Chapter 85 – Transcendental Reincarnation

Release Date: 2024-07-12 17:00:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the solar system.

A pair of white-clothed men and women were standing in the void looking at the incomparably huge planet of glowing red color in the distance, which was a red giant star!

“Even a newborn star.” Luo Feng said softly, “Once the primordial universe entered its end stage, it also aged and decayed drastically, much faster than normal star diffusion, stepping into the red giant stage so quickly.”

“Didn’t you say that?” Next to her, Xu Xin laughed, “Now that we’re entering the end stage, the primordial cosmic origin is sucking in all life energy, sucking in all celestial energy. It’s naturally decaying fast. Alas …… endless years, every star to reach its lifespan, we will move another star for the earth, now even the earth has left.”

Luo Feng nodded gently.

Just a short while ago, when this newborn star that had just been moved here was rapidly aging, the many powerhouses of the Earth lineage had decided to move the ancestor star ‘Earth’ directly into the small universe. After Luo Feng nodded his head, it was eventually moved to Luo Feng’s small universe, Luo Feng would specialize in making a void in his small universe, completely making the environment of the solar system.

Luo Feng sighed softly, “A reincarnation, it’s just going to end.”

“Remember the two of us.” Xu Xin reminisced about the past, “At that time, we were just two high school students from the base city era on earth, I didn’t think that the two of us would be able to live to this day, to the day when the entire universe was seared and destroyed.”

Luo Feng looked down at his wife next to him.

The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled.

Then they turned their heads again and silently looked at the red giant star, red and beautiful, as if it was the sunset of the Earth era.

For a long time ……

“Hmm?” Luo Feng’s eyebrows moved slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Xu Xin asked suspiciously, then she also looked into the distance with some awareness, only to see a figure appear in the void in the distance, followed by that figure even flying over.

This is a wearing colorful outer robe of a universe Lord, her eyes are even flooded with colorful light, is one of the Ancestral God Cult within the Beast God, she respectfully bowed and saluted: “Great Galaxy Lord, I came by the order of the three Ancestral Gods, the three Ancestral Gods said …… that the primordial universe will be destroyed in three years! I believe that the Galaxy Lord still remembers the original promise, please make sure that the Galaxy Lord goes to the Ancestral God Palace within three years.”

Luo Feng nodded, “I know.”

“I’ll leave you to it.” This female beast god bowed respectfully and then quietly left.

“Only three years left.” Xu Xin sighed softly.

“Hmm, three years.” Luo Feng nodded.

Xu Xin then looked at Luo Feng, she knew …… that once this reincarnation era was over, it wouldn’t be long before Luo Feng would leave to break into reincarnation. How could she not be worried?

The final three year deadline caused the relocation of the races within the entire Primordial Universe that was in decline to accelerate.

“The primordial universe will even be destroyed, I really want to bring some more friends with us, but it’s a pity that we can only bring ten people each.”

“Don’t lament, how big is the Primordial Universe? How big is the Small Universe? It’s destined that 99.9999% of the people upwards won’t have the chance to relocate to a small universe, we’re the geniuses who were absorbed by the Galactic Kingdom, and that’s why we’re allowed to bring ten places with us.” Two youths in a spaceship were flying towards a planet in the distance that was centralized.

Mass Relocation.

The guideline for the relocation of human communities was to first take all sector lords, immortals and even higher naturally. Secondly, some geniuses who were absorbed by the nine powers such as the Galactic Kingdom, the Virtual Universe Company, the Giant Axe Fighting Arena, and the Cosmic Star River Bank, and those who performed well in some genius battles even if they weren’t absorbed would be taken away.

Even according to the level of strength, some relatives and friends could be taken away.

In fact, relatively speaking, human relocation has been very benevolent, much better than the demon race and mechanical race. Because the human race had a very heaven defying True God – Luo Feng!

Although humans had 98 true gods, Luo Feng’s small universe volume was then a thousand times larger than the other true gods!

He alone was worth a thousand True God mini-universes!

Moreover, Luo Feng and the original ancestor would all break through to Void True Gods by the end of this reincarnation era, and by that time, the small universe would be able to hold and withstand even more lives and powerhouses. So now, regardless of what, directly stuffed into it, do not have to worry about reproducing in the future to withstand, because once the small universe breakthrough, then it will be easy.

So the human relocation population is extremely large!

But compared to the countless humans in the entire primordial universe, it’s still one out of an unknown number!

Within Luo Feng’s small universe, the Nine Realms Mountain.

