Chapter 76 Battle

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:59:59
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Splendid and colorful because of the battle, endlessly bright because of you Luo Feng returned to the primordial universe and returned to the Galaxy Holy Land.

Immediately going to the final battle, through Morosha know the deadline, leaving himself not much time, in this moment no other thoughts, just want to see their loved ones.


Luo Feng landed on a verdant stone paved corridor, in front of him was a simple compound, outside the door of the compound was standing a slender woman in white. Looking at this woman in white, Luo Feng smiled, this was his wife Xu Xin! A wife who always silently supported herself behind the scenes without complaint or regret.

She didn’t ask for herself, didn’t force herself to give her more time, was it because she didn’t love? But when he and the Devouring Beast were going to die together, when every one thought he was dead and Xu Xin thought he was dead, she chose to die with him after giving birth to his child.

Love, not bondage.

Rather, it is silent caring support.

“Feng.” Xu Xin smiled, her smile was like a moon in the night sky, making Luo Feng’s heart tranquil.

His wife was the harbor of his heart.

Luo Feng reached out and held his wife’s hand, “Go see mom and dad!”

“Hmm!” Xu Xin didn’t ask much, she was waiting at this door before, this compound is where mom and dad and they live.

Entering the courtyard.

Soon saw Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan who were sitting there chatting with each other, even though endless epochs had passed, their appearance was still the same as in the past.

“Feng.” Luo Hong Guo and Gong Xin Lan both even stood up.

“Dad, mom.” Luo Feng shouted.

Seeing mom and dad, it was as if he was still the same student who worked hard in the martial arts school during the earth base city era.

Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan looked at each other, they both sensed that something was wrong with Luo Feng, nowadays Luo Feng had already stood at the pinnacle of the billions of ethnic groups, overlooking all the living beings. Normally with his parents, he was also very composed, but at this moment, Luo Feng was a bit out of sorts, as if he was a child who was attached to his parents.

This was too abnormal.

The two of them realized this but didn’t say much.

“Come, sit. Xu Xin, you sit down too.” Gong Xin Lan took her son’s hand and pulled it aside to sit down, Xu Xin also sat down next to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng then said something to his parents and wife, chatting as if they were ordinary people, soon, his two sons Luo Ping and Luo Hai also came, and his own brother Luo Hua also came. A large family gathered together to talk and laugh. But they had all lived for a long time, each of them sensed that something was wrong with Luo Feng.

What seemed normal was abnormal precisely because it was too normal.

Because what time is it now?

Now was the time to face the realm beast havoc! Luo Feng had been carrying the responsibility, how could he come and talk and laugh with his family? But none of them said anything.

After talking for a long time.

It was more Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan, Luo Ping, and Luo Hai who talked a lot.

“It’s almost time.” Luo Feng suddenly said.

Everyone quieted down.

Luo Feng looked at his father and mother who had always cared for him no matter how powerful he was, and his younger brother who grew up with him! There were also the two sons who idolized him …… and his wife who had helped him along to this day.

“You guys should have realized it as well.” Luo Feng nodded, “There is indeed something big happening, I’ve been hiding it from you guys, but not this time.”

The killings from the previous trip to the realm beast lair, the fight with the 900,000 realm beasts and so on, hadn’t been told to his family. Although the family knew about the ‘Realm Beast Havoc’, but the details were not known at all. But this time …… once it fails, it will be the annihilation of all the communities, everything, including oneself!

So there was no need to hide it anymore.

“What’s wrong? Brother.” Luo Hua even asked.



Luo Ping and Luo Hai also looked at Luo Feng anxiously.

Parents and wife also looked at Luo Feng worriedly.

“The sector beast havoc has reached its final moments.” Luo Feng said, “In this battle, there are only two outcomes. One is that I win, then all is well with my human and other races. And the other result is that …… I lose, then all the races will be annihilated, all humans will fall, the entire primordial universe will be destroyed, and I will die …… none of them will survive.”

“This is the last battle.” Luo Feng said.

Parents, wife, son, and brother were all stunned.

The life and death of billions of communities were involved?

“I’m about to set off.” Luo Feng said softly, “At the last moment, I just want to come and meet mom and dad, meet you all.”

Luo Feng’s gaze looked at each of his closest relatives.

These were his closest relatives!

“Ah Feng.” Luo Hongguo reached out and put his hand on his son’s shoulder, embracing his son, but he smiled, “Actually, your dad I’m very proud and proud, remember when I was a kid, the end of the world came, struggling to survive in the end of the world, I don’t know how many times I’ve walked on the edge of life and death, and in the end, I was lucky enough to enter the base city to be able to live, and only then did I have you and AHua.”

Next to her, Gong Xinlan also embraced her son.

“Your mom and I are very proud, we never thought that we would be able to travel in a vast universe! We never thought that we could experience a virtual game as if it was a real life. Other people merely live a lifetime, but your mom and I have lived I don’t know how many lifetimes.”

“Our lives, they’re wonderful.”

“Because of you!”

Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan both looked at their son.

“Don’t have any burdens, my old Chinese saying ‘life is a hundred years’, but we’ve lived for I don’t know how many hundreds of years. Even if we two old guys die, we die with a smile on our faces.” Luo Hongguo laughed, “Go on! Don’t give yourself any burdens and fight to your heart’s content. If you win, you will be endlessly honored. Defeat, mom and dad will fall asleep with you.”

