Chapter 69 – Opportunities in the Wuqi Building

Release Date: 2024-07-12 14:41:10
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Next to the towering Wu Qi Building in the Divine King Valley, inside that one silver-gray palace.

On the four thrones of the palace were sitting the four great commanders, and they were all looking at the suspended light screen, which was exactly what was happening inside the Wu Qi Building.

“Haha, it was easy to get through the third layer.”

“In my opinion, for this Sergeant Galaxy to be so easy, his will should reach the level of a Void True God. A Lord of Laws …… will reaches the Void True God level, this Sgt. Galaxy is really good.” Compliments came from the black mist.

The silver-armored woman commander even said, “Look at the high degree of subtlety of his use of the Golden Claw God’s Blade Technique ……, it is at least at the beginning level of True Gods.”

“This sergeant, his stance, blade technique, and will …… are all absolutely top notch! It’s the strongest one I’ve seen since I became the commander.” The burly commander looked at the light screen with a solemn expression, “I just don’t know if he can reach the top of the Wu Qi Building! If he can reach the top, then we will have lived up to the expectations of His Majesty the Divine King.”

The other three commanders were silent.

His Majesty the Godking’s expectations?

They all looked at the light screen, which revealed the fourth floor scene of the Wu Qi Building.

“The fourth floor is the reward, I wonder what reward that Sergeant Galaxy will choose.”

The fourth floor of the Wu Qi Building.

The fifteen sergeants who survived, all of them were filled with anticipation in their hearts, because according to what the Wuqi Building had told them before …… the Wuqi Building only had death crises on the first three floors, and from the fourth floor onwards instead there were just rewards and so on.

“Rewards in the Wu Qi Building?”

“What exactly are the benefits!”

One by one, the sergeant’s heart was looking forward to it.

Space and time shook.

Fifteen sergeants were teleported into the fourth floor, Luo Feng and the rest of them looked around one by one.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng looked around, a passageway stretched out around them, each passageway had a large number of trees, corpses and so on on both sides of the walls, as if countless lives and dead things were sealed on both walls of the passageway.

“Labyrinth?” Luo Feng said darkly, “There’s a passageway before and after me!”

The fifteen soldiers all hesitantly looked around, none of them dared to act easily, they were all waiting for Wu Qilou’s guidance.

A channel of light surfaced in the surroundings, enveloping each and every sergeant.

“Surviving sergeants, you are lucky because …… you have arrived at the fourth floor of the Wu Qi Building. From this level onwards, you are no longer in danger. It is also forbidden for any sergeant to kill each other, and if you violate …… it, you will be executed!” Just the beginning paragraph alone made the other sergeants breathe a sigh of relief.

They glanced at Luo Feng, already not as formal and cautious as they were earlier.

“The fourth floor of the Wu Qi building has many rewards.”

“Around you, there are four passages that represent different rewards.”

“The channel that is faintly glowing with white light is the treasure channel, once you enter, you can obtain some treasures, such as mechanical flow weapons, such as treasures for restoring the divine body, and so on.”

“The passage that is faintly glowing with golden light is the inheritance passage, containing some special secret arts, if you guys are lucky, you might be able to obtain some extremely powerful secret arts.”

“The passage that is faintly glowing with purple light is the path of the True Gods, it will guide you on how to break through and how to become a True God. This is the Law Route’s Path of True Gods.”

“That passageway glowing with black light is also the path of True Gods, but it’s the divine power route, starting from divine power to become a True God. It’s even more powerful, but it can be just as difficult a hundred times a thousand times.”

“Four passages, you can only choose one!”

“What you gain from this passageway then determines whether or not you will be able to enter the fifth floor of the Wu Qi Building.”

“Choose, lucky sergeants.”

The old voice disappeared.

One by one, Luo Feng and the rest of them looked around at the four passages that turned out to represent different rewards.

“The secret techniques contained in the Wu Qi building must be extraordinary, with special secret techniques. I can exert greater strength amongst strong people of the same level.” A large black skeleton serpent beast directly swam into the passageway that was flooded with golden light.

“I’ve been trapped in the Lord of Laws for too long, and I’m set on becoming a True God. The divine power route is too difficult, even if I go there I’m expected to fail.” Another short and stout tribal sergeant directly entered the passageway that glowed with purple light.

One by one, the sergeants chose.

Some thought that there was a guide to becoming a True God in the army, so they went to choose secret arts, or choose treasures.

Some wanted to become True Gods even earlier, so they naturally chose the path of True Gods.

It’s just that ……

Of the fifteen soldiers, although eight of them went to choose the True God path, six of them all chose the Law route. After all, each of them knew that the …… Law route was the most common and most common with the lowest difficulty, and the Divine Power route was much tougher. Even the Law route they have not yet succeeded, naturally do not dare to be overly ambitious.

After all, this passage was merely a guide, it didn’t mean that it would definitely work out.

“Divine power route? I’d like to see what special guidance this divine king of the world of Jin has on the divine power route.” Luo Feng, however, didn’t hesitate and directly chose the ‘divine power route’ of the true god path.

Treasures? The harvest this time was already extremely large, Luo Feng didn’t believe that merely breaking through three levels could be bestowed with how powerful treasures.

Secret techniques? There were many powerful secret arts in his own Broken East River lineage.

Law route? He had long since given it up.

The only thing left was the True God route!

