Chapter 6 Emergency relief

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:45:48
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In the city of 023, an elegantly shaped building stood in a row, only that these buildings were all dilapidated, and the cold wind whistled as a burst of monstrous beasts’ roars were heard.

The five members of the Fire Hammer team quickly traveled forward.

In fact, now Luo Feng’s physical quality had reached the “Primary War General level”, which meant that his spiritual power had reached the “Higher War General level”, and he could fight with a Primary War God! In other words, it was completely possible to treat Luo Feng as a war god! With Luo Feng around, as long as one was careful in the wilderness area, there was almost no danger!

After all, lord level monsters were very rare, and those below lord level monsters were just sending Luo Feng to his death!

Even if they encountered a “rat wave” or “ant wave” or something like that, Luo Feng could still fly, so he was extremely safe!

“Look, it’s right in front.” Luo Feng’s group of five people were lying on the black tiled roof of a two storey restaurant, looking towards a spacious street in front of them where four cars could run parallel.

Only to see that on the street, a vast group of tiger and cat monsters were letting out a tiger roar, chasing after a small team of martial artists, there were also several two-tailed tiger cats and even three-tailed ones in this group of tiger and cat monsters. “There’s a four-tailed tiger cat behind it!” Gao Feng said softly.

A two-tailed tiger cat, was a Primary Beast General level. A three-tailed tiger cat, it was medium beast general level. A four-tailed tiger cat, it was a higher beast general level! A Higher Beast General ranked monster would be an absolute nightmare for an ordinary martial arts squad.

As for the tiger cat, it had the power and ferocity belonging to tiger-type monsters, as well as the sensitivity and swiftness belonging to cat-type monsters, making it an extremely difficult type of monster to deal with. “The difficulty isn’t too high.” Luo Feng’s gaze narrowed slightly.

“It’s our brothers from the extreme martial arts school, we have to help.” Gao Feng solemnly said, in the wilderness area once you encounter danger, you can send out an “emergency rescue” signal through your communication watch, this signal will be sent to all martial artists within 20 kilometers of the surrounding area without discrimination, if it’s from the same martial arts school, the signal will appear red. If the signal is from a different martial arts school, the signal will appear green!

Because the communication watch was connected to the signal of each person’s martial artist card and ID card, it could automatically recognize if it was the same martial arts school.

“Captain, you guys go help, I’ll break the back.” Luo Feng said softly.

“Crazy people are the best at group battles.” Wei Qing gave a thumbs up, indeed, Luo Feng who had great body skills would instead perform very well in the middle of a melee.

Gao Feng softly said, “Depart!”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A group of people immediately ran swiftly while scampering out, Gao Feng, Wei Tie, Wei Qing and Chen Gu directly rushed towards the fleeing martial arts squad while Luo Feng did not run behind Gao Feng’s four, instead he stood in the center of the road and directly went on a killing spree! To a war god, beasts weren’t a threat, unless they were beasts made up of small sized monsters, such as rat tides, ant tides and the like.

Of course, Luo Feng didn’t use flying daggers, this beast swarm was still a challenge for him.



Blood splattered, the head of a tiger cat monster beast flew up, the huge corpse directly collapsed with a loud bang, instantly causing the streets to become a bit clogged. Most of these Tiger Cat Monster Beasts were Beast Soldier Grade, with only a small portion of them being Twin-tailed Tiger Cats, and a very small number of them being Three-tailed Tiger Cats. There was only one four tailed tiger cat!

Luo Feng was like a butterfly, easily fluttering and weaving through the monster swarm.

Although the onslaught of the monsters was terrifying, once you were knocked down by a monster, you could easily be trampled to death by countless monsters! But Luo Feng’s stance was so subtle that he even borrowed the corpse of a head of other monsters, or the body of some running tiger and cat monsters, to block the other monsters. Putting himself in a position where he wasn’t hit while only having to face a small number of monsters.

“Uh, the phone doesn’t work? No one’s answering? No return calls either.”