Luo Feng’s eyes were moist.

There wasn’t the slightest bit of pain, there was endless happiness.

Luo Feng looked around at his relatives who were looking at him without the slightest fear or worry.

“I’m actually very selfish.” Luo Feng said, “I don’t have much time to spend with Xu Xin, with my son, with my mom and dad …… I spend more time wandering the universe, adventuring and fighting. Even though I’m doing it for the survival of the Earth lineage, but the truth is, I’ve long gotten used to the life of adventuring and fighting.”

“I like to wander around, to see all the arcane wonders in the universe.”

“I like fighting, dancing between life and death makes my blood pound.”

“Without all of this, if my life becomes monotonous, I’ll just feel flat as water.” Luo Feng shook his head, “Even though blandness is a blessing, I’m used to fighting and this life.”

Luo Feng looked at one of his relatives, “My life is splendid because of battles! Without fighting it is bland.”

“But you guys.” Luo Feng looked at his parents who were hugging him, his wife who was holding his hand, and his son and brother next to him, “But you are the most important treasure I have living in this world! The most important guardian of my heart, you guys are more important than my life. Without you, this world would be dark.”

Yes, the loved ones are the most important, the ones that are beyond one’s life, the ones that one needs to guard with all one’s might! Without their loved ones one would be in perpetual darkness, and life would be worse than death.

“My life is splendid and colorful because of the battle. Endlessly bright because of you all!” Luo Feng looked at his loved ones.

Luo Feng let go of his parents and got up, “I should go.”

The final battle, the battle that involved the life and death of hundreds of millions of clans, of course Luo Feng wouldn’t hide it, the true gods of all clans knew all about it.

The galaxy holy land had already gathered true gods of all races and even a large number of universe lords on the square in front of Luo Feng’s palace, Luo Feng walked out with his family and the races looked over.

“Galaxy lord.”

“Galaxy, I’m counting on you for everything.”

“Galaxy ……”

The races understood that it was truly at the end.

Luo Feng walked all the way over, walking past each and every true god, he saw his teacher Chaos City Lord, Sitting Mountain Guest, True Diffractor, and also his close friends and brothers Hong, Thunder God, Rongjun, Uka, as well as Huyenbo, Baba Towers, as well as some of the powerhouses from the Earth lineage and even his own brother Wei Wen came as well, as well as the powerhouses of the Yuyi Sea lineage (the lineage that the many clans that Luo Feng had created had converged into), and Luo Feng’s disciples.




“Luo Feng.”

They shouted out one title after another.

Luo Feng stayed the longest in front of the three teachers, the Chaos City Lord nodded, “You, have never let me down.”

Sitting Mountain Guest on the other hand smiled, “I’ve spent endless effort to cultivate you, you’re even better than I expected …… But you haven’t helped me to do it, you’re simply not qualified to fall in front of the realm beasts, this time, you must win.”

Zhen Yan then gently patted Luo Feng’s shoulder, “You’re my best disciple, always.”

Luo Feng walked to the very front, turning to look at these countless strong people gathered in the palace square, there were the true gods of the demon and insect races who had once fought with him, there were also the subordinate races who were at his beck and call, and there were also his friends, people he cared about ……


At this moment, Luo Feng felt even more the need to guard within.

“I won’t allow it, to destroy everything I’m guarding!” Luo Feng silently said, “I guard with my life, with everything I have. Do not allow it! Never allow destruction!”

All the powerhouses of the races looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also looked at all the powerhouses and smiled, “I’ll be back!”


Luo Feng turned into a stream of light and directly disappeared into the distant void.

If he could come back again, naturally he had succeeded.

If they didn’t come back, then everything would be annihilated into nothingness. I’m afraid that Luo Feng and his fellow reincarnation era powerhouses will only be able to go to the three great jedi to find some traces of their legacy in future reincarnation era lives.

Luo Feng was filled with power, it was the power of the heart!

Because of his loved ones, because of his teacher, because of his best friend …… all this, he wants to guard!

Everything that was beautiful, absolutely not allowed to be broken!

For this, one was willing to pay any price!

“Boom!” A hideous boundary beast figure pierced out from the cosmic membrane wall and flew directly into the void, where a silver-armored, silver-winged man was standing.

“Master.” Realm beast Morosha said respectfully.

Luo Feng looked at Morosha, the current Morosha had already reached the fifth rank limit, normally crossing into the third rank, crossing into the fourth rank, and crossing into the fifth rank, each threshold crossing required time to digest. However, under the influence of the supreme rules, Morosha was rising in a straight line without any hindrance at all.

There was now only one enslaved realm beast left, and only one free realm beast left.

“Master, the Desert River is continuously advancing towards here at a very high speed. The distance it instantly moves is clearly far more than me.” The Realm Beast Morosha was worried, “Is master sure about this battle?” It Morosha was not certain.

“This battle …… I will definitely win!” Luo Feng said softly, “Definitely.”

The voice was light, but incomparably firm.

Because, Luo Feng had reasons why he had to win.

For the sake of everything that he had to guard within his heart!

“Go!” Luo Feng directly led Morosha in a sudden instantaneous shift, disappearing into the void, directly advancing towards that sector beast desert river.

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