Chapter 11 – Wang Xingping and Luo Feng

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:46:02
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To destroy a couple’s relationship, especially if the target is still Xu Xin, who lives inside a big family, the use of tricks should never be too obvious. Otherwise, it would arouse Xu Xin’s suspicion! So when that Uncle An arranged for people to do it, he didn’t even intend to sabotage Luo Feng and Xu Xin in one go, he was prepared to split it into several times.

The first time, first let Xu Xin suspect, then gradually come ……

He succeeded.

This scene seemed like a simple case of mistaken identity, and it had already made Xu Xin suspicious.

“Mistakenly recognizing someone? Definitely not mistaken identity, this woman was all staring at Luo Feng carefully just now before confirming Luo Feng’s identity. How can she immediately say mistaken identity again now? Too fake.” Xu Xin saw through it at a glance, while similarly Luo Feng’s face didn’t look too good, how did he come across such a mess.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I recognized the wrong person.” The flirtatious woman apologized, “Sister, let’s go.”

What could Luo Feng say?

People had said they recognized the wrong person.

“Two ladies, please wait.” Xu Xin spoke.

Luo Feng was stunned and looked across at Xu Xin, who just looked up at the two women.

“Oh, something’s wrong?” Those two beauties turned their heads to look at Xu Xin, the “sister” inquired.

“You guys said before that you ran into him for two consecutive days ……,” Xu Xin just opened her mouth.

“The one you met is not your boyfriend.” That sister even said, “It’s a male friend of mine, Dashan.”

Xu Xin nodded, “Dashan? Oh, you said before that it was two consecutive days, that means, yesterday you also met up with that ‘Dashan’?”

The “elder sister” and “younger sister” looked at each other, the elder sister glanced at Luo Feng and then smiled at Xu Xin, “Of course, it wasn’t just a meeting, we even spent the night together yesterday! My family Dashan is very powerful oh, I wonder how your boyfriend is in that area.” Said also slightly wave of laughter up.

“Spend the night? Mumble, then you guys should have mistaken me for someone else. My boyfriend video chatted with me yesterday until late at night, a full three to four hours, it’s impossible to have time to spend the night with someone else.” Xu Xin smiled.

At once those two beauties’ faces changed.


The plan went wrong, that plan didn’t even think that Xu Xin would video chat with Luo Feng late at night for a long time. The two beauties looked at each other, and there was a hint of panic in their eyes …… This plan had just started the first step and failed, so the so called second and third steps wouldn’t have a chance to start at all. The two beauties immediately said a few words to Xu Xin, turned their heads and immediately left.

As soon as those two beauties left, Luo Feng laughed and looked at Xu Xin on the opposite side in amazement, “Xu Xin, we video chatted for about an hour yesterday, how can you say three or four hours?”

“Let’s see how they react, swindle them a bit, their faces changed.” Xu Xin smiled faintly, “If I guessed correctly, these two women should have been arranged by my brother or one of the several other young masters, but this time the means have improved.” Indeed, this time, the two beauties’ previous performance of “mistaken identity” did make Xu Xin somewhat suspicious.

But there was a loophole –

Xu Xin did video chat with Luo Feng yesterday, chatting for about an hour, which made Xu Xin skeptical …… Could Luo Feng still go out for a fling after a late night chat? Not very realistic, right, so Xu Xin asked a few follow-up questions and exaggerated by saying it was three or four hours, the two beauties immediately felt recognized and left in a panic.

“Awesome, awesome.” Luo Feng gave a thumbs up.

“These family matters are a bit more messy, I made you look at the joke.” Xu Xin apologized.

Luo Feng suddenly hemmed and hawed, “You just said …… ‘my boyfriend and I video chatted yesterday’, oh …… boyfriend …… tsk tsk.” Luo Feng had a strange smile on his face.

“Luo Feng, didn’t see it, you’re pretty bad too! Just now in that situation, I just said that.” Xu Xin face couldn’t help but be a bit red.

Coming out from the restaurant, it was already more than eight in the evening, the sky was dark.

Along the streets of the university city, Luo Feng sent Xu Xin to the dormitory area of Jiangnan University, after the two women’s “sabotage”, Luo Feng and Xu Xin relationship between the two sides instead of a step forward, the two sides occasionally flirt with each other, but it is not the relationship of male and female friends to determine down.

The night is dim, the stars are dotted.

“No need to send me off, I’m going in.” Xu Xin looked at Luo Feng, “At the elite training camp, cheer up.”

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded.