Nine realms mountain murmuring springs, high mountains rolling, flying birds and beasts everywhere, a beautiful place, also Luo Feng’s secluded cultivation place, normally this place was taken care of by Morosha.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A large number of figures flew densely in the distance, causing Luo Feng, who was talking to his parents and wife, to turn his head and look.

More than a thousand figures landed, all of them respectfully saluting, “Galaxy Patriarch!”

This thousand or so people were all masters of the universe.

Humanity had a total of 1,222 universe lords, this relocation, the universe lords scattered into a small universe, and Luo Feng’s small universe was the largest in size, naturally the most came over, especially those who had the potential and hope to become true gods almost all came over. The human hosted Luo Feng’s small universe of the Lord of the Universe is more than 900, plus the Hong alliance of foreign races in some of the no true god’s community, human for the Hong alliance of the leader, naturally should also take care of some, there are more than three hundred Lord of the Universe to Luo Feng this.

Humans more than 900 universe lords, also carrying a huge amount of humans, that were all universe lords, immortals, sector lords, countless geniuses, countless incidental populations and so on.

“All arrived.” Luo Feng smiled, “Then let’s move according to the earlier plan.”

“Yes, originator.”

Over a thousand universe lords all respectfully answered.

Then each of them quickly left, scattering to each of the 100,000 realms and began to release the humans they had brought with them, and in the future, those humans would be living in the various dimensional spaces.

“Father, you’ve become a Patriarch.” Luo Hai said enviously.

“The future generations of humans will reproduce in father’s universe.” Luo Ping then said, “And father will break through soon, at that time our ‘Galaxy Holy Land Universe’ will be an eternal existence, in the future generations of the reincarnation era will all reproduce here, father will naturally be the originator.”

Luo Feng smiled at this.


Myself and the primordial ancestor, at any time, could become void true gods, so the human race had long since shouted out the names ‘primordial ancestor holy universe’ ‘galactic holy universe’, calling Luo Feng and the primordial ancestor ‘galactic originator’ respectively ‘ ‘Original Ancestor’.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng turned his head to look again.

Six figures flew in the distance.

“Galaxy.” These six figures were humble and respectful.

“Jue He, Blood Orchid, Heng Xing, you’re all here.” Luo Feng smiled and nodded, these six in front of him were the previous true gods of the first reincarnation era and second reincarnation era.

Immediately there was going to be a great destruction, for the first reincarnation era the great limit was coming, if they didn’t break through the reincarnation they would be annihilated. They know very well that they didn’t break through the ability to succeed …… so naturally they hope to be able to pin their hopes on other small universes, but small universes have a limited capacity, who wants to accept other people?

Only Luo Feng’s side was the easiest to break through because he had the largest small universe and was quickly becoming a Void True God.

“Go.” Luo Feng said.

“Yes.” The six true gods were all grateful beyond measure.

Luo Feng watched them leave, the reason why he accepted these six true gods was because he had friendship in the past, and secondly, he was now the ‘void true god limit’ on his realm, and then he went to feel the primordial universe great destruction, and then he communicated with Morosha, I believe that it wouldn’t take long to break through to eternal true god, and then there would be more room to endure, and it wouldn’t be a big deal to have six more henchmen.

“Once I become an Eternal True God, there are completely strong people within my small universe that can become True Gods.” Luo Feng secretly said.

It wasn’t like beings living within small universes couldn’t become True Gods.

Within a True God’s small universe, the highest that could be cultivated was only the Lord of the Universe.

Within a void true god’s small universe, it was possible to cultivate a true god, but it was only at an extremely high cost, every time a true god was born, they had to separate a small universe from themselves. Void true gods were rarely willing to do so. However, when Luo Feng became an eternal true god, this price was bearable, and it wouldn’t take long for his own universe to recover!

Like the ‘World of Jinn’ was also a small universe, that was something that even Eternal True Gods could spawn.

Ancestral God Palace.

Luo Feng, dressed in white, stepped into the Ancestral God Palace.

“Galaxy, you’re finally here, there’s only a month left until the great destruction.” The pale Ancestral God among the three Ancestral Gods sitting above laughed, “You’re here, this last mission of ours is considered complete, according to the origin will’s command, you just need to stay within the Ancestral God Palace. The three of us will leave.”

The three Ancestor Gods all smiled and bid farewell to Luo Feng, then the three of them also began to leave the primordial universe, the entire Ancestor Mystery Realm of the strongest of the strongest of the strongest of the strongest of the strongest of the strongest of the strongest.