This was, after all, left behind by His Majesty the God King, so perhaps it would touch one’s heart.

The four commanders of the God King Valley looked at the light screen as Luo Feng and one other sergeant entered the path of the True God that was glowing with black light one after the other, all of them were sighing.

“Good choice.”

“The fourth floor of the Wu Qi building, what’s truly precious is just this divine power route passage. This is where His Majesty the Godking’s heart and soul lies.”

“This Sergeant Galaxy, well chosen.”

One commander after another sighed.

The general army powerhouses weren’t clear about it, but they were the Divine King Valley commanders, and the Wu Qi Building and so on were given to them to guard, so of course they were clear about it.

In fact ……

His Majesty the Divine King needs a supreme figure, preferably a Divine Power Route into a True God.

After all, to obtain the sealing, in addition to the sealing mission, there is another way – as long as you fulfill 1, the divine power route and life genes up to 90,000 times, and 2, will 10081 Rhino Emperor Bureau basic bureaus all unraveled, this can immediately obtain the sealing, immediately obtain the Wu Qi God! From this requirement, it can be seen that the kind of supreme character that His Majesty the God King needs is preferably the divine power route in progress.

Therefore ……

When the Wu Qi building was first constructed, the only one of the four passages on the fourth floor was the ‘divine power route’ path of the true gods, which His Majesty the God King had taken the trouble to leave behind as a guide to help those who came after him.

Luo Feng walked on the corridor, while the walls on both sides of the corridor were sealed with a large number of corpses or objects that resembled specimens.

“Guidelines for the divine power route?”

“Where is it?”

Luo Feng looked carefully, suddenly his pupils shrunk, staring at a wall next to him, he was shocked to find …… seemingly simple specimens of countless corpses and objects, if the billions of specimens are combined, it is actually an incomparably complex pattern, and those specimens of corpses have bumps and concaves, but also formed a three-dimensional secret pattern diagram!

This three-dimensional secret pattern map ……

When Luo Feng took a look, his heart was filled with huge waves!

Other powerhouses might not know, but how could he not know …… He had relied on the Endless Phantom Sea to cast his gifted secret method of ‘creation’ to study the structure of life many times, and even more so, he had caused his godly body to have broken through the perfect limit bottleneck.

“This, this is the most detailed structure of life of a perfect life.” Luo Feng was shocked in his heart.

With a glance, Luo Feng quickly memorized it.

If you didn’t understand it, you couldn’t memorize it even if you read more. But Luo Feng was already accomplished in this area, Luo Feng’s research had already surpassed this ‘life diorama’.


Luo Feng turned his head to look at the other side again, combining billions of specimens, it was indeed another diorama of perfect life.

“The one just now should be flesh and blood type life, while this should be plant type life.” Luo Feng quickly made a note of it and continued on.

All the way forward.

On the walls on both sides of the passage, countless specimens formed a diorama of life, all of them were perfect life! Even if they were all perfect beings, they were all different from each other. Even the ‘perfect genetic structure’ of flesh and blood beings could be divided into a hundred kinds and a thousand clocks.

“Too incredible.”

“So detailed.”

Luo Feng marveled over this and kept moving forward.

In just a few moments he reached the end, at the end of the passage was a door, on the door was a mutilated life diorama.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng took a look and smiled, “Of a blood flesh life?”

With a finger, divine power poured in and quickly finished replenishing the crippled life diorama, forming a perfect life diagram. For Luo Feng, the perfect life level …… he had researched not knowing how much before, if it was an energy type life’s he might have to spend a lot of time, but the blood meat life’s he was confident, instantly!


The wooden door at the end of the passage instantly released a green light that enveloped Luo Feng.


Luo Feng disappeared in front of the door.

“Went in.”

“This, it’s only been a while and he’s entering the next section of the divine power route true god path?”

“Definitely, his divine body must have broken through the perfect gene level and is on the divine power route. It’s just that this sergeant Galaxy …… is full of ambition, he’s not willing to become a True God just like that. He wants the life gene to reach higher!” The lanky commander roared lowly, and the other commanders were all shocked and excited by this.

“I wonder how much he can actually harvest.”

The four great commanders all became anxious and expectant.

Even they were unable to watch the scene deeper into this ‘Divine Power Route’ True God’s Path. The ‘Wu Qi Building’ contained major secrets, and although the Four Great Commanders could monitor it, they could only monitor a portion of the area. Like some special areas, such as the eighth and ninth layers …… the four great commanders were simply unable to probe a trace.

Like the depths of the fourth layer of the ‘Divine Power Route’ True God’s Path, they were also unable to probe.

Because ……

that was the big secret!

The divine power route to becoming a True God was already difficult. The dissection of life …… was even more top secret! Like Luo Feng had the secret method ‘creation’ given by the primordial universe, the probing of some powerful beings was also vague, as for the drop of divine blood forced out by the Kingslayer Wu Feather was even more impossible to probe at all.

Like True Gods, Void True Gods, Eternal True Gods, etc., it was also impossible to truly dissect each and every life structure.

This kind of series of endlessly detailed life dioramas, the preciousness could be imagined.

Of course ……

It is only when one realizes and understands that one can remember.

If you don’t understand it, you can’t remember it even if you look at it more, and it’s useless. So this set of life diagrams is also just an aid …… But this aid is definitely something that the major powers of the ancient civilization will never spread out, even the Broken East River lineage can’t take it out.

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