Xu Xin face slightly reddened on the dormitory stairway, don’t know because of drinking red wine sake blush, or because of other: “I, I would even because of that kind of woman at the beginning of the words, the whole person is angry and messed up, why would I be so angry? Because of him?…… Could it be that I’m really ……”

Luo Feng was exactly in the dormitory area, there seemed to be several people in the shade of the tree in front of him.

“Luo Feng.” Someone ahead spoke.

Luo Feng took a closer look, there were a total of six people under the shade, the leader was a good looking, fair skinned rich man, behind him stood an old man and four strong looking men, these four people were probably martial artists by their temperament. To be able to hire four more powerful martial artists as bodyguards?

This person was not an ordinary person.

“I’m Luo Feng, I don’t know who you are?” Luo Feng smiled and looked at the rich man.

“My name is Wang Xingping, from Kyoto city!” The rich family man walked over, “I came to see you, in fact, I only have one word of advice, you’d better leave Xu Xin!”

“So what if I don’t leave?” Luo Feng looked at the rich family man.

“Oh?” Wang Xingping lifted his eyebrows.

“I know your identity, the first young master of the Kyoto city Wang family, the Kyoto city Wang family is even one of the nine core families of the HR alliance.” Luo Feng looked at him.

Wang Xingping grinned, “Very good, I see that you should also be someone who knows the rules very well, there are rules anywhere in this world, all you need to do is follow the rules, if you violate the rules and do something you can’t do. Then the consequences …… are not what you can bear! You understand what I mean, right?”

And at eight or nine o’clock in the evening, it was the time when the dormitory area was the most boisterous for people traveling to and from the dormitory.

Some of the college students who were eating snacks, or out for a stroll, many of them noticed Luo Feng and Wang Xingping’s group of people as they passed by, after all, the henchmen that Wang Xingping brought with him were not ordinary people at first glance.

“Rules?” Luo Feng’s eyes narrowed.

HR alliance nine core families, this Wang family was the only one in China, its influence in the world of ordinary people was terrifying. This kind of family, their tactics could never be imagined by anyone.

“Luo Feng, you should know that people are different in this world.”

“Even though it’s shouted that everyone is equal.”

“But people are not equal to people after all.”

“There are people who can only abide by the law, by all sorts of regulations, and that’s it, there will still be woe from heaven.”

“There are people who can find a large number of beautiful women, who can go against the regulations, who can beat people up, and even kill people, and it’s all fine.”

“There are others …… who can, with one word, break up a family. One word, can make a young man have a bright future, even martial artists have to do their bidding.” Wang Xingping looked at Luo Feng, “You should know which kind of person I am. And you, which kind of person you are!”

These words, that bone-deep condescension was undisguised!

Luo Feng didn’t say anything.

While Luo Feng and Wang Xingping were conversing, not far from this dormitory area a pair of men and women were walking holding hands.

“Tao Tao, I’m really sorry, I’m afraid I’ll be out of the country for three whole years this time, of course I’ll see you when the New Year comes.” The one who was speaking was none other than Heng Xia who was about to set off with Luo Feng to the global headquarters of the extreme martial arts school, and the one holding hands with Nga Xia was none other than his girlfriend who he had befriended since high school.

“Heng Xia, it’s fine, we can meet often through the internet. It’s only three years, it will soon pass.” The girl called Tao Tao held Heng Xia’s hand.

Heng Xia in Jiangnan University, definitely belongs to the man of the hour. Handsome, good-tempered, and he knows the boys and girls are very good to him. Family is also good, his father is a god of war!

His own strength is also strong, will soon go to the extreme martial arts school “basic training camp”, perhaps in the future, will also grow into a war god! In addition to the father is already a God of War strong, such a young man, the pursuit of his girls do not know how many. This Tao Tao was able to be with Nga Xia in the first place, but he had also experienced quite a few people sabotaging him from it.

“But you can’t be philandering.” Tao Tao looked at Heng Xia.

“Uh-huh.” Nga Xia nodded slightly.

“Hmm, what’s going on up ahead?” Heng Xia looked ahead suspiciously, with his genius martial artist’s eyesight he could see a few people in the distance at a glance, “Hehe, that’s senior brother Luo Feng? Why is senior brother Luo Feng here?”

“Tao Tao, last time I told you, isn’t there another extraordinarily powerful martial artist going abroad with me this time, right in front.” Heng Xia said.

“Where is it?” Tao Tao was curious.

“Go, I’ll take you to meet him.” Heng Xia smiled, “Senior brother Luo Feng has a good temper.”

Under the shade of the tree.

Wang Xingping glanced at Luo Feng, “You’re a primary battle general level martial artist right, these are the ones who are 100% loyal to my Wang family, tell this Luo Feng your battle ratings.”