The powerhouses in the entire primordial universe had long since left one by one, not many continued to linger.

“Great destruction.” The white-clothed Luo Feng stood here and said softly.

This wasn’t his true self, but only a divine power avatar!

“Boom!” The void around Luo Feng suddenly distorted and a natural wormhole appeared, an invisible will covering Luo Feng.

“Let me in?” Luo Feng understood what the origin will meant, and without fear, he directly took a step in, only to feel space and time change, he entered a vast and mysterious space.

There were only countless floating points of light in this space, each point of light contained a powerful might, the weak ones were comparable to a universe lord, the strong ones even made Luo Feng’s heart palpitate.

In this space, Luo Feng however seemed very small.

“Is this it?” Luo Feng recalled when he was given the gifted secret method ‘I am the universe’, his consciousness had once entered this space, when a point of light touched him and gave him the gifted secret method ‘I am the universe’. At that time, his realm was still very low, but now it was different, and he could see more when his realm was higher.

This side of space, I’m afraid, is the place of the primordial universe origin.

Those countless light points only rarely contained inheritance messages, and more contained endless origin energy! Each point of light was like a vast world with endless energy.

Luo Feng smiled, a step and a flash to touch a point of light, but that point of light is a natural drift instantly withdrew several light years away, not letting Luo Feng touch it at all.

“Haha ……” Luo Feng laughed, then he sat down on his knees, then he sat directly in this side of space.


Suddenly this primordial universe origin space appeared colorful light, hazy colorful light like a rainbow, directly shrouded Luo Feng, when the moment of shrouded Luo Feng, Luo Feng immediately felt that his body was extended …… his will began to naturally penetrate the entire primordial universe.

A star field, a cosmic secret realm, a desert star field, a primordial star.

As small as the depths of a grain of sand.

As big as a vast ocean of laws.

It was quickly infiltrated by Luo Feng’s will, at this moment, Luo Feng felt as if he had become the primordial universe!


“This, this is the construction of the primordial universe?” Luo Feng was completely mesmerized.

Within the primordial universe origin space, there were countless points of light, these points of light could be divided into 100,000 camps, and the 100,000 camps rotated around the center, it was exactly the structure of the ‘beginning of one’! It was just more refined than Luo Feng’s, Luo Feng’s was ‘the beginning of one element, 100,000 heavens’. And this was ‘the beginning of one element, one hundred thousand heavens transformed into endless space’.

“Ocean of laws, it turns out that the energy from swallowing can still be stored in the universe in such a way.” Luo Feng marveled.

“Natural wormhole ……”

“Secret realm of the universe ……”

“So this is the life force.”

Although Luo Feng couldn’t penetrate the most basic life essence, but just being able to carefully look at the primordial universe from the inside to the outside, from microcosm to macrocosm alone gave him a lot of insights, and the benefits were staggering.

“But comparatively speaking, it’s still feeling the final great destruction of the primordial universe that helps the most.” Luo Feng sat cross-legged in the primordial universe origin space, silently waiting for that moment to come.

“The primordial universe is about to be destroyed, this scene is very shocking, I saw it with my own eyes back then.” In the void filled with chaotic air currents, on a gray ship, the Horizontal Demon God was talking loudly there, and beside him stood quite a number of Universe Lords, a large number of Universe Exalted, Immortal Deities, and even some of the key cultivated geniuses.

“How long has it been since the destruction of the primordial universe?”

“We’re in the void, will that Primordial Universe Destruction spread to us here?”

Many humans in the hall raised questions.

“Don’t worry, it won’t reach us here at all. Thinking about the beginning–” the Hengxing Demon God was talking gleefully there, loneliness was indeed a kind of torture, even if one was invincible, how painful would it be to just be the only one living alone? The Hengxing Demon God had rediscovered his happiness after being placed within Luo Feng’s mini universe.

He was already naturally optimistic.

Ship by ship, palace by palace, in the void of chaotic air currents, the powerful people of all races that came out of the entire primordial universe were silently waiting, waiting for the moment of great destruction.


“Destruction has begun!”

“The cosmic membrane wall is cracking.”

The strongest members of the clans watched this scene with excitement and sadness because there were still more ordinary clansmen who hadn’t been relocated because even Luo Feng’s mini-universe was pitifully small compared to the primordial universe. It was destined that the ordinary clansmen would almost all be annihilated along with the primordial universe.

The primordial universe was starting to destroy!

Previously, it was still gradually taking on an apocalyptic scenario, but in that instant, the entire primordial space instantly generated monstrous power, crazily devouring everything.

