Chapter 31 – Blood of the Beasts of the Realm

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:57:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng watched as the ninety-nine doppelgangers flew back backwards instead’ he couldn’t help but smile.

He was now able to create his own eighth order secret techniques, so he was naturally able to drive the sixth level of the Star Tower! This Star Tower fifth secret pattern is the eighth order top secret method level, this sixth secret pattern is the ninth order secret method level …… – Once cast, it will form an extremely terrifying vortex world, stronger than the Kingslayer Wu Fei’s ‘a thought of emptiness’. ‘ are even stronger.

Of course it’s not that Wufei is not as good as the Star Tower, but because the core hub of Wufei ‘source’ contains the energy of the previous owner, Luo Feng can’t use it, so naturally he can’t play the strongest power of Wufei.

Only by using the source to drive the Wusenslayer Feather Wing could it utilize its strongest power, and at that time, the ‘thought of emptiness’ should be stronger than the ‘vortex world’.

As for now?

The sixth level of the Star Tower, ‘Vortex World’, was the strongest stance in the Absolute Control Domain category.

“Rumble~~~” nine kinds of undivisional forces, stirring each other, space had long since shattered, forming a terrifying whirlpool world fruit.

“How could this happen? How is it possible to become so powerful! Last time I fought him, he wasn’t this strong at all. Even though this Galaxy Lord Luo Feng has several doppelgangers, but doppelganger and doppelganger, they should be equal in strength to each other.” The ninety-nine doppelgangers of the sector beast Morosha were simply unable to resist, and couldn’t help but not only fly towards the Star Tower.

In this dimly lit whirlpool world, the Star Tower was the only center!

The nine tower gates on that base stirred everything!

“Hop!” The Realm Beast gave up, and all of a sudden, all of the other of the ninety-nine doppelgangers turned into nothingness, while one of them quickly condensed and grew larger, turning into the Realm Beast.

Standing in the vortex world, the Realm Beast Morosha tried its best to resist, and it was barely able to remain steady and not be swallowed over.

Before the split state, each split’s resistance was weak, naturally being swallowed and flying backwards over …… Now that the ninety-nine splits were united, it was barely able to stand still.

“What to do, what to do?” Realm Beast Morosha panicked.

Without relying on the technique of decomposition, how could it escape?

Just fly straight away? Luo Feng could completely chase after it, making it unable to escape forever. What’s more, under the combination of ‘one thought void’ and ‘vortex world’ it was just barely able to stand still, and was destined to fly at a ridiculously slow speed, whereas Luo Feng was the master of making everything, but was instantly able to catch up with it.

“Boom!” Standing in the distance, Luo Feng, who was covered in ebony armor, took a step, seemingly a random step, but it was so fast that it made the realm beasts jealous.

Under the dual shroud of the One Thought Void and the vortex world, Luo Feng’s speed was a thousand times ten thousand times its speed!

“Galaxy lord ……” realm beast Morosha gritted his teeth and stared at Luo Feng, “Worthy of being the number one powerhouse in the cosmic sea. I underestimated you before.”

“Come on! Try again.” Luo Feng came and blandly said, “Don’t you know how to perform blood light gathering in your eyes, that move is quite powerful, why don’t you perform it?”

The realm beast was going crazy with anger.

That move was simply a desperate battle stance, even if it could temporarily overpower Luo Feng what was the point, it couldn’t escape at all ah!

“Galaxy lord, you know, if I’m pushed, I’ll lead a large group of sector beasts over.” Realm beast Morosha stared at Luo Feng, “Don’t force me, let me go …… And I’ll swear that I’ll never target your human race in the future. As long as you let me go, I’ll make an oath to the rules of the cosmic sea! My request is just one …… Let me go, even you can continue to deal with me in the future, but right now, you let me go!”

“Release you? It’s hard to catch you and let you go?” Luo Feng snorted on the surface, but in his heart, he had many thoughts.

The realm beast lair had a large number of realm beasts.

The one in front of him was just a head, killing this one was important, but to the races of the cosmic sea …… as long as there was a realm beast alive, it was a disaster.

“You said you lead a large group of realm beasts, you are now trapped here by me, how can you lead?” Luo Feng snorted.

“You don’t understand us sector beasts at all.” Realm beast Morosha said, “We realm beasts are destined to …… end up with only one realm beast alive. That is the ultimate king! If a realm beast deliberately escapes and flees far away, lost in the cosmic sea …… other realm beasts can’t kill it, in this way, the realm beasts that survive will be at least two or even more, isn’t that the same as, never being able to give birth to a king?”

Luo Feng nodded.

“That’s why sector beasts are able to sense each other, and can communicate with each other’s minds.” Realm beast Morosha said, “This is true no matter how far away it is.”

That was the truth.

And after growing for a certain amount of time, all Realm Beasts must return to their nests and must kill and devour each other to give birth to the final king.

Realm Beast Morosha Lian said, “So you can’t kill me, if you want to kill me …… I’ll send the message from this side to the Realm Beast lair, and a large number of Realm Beasts will come over at that time!”

“Oh?” Luo Feng answered.