“Medium battle general level.”

“Medium battle general level.”

“Medium battle general level.”

Three stout men in succession said in a low voice, it was the turn of the last balding middle aged man to smile slightly, “Higher battle general level! Young man I advise you to be a bit more sensible, it’s the God of War who wouldn’t dare to be so arrogant in front of the nine core families of the HR Alliance. You have a great future, don’t ruin it yourself.

Luo Feng’s eyes lit up and nodded with a smile, ”Young master Wang, that’s awesome. Four bodyguards, one high level battle general and three medium level battle generals.”

Back then, young master Li Wei, on the other hand, had two high level battle generals and one medium battle general. But Li Wei died.

“Brother Wang, you’re here too.” A familiar voice rang out.

Luo Feng turned his head to look, a few people like Wang Xingping also turned their heads to look, it was none other than Heng Xia and his girlfriend Tao Tao.

“It’s young master Heng Xia.” Uncle An, the housekeeper, whispered.

Those four bodyguards also showed smiles to this Heng Xia, Wang Xingping smiled and looked at Heng Xia, this Heng Xia’s father was a War God with quite a big reputation in Jiangnan Base City, and because of his good temperament and wide connections, there were quite a few of his life and death brothers amongst the War Gods. In the face of such a well-connected God of War, even the Wang family would have to be courteous.

What’s more, this Heng Xia was also extremely well endowed and was about to enter the basic training camp. In the future, perhaps, he would also become a War God.

“Nga Xia, what a coincidence, you’re here too.” Wang Xingping no longer had the attitude he had towards Luo Feng, instead he seemed approachable.

“Haha, I did see senior brother Luo Feng here before, I didn’t realize that you guys were here too, brother Wang.” Nga Xia smiled and looked at Luo Feng, “Senior brother Luo Feng, you know brother Wang too?”

“Senior brother Luo Feng?” Wang Xingping frowned.

Usually only when they were in the same martial arts school and they thought they were inferior to each other would they call out senior brother!

Nga Xia called Yu Feng “senior brother”?

“Senior brother Nga Xia, this Wang Xingping and I also just met and are not too familiar.” Luo Feng smiled.

Heng Xia laughed, even said to Wang Xingping, “Brother Wang, don’t you like to get to know some genius martial artists, this Luo Feng senior brother of mine is much better than me, this time, Luo Feng senior brother will be traveling with me to a foreign country, moreover, Luo Feng senior brother is going to enter the world’s number one elite training camp!”

“Elite training camp?” Wang Xingping’s heart trembled violently.


A spot in the elite training camp, that was something that even the national army had to find a way to fight for, every one who entered the elite training camp would be a god of war in the future! Moreover, the special training in the elite training camp would make the combat power of these war gods much more powerful than the general war gods who practiced hard on their own.

Every elite training camp participant was of a very high status. Even the nine core families of the HR Alliance would want to draw them in.

This was because these trainees themselves would be very strong in the future, plus their fellow training camp masters and brothers, each of them were the most demonic geniuses in the world, and after graduation, each of them was a War God!

Their own strength, coupled with this kind of connections …… each and every one of these trainees will become a high ranking member of the Extreme Martial Arts School, or a high ranking member of a special department of the national government. Or high-level figures specially invited by the HR Alliance.

The absolute topmost existence!

Even the national government, towards these people, they were still being offered as grandpas.

They were indeed the grand masters!

Because these demonic geniuses were also very smart, it was natural for them to embrace the group! A demonic genius powerhouse is a strong mess, dozens and hundreds of them hug into a group, when one party is in trouble, all other parties will support them! This kind of invisible potential force was something that any HR Alliance core family would not want to offend.

This is also the reason why the super consortium family, desperately spend tens of billions of dollars hundreds of billions of dollars, looking for people to trust relationships, want to enter the world’s first training camp!

And these trainees ……

These trainees may become the disciples of “Hong” and “Thunder God”.

“Shit, he, he Luo Feng even entered ……” Wang Xingping wanted to ruthlessly smash his head a few times.

Obviously an ordinary small martial artist, how did he all of a sudden ……

“Senior brother Luo Feng, brother Wang is very nice and loves to make friends the most.” Heng Xia smiled at Luo Feng and then turned his head to Wang Xingping, “Brother Wang, later on, me, senior brother Luo Feng, and you, find a place to talk together?” Saying this Heng Xia also deliberately winked at Wang Xingping.

In Nga Xia’s opinion.

He was doing Wang Xingping a big favor, how many of these first class demonic genius martial artists were there in the world? Which was a chance to get acquainted just because he wanted to.

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