Even the vastness of the Primordial Universe, all of its membrane walls were instantly cracked madly, followed by collapse, those cosmic secret realms and star domains also began to collapse, one black hole after another began to dissolve, and the mineral planets, decaying stars, and even some of the planets of life, all of them began to crumble, and soon churned into a stream of particles as they crumbled.


At this moment, the Origin itself all began to shrink drastically! All the life force frantically passed to be swallowed and sucked into the origin, and those countless ordinary lives that originally lived, some babies were just born, some old people were lying in the hospital, some young people were in love, and some enemies were killing each other ……

But in an instant, all of them were annihilated, and endless life energy madly surged into the core of the entire universe.


In the void of the cosmic sea, the various races of beings watching the destruction of the universe in that one ship, the palace were breathless and shocked, even though they had heard the description, but when they saw it with their own eyes, they were still completely shocked.

That countless particle flow formed a huge vortex, huge tearing force, afraid of a small universe into the instantly broken.

That kind of frenzy!

That kind of violent!

Let all the strong people hold their breath, those universe lords, true gods through the control of space and time transmission, will be incomparably far away from the distance of the occurrence of everything is transmitted to the eyes, everything is clearly visible. It is precisely because it is clearly visible …… from a close distance that the sense of shock is strong, and every strong person is trembling in their hearts.

“This, this is destruction?” The Original Ancestor was also shocked.

The moment the primordial universe was destroyed, the devouring formed an endless tearing force so strong that even a sliver of it was enough to annihilate him.

This kind of destruction that was so strong that the Original Ancestor trembled.

No one’s sense of shock was as strong as Luo Feng’s, the beings of all races were just watching from afar in the outer cosmic sea, while Luo Feng’s will was penetrating every part of the primordial universe, he himself was like the primordial universe, the destruction of this moment was too clear for him to feel.

First of all, the ‘beginning of one element’ within the primordial space rotated more than ten thousand times faster, and the rotational speed was not constant, but rather fast and slow, causing the countless points of light of the 100,000 camps to shatter and be swallowed, and even the entire primordial space was drastically shrunk, and the entire primordial outwardly generated an incredible devouring power.


Devouring with all his might!

Devouring all living and dead things, devouring the entire primordial universe!

Everything collapsed and destroyed into countless streams of particles that swirled and madly surged into the Origin, and all the most fundamental life forces were completely swallowed back. To make such a huge primordial universe completely destroyed and swallowed in an extreme amount of time, the speed of those life forces even exceeded hundreds of billions and trillions of times the speed of light.

Absolute fury! Savage!

“Boom!” When all the life forces were swallowed into the origin, the origin of the primordial universe instantly emitted a dazzling colorful light, which was eye-catching, and the range of the wave even exceeded the size of the previous primordial universe.

The bright colored light even irradiated into every ship and palace of those watching in the void.

“Too shocking.”


The beings of all races held their breath.

The primordial universe disappeared, leaving only the Origin.

A circle of might surged around the Origin, but no one could get close.

Within the origin.

White-clothed Luo Feng sat cross-legged in the very center of the vortex, he couldn’t forget the short-lived destruction of the primordial universe before, it would be deeply embedded in his soul.

“Morosha has demonstrated to me time and time again the wonders of the destruction origin that he sensed.” Luo Feng was shocked, “But the wonders of the destruction origin are instead brighter and more silently invading destruction. But the primordial universe represents the life origin ah, the destruction of the life origin is so violent and violent.”

Life origin, contains all kinds of laws, life in the original life, there is life and death, there is also destruction.

The destruction of life origin.

The destruction of the Origin of Destruction and the destruction of the Origin of Destruction were very different.

“The short lived destruction is for a new birth, its root is life, all for the sake of life ……,” Luo Feng muttered, “whereas the destruction of the sector beasts is a fundamental destruction.”

An image of a scene of destruction kept sweeping through his mind.

The wonders of the Morosha demonstration also kept sweeping through.

Both were destruction.

But the core was very different …… Luo Feng was completely immersed in it.

“Time to leave.” An invisible will rippled through Luo Feng, Luo Feng understood this.


The white clothed Luo Feng directly dissipated and annihilated, this was just a divine power incarnation, Luo Feng now simply didn’t want to be distracted to let a divine power incarnation slowly fly back, simply dispersed and dissipated.

In Luo Feng’s small universe, on a peak of the Nine Realms Mountain, Luo Feng sat cross-legged.