Jiangnan Base City, on the rooftop of the Extreme General Hall, President Zhou Zhengyong was puzzled and holding his cell phone, next to him, God of War Yang Hui shook his head and said, “Can’t even get this done, Iron Hands, I’ve got to despise you a little bit.” Saying this, God of War Yang Hui also dialed Luo Feng’s communication watch number, “Hmm, it already shows his location, within city 023.”

It was easy to determine the location based on the phone signal.

Even ordinary cell phones had this function.

“I’ll go over directly.” With a wave of his hand, the God of War Yang Hui directly entered an ethereal blue shelled warplane next to him. Closing the hatch. The flying warplane quickly took off and flew out of the city’s defense system, heading towards the southeast.

In City 023, the emergency signal quickly spread to the surrounding twenty kilometers, in fact, when a martial artist was in danger in the wilderness area, if the other martial artists were too far away, they would not be able to rescue them in time. This emergency rescue signal, which was initially set to spread 23 kilometers, was considered a relatively large range.

“Eh? It’s a green emergency rescue signal, it’s not from our Thunderbolt Martial School.” Four martial artists were sitting in a certain guest room on the sixth floor of a dilapidated hotel building. “I guess it’s from the Extreme Martial Hall, brothers, going or not?” One of them, a man with a scar on his face, looked at the others.

A bald handsome young man looked down and said, “The distance is just not enough for us to catch up, go and take a look, if you can make a move then help out, if it’s more dangerous then forget it.

“As Guo Zi said, go.”

“Okay, go.”

This Beihe Squad, which was quite famous in Jiangnan Base City, instantly made a decision and immediately scurried out one by one cautiously. Although the North River Squad had one Higher War General and three Medium War Generals, even Guo Hai, who was one of these three Medium War Generals, had a strength that was close to that of a Higher War General. Such a squad was indeed powerful.

However, in the wilderness area city, they were still relatively slow and didn’t dare to dart, maybe there was a monster ambushed in the nooks and crannies in front of them.

“It’s right in front.”

“Tsk, it’s a group of tiger-cat monsters, good guys, I’m afraid there are nearly a thousand of them.” The Beihe squad was also half crouching on the roof of a street-facing store, looking down the street.

“Look over there, what a powerful guy, one person is at least attracting more than half of the monsters.”

“Which fierce guy?”

The Beihe Squad’s crowd was taken aback, the bald youth “Guo Hai” was even looking carefully with wide eyes, only to see a young martial artist with a six-pronged shield in one hand and a blood shadow battle sword in the other. As if a ghost kept dodging and swaying, although the figure is fast and scary, but every step is so subtle that you can take a ruler to measure!

“Ow roar ……”

“Ow roar ……”

The group of angry tiger cat monsters madly rushed Luo Feng, those sharp claws were also waving madly, there were even a large number of monsters that directly leapt up and pounced, as if a wave was going to engulf Luo Feng! However, no matter how crazy the monsters surrounded him.

But Luo Feng’s stance had already reached the point of being called an “artist”, every step he took was exquisite, every sideways and sideways movement of his body was pleasing to the eyes. The seemingly terrifying and crazy siege of the monsters was a joke in front of Luo Feng’s steps!

“Into the micro level!”

“Definitely an entry level stance!” The other martial artists of the North River squad couldn’t help but marvel.

“It’s Luo Feng? Surprisingly, it’s him?” Guo Hai frowned.

Of course he knew Luo Feng, that time when the God of War Lu Gang died and had a live broadcast of the national mourning session, at that time he was chatting with Xu Gang of the Xu family about Luo Feng, who at that time was not far away chatting with Xu Xin. In a certain sense …… this Guo Hai and Luo Feng are still love rivals!

Guo Hai liked Xu Xin and Luo Feng liked Xu Xin.

“Don’t look, don’t do it yet?”

“Do it!” The four members of the Beihe squad rushed out.

