and death crisis! One side fell!

Under the triple attack of the rocky giant hand, the dark red rock giant, and the ancient secret pattern diagrams that kept dropping causing the reaction time to decrease, the five elite sergeants with mechanical flow treasures fell into a collapsing situation.

“Not good.”

“Big trouble.”

“Their first five sergeants encountered it first, it won’t be long before we encounter this danger as well.”

Luo Feng and the other four sergeants in their batch panicked.

Golden Claw God Luo Feng then pondered, “Apparently, at the same time, only four large rocky hands appeared and it was around the dark red rock giants! And the secret pattern diagrams in the sky above are also descending ……” Luo Feng realized that the situation was dangerous, those four rocky great hands weren’t much of a threat on their own, but once they were grabbed and bound, they were going to be ravaged by that rock giant.

Luckily there were only four rocky great hands.

“What to do?”

“There is no sign! The four rocky hands appeared without warning! They all appeared out of nowhere, how do I deal with them?” Luo Feng was anxious.

If the ancient mystic pattern hadn’t fallen, then he could have flown higher, so that when the rocky hands surged out of the ground, he would have enough time to react and dodge!

But the sky ‘ancient secret pattern diagram’ was descending, the distance was shrinking, the reaction time to dodge the streams of light had already become less, and then take the initiative to fly high into the sky …… that was even more strenuous.

“Desperate situation!”

Luo Feng shook his head slightly, “There will be soldiers falling!”

It was indeed a desperate situation!

As the ancient secret pattern diagram continued to descend, the five sergeants in front were in an increasingly difficult situation.

The countless streams of light that covered the sky and earth were madly bombarding towards the bottom, the secret pattern diagram continued to lower, making the time for the streams of light to bombard down the sky shorter and shorter, causing the sergeants to be bombarded by more and more streams of light. Each of these streams of light was comparable to a True God’s strike!

“Great Hands! Rock giants! Secret pattern diagrams!”

Space was constantly being squeezed, and dodging the rocky great hands was becoming more and more difficult.

The first five sergeants, burning with divine power, howled and tried their best to cast their respective proud secret patterns one by one. Either attacking, or escaping ……

Trying to do everything they could to last longer.

“No, no, no!” A flying twelve-winged beast was directly grabbed by a large hand of rock that appeared out of nowhere, immediately followed by the dark red rock giant, two large fists smashed against that twelve-winged beast over and over again, accompanied by a wail, the twelve-winged beast directly dissipated with a bang, turning into nothingness, only leaving behind some battle armor and treasures and so on.

The dark red rock giant immediately threw back its head and roared, excited.

Immediately following ……


Rock giants, rock hands and everything else turned into crimson liquid and flowed into the cracks in the earth, even the battle armor of the foreign beast soldiers that fell before were also wrapped up and flowed into the cracks. And that small world also directly dissipated.

In the entire second layer of the earth, only nine small worlds remained.

The other four sergeants from the previous batch were struggling in agony with all their might.

“It’s not over yet?”

“It’s time for the second layer of grinding to end.”

“I’ve lost most of my strength, if it doesn’t end, I won’t be able to carry on.” The other four sergeants were anxious and incomparable, to the Lord of Laws, the loss of part of the divine body was a plummet in strength. Therefore, when fighting, the divine power was consumed the slowest at the beginning when they were at their peak, but later on, as soon as their strength was weakened, the faster their divine bodies were consumed. The more one consumed, the weaker one’s strength became, and one would enter a vicious cycle!

So, everyone was in a hurry.

Luo Feng and his group of five sergeants were also in apprehension.

“Must conserve divine power.”

“Otherwise you won’t survive the second level of this Wu Qi building.” Just as they were restless.

That familiar voice-

“Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” Five mournful and crazy voices rang out, which drilled directly into the souls, causing the five sergeants to feel their hearts tremble.

“How is it so fast!”

“We started long after them.” Luo Feng and the other four sergeants in their batch were anxious.

They were teleported to the small world about half an hour later than the previous batch, but the final nightmare descended just about ten minutes or so later than the previous batch.


Luo Feng whooshed into the sky while tilting his head to look at the sky, the ancient secret pattern diagram high in the sky rumbled and kept descending.

The dark red rock giant followed suit and flew up, he naturally followed Luo Feng at all times to kill him.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Four large rocky hands, the width of their palms alone was millions of kilometers, and their arms were extremely long, directly reaching out and grabbing at Luo Feng. However, Luo Feng flew high in the sky in advance, with a time buffer, with his stance, he was able to dodge the rocky great hands with ease.

In that ancient hall, the four commanders, one Eternal True God, and three Void True Gods who had all received an encore from the God King Valley all watched the light screen with incomparable anticipation, looking at Luo Feng’s performance in the second level of the Wu Qi building.

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