Trillions of epochs of epiphanies, epiphanies of the destruction origin, epiphanies of the life origin, everything collided.

“The way of destruction.”

Luo Feng gradually walked on a path.

Combining the destruction of the origin of life, the destruction of the origin of destruction, the enlightenment of the two, everything gradually took shape …… This collision of very different origins shook Luo Feng too much, he needed to straighten everything out, he needed to come up with a way that could explain his doubts, and when he did, there was no confusion.

Time passed.

A year passed ……

“I have come to inquire by order of the Original Ancestor, has the Galaxy Patriarch finished his cultivation?”

“Father God is still cultivating and shall not be disturbed in any way.” Ximo directly replied back.

At first, Luo Feng and the Original Ancestor had agreed that after sensing destruction, the two would break through to become Void True Gods together and then go break into reincarnation, but now Luo Feng was immersed in cultivation.

“Senior brother Ximo, teacher is still in cultivation?” Naka looked at the Nine Realms mountain in the distance.

“Doesn’t your brat want to tell teacher that you broke through to master of the universe.” Ximo also looked, Luo Feng was still sitting on his knees on the Nine Realms Mountain, “When teacher finishes his cultivation, he will naturally know.”

Nako hemmed and hawed.

Time passed, I don’t know how many times the flowers and plants on the nine realms mountain withered and bloomed, I don’t know how many visitors came to pay their respects to Luo Feng, even the seated visitor came once, but Luo Feng had been immersed in enlightenment, this time he was gathering all his consciousness, there wasn’t the slightest distraction at all, so naturally he couldn’t go and receive people.

In the 360,000th epoch of the destruction of the primordial universe.

Ximo and Morosha were all guarding under the Nine Realms Mountain, forbidding any strong person from disturbing Luo Feng.

“Wow.” The white robed Luo Feng sitting on top of the mountain suddenly opened his eyes.

“Eh?” Simo and Morosha turned their heads to look at the same time, they both flashed and arrived next to Luo Feng.

“Father god.” Simo said excitedly.

“Master.” Morosha was also excited.

Luo Feng looked at them and nodded with a smile while saying, “Simo, go and inform, just say that I’ve stopped practicing. I believe there are quite a few that want to see me.”

“Yes, father god.” Simo even answered, then disappeared in a flash.

“Morosha.” Luo Feng looked at the naive guard at his side, “I’m sure you’ve been waiting for a long time too.”

Morosha smiled nervously.

Of course it waited for a long time.

It was an expert lonely, the only one who could be a rival, Luo Feng, was also its master, it naturally looked forward to some novelty, like going to break through reincarnation?

“Master, have you made a breakthrough?” Morosha even asked.

“Of course there’s some progress.” Luo Feng teased, “If I didn’t make the slightest progress even after personally feeling the destruction of the primordial universe once, how stupid would I have to be.”

Before this sensation, Luo Feng had reached the void true god limit in his realm.

Lords of the universe, usually created their own secret methods of the third to fifth order, many lords of the universe were stuck at the top of the fifth order! To be able to create their own sixth-order secret methods, if they didn’t insist on taking the divine power route, they would have reached the True God requirement in terms of realm.

True Gods, generally self-created secret methods are seventh-order to ninth-order, such as Chaos, Divine Eyes, Jue He, and so on one by one, is the top of the ninth-order. If one could create their own tenth-order secret techniques, they would almost be able to become a Void True God.

Void true gods, generally eleventh to thirteenth order, if one can create a fourteenth order secret method one can become an eternal true god!

Like when Luo Feng fought with the realm beast Mohe, he was able to create a twelfth order top secret method, after more than six trillion epochs of cultivation, and long term exchanges with Morosha ……, he was also able to create a thirteenth order top secret method, which is the ultimate level of a Void True God. This time, Luo Feng’s participation in the 360,000 epochs was a great improvement.

Destruction of Life Origin! Destruction of Destruction Origin!

For Luo Feng to realize the ‘Way of Destruction’, in terms of realm, Luo Feng had already stepped into the Eternal True God stage. Of course this was because of personally feeling the great destruction of the primordial universe once, after all, the later one gets, the more one wants to advance a tiny bit is very, very hard, just look at the East Emperor Patriarch and the Purple Moon Patriarch who have not been able to make a breakthrough.

“Peak.” A figure flew in, it was Xu Xin who knew that Luo Feng had finished his enlightenment.

Luo Feng smiled and greeted him.

“You’ve finally finished practicing, even the mountain sitters have come to find you.” Xu Xin said.