“This Luo Feng has only been a martial artist for how long, has he even caught up to me?” Guo Hai had a strong dissatisfaction and fighting spirit in his heart, men especially in front of their love rivals would not easily give in, not to mention that he, Guo Hai, was also a genius martial artist who was almost a high level battle general, if he didn’t compare to his spiritual nimbus, he was indeed no worse than Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was like a reef, blocked in the center of the monster group running street, surrounded by a large swath of monster corpses! The monsters were either charging, or leaping up to pounce on Luo Feng from high up in the air, in short, Luo Feng’s front and back, left and right, all directions were filled with monsters, but he was just holding on hard in this situation.

“This is one way to utilize your surroundings to make your stance more efficient.” Luo Feng was dodging and throwing out his sword, but in his heart he was a bit excited, “Utilizing the environment, utilizing every object, either the corpse of a monster, or the monster itself that’s attacking, or a rock …… to make yourself one with the environment, that’s the perfect level.” During this period of time, Luo Feng had been thinking about the “perfect level” stance.

He knew the reasoning, but when he actually did it, it ended up being an occasional flash of light, and he couldn’t maintain that kind of state for a long time.

“Ow roar ……”

With a heavenly roar, the entire tiger-cat beast group quickly retreated under the leader’s leadership, as if the lake was receding, and quickly left. Although when they left, the eyes of one head of the tiger cat monster beasts were filled with ferocity and hatred. However, it was obvious that the tiger-cat leader was clear that spelling out the entire beast group lightly feared that he would not be able to exterminate this group of human martial artists.

“This is our Jiangnan Base City’s famous madman, right? Today, I see that he is really powerful. I am North River Squad Leader Kang Wei.” The scarred man enthusiastically walked over.

Luo Feng also smiled and walked over, while at this time a voice rang out, “Luo Feng!”

Only to see the bald youth with blood stains on his combat uniform walk over and stare at Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, my name is Guo Hai …… you should have heard of me.”

“Guo Hai?” Luo Feng looked at the young man in front of him, “You’re the martial artist who became a medium battle general at the age of 21?” Of course Luo Feng remembered this name, back then in Xu Gang’s ridiculing words, he mentioned two people – one was the genius martial artist “Guo Hai”, and the other was the Wang family’s “Wang Xingping”. They should be considered their love rivals.

“It’s me.” The corners of Guo Hai’s mouth spread into a smile, “You should have heard about it from Xu Gang.”

“Hm?” Luo Feng’s eyebrows lifted.

“To Xu Xin, we play fair!” Guo Hai’s eyes had a hint of light, “Luo Feng, I admit that your stance is very powerful, it’s not the kind that just enters the subtle level and makes mistakes from time to time. Rather, it’s an incipient micro level great accomplishment, I can’t compare to you in terms of stance, at least in this point, you deserve my admiration.”

At this time, the other members of the Fire Hammer Squad, and the rescued one of the martial artist squad people belonging to the Extreme Martial Hall also came over.

“It’s Guo Hai, the Heavenly Fang martial artist from the Thunder and Lightning Martial Hall?”

Gao Feng, Chen Gu and the others certainly recognized Guo Hai.

Guo Hai had a great reputation! Back then, he was also called up early to the Thunderbolt Martial School.

“But Luo Feng, I should be able to become a high level battle general by the end of this year!” Guo Hai smiled faintly, “I think at 22 weeks old as a high level battle general, the Xu family is willing to let their daughter marry me.” Guo Hai was a very calm person, the first time he heard about Luo Feng, he didn’t care at all.

But when he saw Luo Feng’s performance today, he felt threatened, that’s why he said something like this!

“The Xu family is willing, and only if Xu Xin is willing.” Luo Feng frowned slightly. Xu Xin’s identity was destined to have many people pursuing Xu Xin. But he didn’t expect to run into a love rival today.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng raised his head to look at the distant sky, only to see a ghostly blue stream of light in the distance swiftly cut through the long sky, and then quickly decelerated and stopped high in the sky, this curvaceous flying saucer type ghostly blue warplane began to descend, and surprisingly stopped directly on the street tens of meters away from Luo Feng and the rest of them.

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