“You promise?” Realm beast Morosha was apprehensively looking forward to this, this Luo Feng was too scary, if he didn’t kill it, it would be too wonderful. Anyway, even if it made an oath to the rules of the cosmic sea, it only meant that it wouldn’t kill it, in the future other realm beasts could still come and kill Luo Feng, after all, it understood ……

As time passes, the more rare the sector beasts become, the more powerful they will become. This Galaxy Lord Luo Feng is strong now, but in the future, it definitely won’t be able to stop the realm beasts.

“Promise?” Luo Feng shook his head, “I can’t kill you because you threaten. Then in the future when other sector beasts threaten, can’t I kill them too?”

“Haha …… if I can kill you, I can kill other realm beasts!”

“Come one head, I’ll kill one head, come a pair I’ll kill a pair, come as many as I can.” Luo Feng said blandly, “Once you fall into an area under my control, the bindings of this area are spread out across the entire area, no matter if it’s one or ten realm beasts that come in, they’re all the same and can’t escape.”

“Thank you, for letting me know that …… realm beasts can still mind transfer messages.”

Luo Feng’s words fell.


The entire person’s aura skyrocketed, divine power burned to the extreme, leaving a misty shadow in this vortex world, then he killed in front of the realm beast Morosha, who revealed a look of shocked fury and roared, “You’ll regret it!”

“Regret?” Luo Feng snorted.

A black armor Luo Feng had already driven this powerful mechanical flow treasure ‘Wu Qi Shen’, at the same time pulled out the blood shadow blade behind him, the blood shadow blade as a Yuan embryo, the attack through which it was cast …… made the might completely higher, plus the Wu Qi Shen itself was far superior to other mechanical flow treasures.

The combination of the two caused Luo Feng’s battle power to immediately soar!

“Sea of golden light.” Luo Feng, who was as black as an ape, was already close enough to pounce, the realm beasts were extremely slow in the ‘one thought void’ ‘vortex world’ environment, so they couldn’t dodge at all.

“Wow wow wow wow ……”

As Luo Feng’s blade light lit up, golden waves suddenly appeared around him, a burst of golden waves surged and impacted that one realm beast Morosha, causing the realm beast Morosha who was trying his best to resist to howl, “You, how come you are so much more powerful than the last time!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Those golden waves, where are they waves, they are simply countless waves formed by the light of the blade, Luo Feng’s blade …… clearly contains the law of gold, but the blade is incomparably soft, as if it is a lover’s touch, and this so called golden wave is also very soft, gently slapping the realm beast in a burst.

However, it was as if it was endless and continuous.

This move was one of the strongest secret techniques Luo Feng had created, the Sea of Golden Light!

“Snort snort snort ……” the silent waves eroded, causing the boundary beast power to continuously deplete, the boundary beast Morosha wailed in pain and disbelief, this Luo Feng was too much stronger than last time.

“Strong? Haha! You said I’m strong, then dying in the hands of a strong man is also your honor.” Luo Feng was not merciful at all, his blade light was continuous, like a lover’s touch, but he kept depleting the strength of the realm beast. When it was hard to deal with the realm beast, one could deplete each other’s power against each other, but when there was an absolute advantage, the dominant party attacked, only needing to deplete a small amount of energy, which could cause the realm beast to deplete extremely.

“Roar ……”

Realm beast Morosha threw his head back and roared, his original golden body quickly changed into that ugly black body, both of those heads staring at Luo Feng in death.

“You, you will regret this.” Realm beast Morosha hissed, his whole body quickly surfaced with dazzling black light, followed by the black light quickly transforming into a blinding red light, that blood red light …… made people palpitate.

This layer of blood light, enveloped in the boundary beast Morosha whole body.


Realm beast Morosha hissed, his body even grew an arm, hundreds of arms, crazily resisting Luo Feng’s every slash. At the moment, the body surface was covered with a layer of blood light, causing the attack power of the realm beast Morosha to increase significantly, surprisingly, it was not even close to Luo Feng for a while.

Each of Luo Feng’s slashes struck it, but it was as if it was struck on rubber, causing it to dent, but never breaking through.

“It really put up a fight, so let’s try another one of my moves!” Luo Feng roared, “Beast’s golden horn!”

Instantly the endless golden waves that were originally spread everywhere disappeared out of thin air, and the surroundings reverted back to that dim swirling world, in the dim swirling world, a blurry golden horn appeared vaguely …… It was a huge golden horn that seemed to be able to pierce through the universe, and the golden horn carried endless might, stabbing directly at the realm beast Morosha!

Eighth order mystic techniques, for a master of the universe to create was a miracle.

But Luo Feng had created more than one set.

The move “Sea of golden light” was weaker, but it was better in that it was continuous, at the same time, “Sea of golden light” had been performed a hundred times, I’m afraid that “Beast’s golden horn” had only been performed once. This move belongs to single attack, every time he performs it, he needs to build up a little momentum, of course, the power is also great, but in general, the enemy can take advantage of the momentum to escape, fortunately, Luo Feng now has the ‘thought of emptiness’ and ‘vortex world’ so that the other party can’t escape.


The huge golden horn that pierced through everything.

The tough and unrivaled boundary beast skin that had never been broken before, under the triple limit burning of divine power, the full force outburst of the Wu Qi God, the assistance of the blood shadow blade, and the most powerful single attack Luo Feng had ever performed, it was like a cloth tearing apart, and with a poof of sound, it directly pierced through the boundary beast’s body.

The black blood of the realm beast also floated in the vortex world along with Luo Feng’s blade light.

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