Chapter 44: Laser Cannon, Aim!

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:47:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The vulture Li Yao, who was fully armed and only revealed his eyes, nose, and beak, stood in the wasteland like a demon god, and everyone else was shocked by his ferocious might.

Bloody aura filled the air.

“I didn’t expect that this Luo Feng has grown to be so strong. If I didn’t have the Black God Suit, I’m afraid, I wouldn’t even be sure of defeating him.” Vulture Li Yao narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed, “After receiving two frontal attacks from me, he surprisingly didn’t die, and since he knows the power of this Black God Suit of mine, I’m afraid that he won’t easily let me get close next time.

Vulture Li Yao was also anxious.

“There is only one way!”

“Chase him, pass him to have to fly up and lift off, and once he lifts off …… he is the target of the laser cannon!” A cold smile appeared on Vulture Li Yao’s face.

“Right, laser cannons!”

Vulture Li Yao’s face changed, he had just seen Luo Feng’s flying daggers kill a lot of people in the crowd. To know that this laser cannon is the top weapon of mankind nowadays, such a high tech thing, without a professional here, even if so many parts are here, he, Vulture Li Yao, has no way to install and operate it.

“Klein!” Li Yao turned his head violently.

A bearded white man in the distance even ran over and respectfully said, “Mr. Li.”

“How about the deaths and injuries of the specialized group you brought?” Li Yao even said.

This Klein’s face was pale, respectfully replied, “Our group even I have a total of nine people, just now died two people, injured two people.”

“Can you assemble the laser cannon and operate it?” Li Yao asked after him.

“Well ……”

Klein frowned slightly.

Li Yao could not help but tremble in his heart, this kind of large laser cannon was the strongest weapon of mankind that was able to easily annihilate lord level monsters and even more seriously injure king level monsters! Naturally many of them are more complicated, usually specialization, specialized personnel corresponding to a specialized part, sometimes missing a key person, this laser cannon can’t be assembled.

“It’s just assembled in the T11-P circuit ……” Klein was a little hesitant.

“I’m asking you, can you assemble it now?” Li Yao said in a low voice.

Klein saw this icy expression of Li Yao, could not help but be shocked in his heart, and said with a clench of his teeth, “The seven of us together can make it.”

“Very well.” Li Yao nodded, “Assemble it right away.”

“Here?” Klein was taken aback.

“Yes, right here!” Li Yao sneered, “I don’t have time to transport these to the mountain again, I believe that that Luo Feng will be unwilling in nine out of ten cases, and will sneak up to the mountain to look at us here …… As long as he reveals his head, the installed laser cannons will be able to aim at him, and shoot him down!”

Li Yao was very clear ……

Since Luo Feng had already discovered their traces, transporting these laser cannon parts to the mountain for assembly would most likely be discovered by Luo Feng, then …… with Luo Feng’s means, although he couldn’t defeat him Li Yao, but with the bizarre ability of a psychic numinous master, destroying the laser cannons was not a big problem.

Klein even nodded, “Yes!”

Klein even ran towards his team members, Li Yao also walked over to watch these professionals carry out the dismantling of the box, at the same time commanded, “Everyone else give me a tight look around, absolutely forbid any monsters to disturb the destruction.”

“Yes!” Dozens of people answered in unison.

Suddenly there was a clamor from the side of the professional team members, and Li Yao looked over suspiciously.

“Mr. Li, Mr. Li.” Klein ran over in a panic.

“What’s wrong?” Li Yao asked, “Mr. Li, just now …… just now ……” Klein’s face was pale and trembling.

“Say!” Li Yao glared.

Klein trembled and even said, “Just now, when that mental thinker attacked, a lot of people around panicked and fled, and when some people ran in panic to avoid the flying daggers, they knocked over the boxes. Even one of the boxes …… was chaotically flying a flying knife, cutting through.”

“What.” Li Yao’s face changed greatly.

Knocking over the crates, with the cushioning protection of the precision devices placed in the crates, it was possible that it would not be a big problem.

However, a flying knife penetrated a case, then I’m afraid that the devices in this case are absolutely finished.

“Quickly, open that case for me.” Li Yao even walked over.

Klein also ran over in a panic, and at this time, the other members of the group were all standing beside a case with ugly faces, and Li Yao also saw clearly, there was a hole on the side of this case, which directly penetrated through the entire case, and even with the naked eye, some glass shards slag could be seen, and it was obvious that the devices inside had been damaged!

“Bastard, asshole!!!” Li Yao’s eyes flushed red.

Surprisingly, as soon as he came, something went so wrong.

Actually, Li Yao didn’t know ……

At first, Luo Feng only cared about killing people, did not pay attention to these boxes, but at that time, three of the flying daggers were blocked by the medium god of war “Bei Yuan Gang” to shock away, with the amazing speed of the flying daggers, blocking shock away, naturally, the power is still very great. One of them penetrated through the box.

“Mr. Li, this, if the device inside is a radar guidance device, it may not be a big problem.”

“Open it.” Li Yao roared and glanced at these professionals.

These professionals also knew ……

With the temper of this boss in front of him, I’m afraid that once the laser cannon is damaged and can’t be assembled, then these useless personnel of theirs might only have one outcome – to be killed by this boss! Immediately, these professionals even disassembled and opened the box.

“Wow!” The crate opened.

Klein glared, “It’s energy?”

“Energy?” All the professionals next to him also glared.

“What’s wrong?” Li Yao next to him stared at Klein, Klein carefully looked at the box, even excitedly said to Li Yao, “Mr. Li, our luck is really too good, this box that was pierced through, it contains the energy of the laser cannon, although there are two energy units that are damaged, there is still one energy unit that is intact, that is to say… . this laser cannon’s energy is capable of launching one maximum frequency attack;at the next level, it can be launched three times.”

Li Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was the energy, and three times for the next level of attack would be considered good. These three attacks could easily exterminate the strongest War God and the strongest Lord-class monsters each time.

“Perform assembly.” Li Yao ordered.

“Yes.” All the specialized members felt that they had escaped and immediately assembled quickly.

In the Ape Mountain Range, in Luo Feng’s stronghold.

Inside the dark cave, Luo Feng sat on his butt on the ground leaning on the stone wall, his face a little pale.

“Fortunately, the bones aren’t broken.” Luo Feng gently rubbed the elbow of his left arm, recalling the scene from before, Luo Feng still had palpitations, “This vulture Li Yao, his own strength is that of a veteran high level war god. His brute force is estimated to be 400,000 to 500,000 kilograms alone plus his body’s hair power increased by three to four times, a slash is definitely over a million kilograms!”

Just now, Vulture Li Yao’s slash, under the premise of being interfered by his own spiritual thoughts, slashed at his own shield and still fractured himself! And in mid-air, vulture li yao had his arm skyrocketed, and the slash he made, also made Luo Feng spit out blood, his right hand tiger’s mouth cracked. However, this knife because of the extension of the “black god suit”, the power is only half of the strongest.

These two knives ……

Vulture Li Yao, neither of them was able to explode the strongest attack power.

Even so, both hit Luo Feng without the power to fight back!

“His speed is faster than me.”

“His attacks are stronger than mine.”

“His defense is also much stronger than me.”

“And my advantage is that my attacks are more bizarre and my escape is easier.” Luo Feng frowned slightly, “That black god suit is just too special, it’s actually able to extend and expand according to one’s heart, not only is it able to cover the whole body, but it’s even able to extend more than ten meters in length. This makes it easy for me to get hit in mid air.”

In the end, when he escaped, that Li Yao even attempted to use his soaring arms to bind himself!

Once bound, I’m afraid I’ll be finished.

“Next time I fight with this Li Yao, I must keep a distance of more than twenty meters.” Luo Feng secretly decided.

While Luo Feng was resting in the stronghold, in the wilderness, Li Yao showed off his immense ability, and beat the leader of a group of monsters, a “lord level monster”, into fleeing, and no more monsters dared to harass these humans.

“Mr. Li, all assembled!” Klein said excitedly.


Li Yao even walked over.

In front of him was a large “satellite” like instrument. The two wings of this instrument were nearly ten meters long, and in the center of it was a cylindrical device that looked like a turbine. On both sides of this large cylinder, there were two small cylinders.

“Have you found Luo Feng’s location?” Li Yao asked.

“Checked it.”

Klein pointed to the radar display next to him, “This Luo Feng is within five kilometers from us, our radar can barely spot him. However, radar generally searches for large objects, the human body is after all the size of a human body, and once the distance is further …… away, it will be difficult to lock on. If that happens, it can only be locked by laser.”

“Laser lock?” Li Yao frowned.


Klein nodded, “Laser guided locking, its advantage is that it is extremely accurate, able to lock on to a certain target that is very far away. However, its disadvantage is that …… between it and the target, there can’t be any obstruction. For example, if there’s a big mountain in front of us right now that’s in the way, it’s impossible to use the laser to lock on.”

“Of course now that the distance is close, there’s no need for that, the radar is perfectly capable of locking onto the target.” Klein said confidently.

“Can we shoot him down now?” Klein pressed.

“Can’t.” Klein shook his head and said, “The target is now inside the mountain range, inside a certain mountain, from us alone, to the target, there is more than 300 meters of thick rock! For the laser to penetrate such thick rocks, its power would have been lost long ago.”

300 meters thick rock ……

It was the most powerful God of War that couldn’t blast a huge mountain through 300 meters of depth with a single punch.

“However, as long as he emerges from the mountain range.”

“Or, as long as the impeding rock is within ten meters of its thickness, it will be possible to blast through the rock and kill him.” Klein said confidently.

“Very well.” Li Yao’s eyes glowed, “Lock Luo Feng for me, I don’t believe it …… with this kid’s insidiousness, he will definitely use binoculars to peek at me here! Once the target is in a shootable state, directly kill him!”

“Yes.” Klein answered in a loud voice.

Li Yao looked at the distant Ape Mountain Range from afar, and a fierce smile appeared on his face, “Dying under a laser cannon is enough for you to be proud of yourself.”

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