“No rush.” Luo Feng asked, “Right, can the primordial universe be born now?”

“Born, a new reincarnation era has begun.” Xu Xin nodded.

“Come with me to take a look.” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

With a single step.

Luo Feng then took Xu Xin and moved directly to the edge of his small universe, then he went out, Luo Feng’s small universe wasn’t far from the primordial universe, with a glance, Luo Feng’s gaze pierced through the void and easily saw the primordial universe.

At the moment the primordial universe was a haze, surrounded by endless air currents, it was the initial birth state, its interior was also slowly gestating, it wasn’t certain if the initial birth life of this reincarnation era would be born or not.

“Rise and fall.” Seeing the scene full of life, Luo Feng couldn’t help but say softly, “The previous primordial universe flourished to the extreme, the amount of life reached the extreme, and so did its bearing. So a sharp and violent great destruction …… that destruction was for the new birth of today.”

Luo Feng’s realization of his way of destruction became clearer and clearer.

“Hm?” Luo Feng’s heart stirred, “Let’s go back.”

Xu Xin looked at Luo Feng.

“The original ancestor is here.” Luo Feng said.

A divine power avatar of the original ancestor came to Luo Feng’s mini universe.

“How was the epiphany this time?” The original ancestor inquired.

“There was a breakthrough.” Luo Feng said, “Should be able to cross over to the eternal level in one go.”

“Eternal level?” No matter how calm the original ancestor was, he couldn’t help but be shocked.

Luo Feng nodded, “It will take quite a bit of time to upgrade my small universe, when my small universe is almost done, you can upgrade it again, Original Ancestor. In this way the two of us will almost succeed in breaking through together.”

“Good, I’ll go back and prepare.” The Original Ancestor nodded.

The Original Ancestor also knew that this enlightenment was the benefit Luo Feng got from solving the sector beast havoc, with this enlightenment …… Luo Feng broke through the key bottleneck and crossed over to the Eternal True God level. Plus, Luo Feng had also saved him, the original ancestor didn’t have any jealousy, all he had was marvel and admiration.

Luo Feng met with Sitting Mountain Guest, Chaos City Lord and the others, and then he started to break through.


Standing within the origin space of the small universe, Luo Feng let out a loud shout!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A void channel was born one after another, and each void channel appeared in the void outside of the 100,000 Heavenly Realms without harming any dimensional space. Only those void channels were seen gushing out endless streams of chaotic air, and the membrane walls of the mini universes began to rapidly grow and spread and expand.

1.1 billion light years, 1.2 billion light years ……

The volume of the small universe continued to skyrocket.

As the volume of the mini universe grows larger, the space occupied by the 100,000 heavens becomes relatively smaller, and the more emptiness there is. The more void there was naturally Luo Feng led the way to more void passages! Endless chaotic air currents poured in to promote this evolution. This kind of wanton supply of evolutionary goodness was only available during breakthroughs.

And it was only supplying the small universe itself to grow, as for Luo Feng’s body, the divine power needed was to be slowly devoured and transformed and accumulated.

2.9 billion light years, 3 billion light years, 3.1 billion light years ……

The mini universe continued to expand and soon surpassed the Eastern Emperor Holy Land.

“It’s too big.”

“The Galaxy Holy Land Universe, just how big will it become.”

“This is over five billion light years in diameter, much larger than the Eastern Emperor Holy Land.” In the void of the Cosmic Sea, there were quite a few True Gods and Masters of the Universe watching from afar, including those from the human race, the Hong Alliance, and other races, all witnessing this grand event.

Sitting Mountain Guest also looked at this scene from afar, laughing softly, “It’s still early.”

Luo Feng was going to become an Eternal True God in one fell swoop this time, it was naturally still very early.


Crazy expansion!

It finally reached 10 billion light years in diameter, and in the Galaxy Holy Land universe, Luo Feng himself was undergoing a metamorphosis.

“Divine power!” Luo Feng violently opened his mouth and sucked in, instantly the divine power stored under devouring and transforming within the origin space for more than six trillion epochs madly surged in, in these more than six trillion epochs, Luo Feng’s divine body had long before reached the peak of perfection, and the Sea of Transformation could also get twelve light years in diameter. At the same time there was also a massive amount of divine power stored.

With this breakthrough, the divine power evolved a hundredfold!

The accumulation of more than six trillion epochs was instantly consumed by more than 80%, causing Luo Feng’s body to reach a level of perfection, yet it was only the perfection of a Void True God!

“So much accumulation for so long, it’s still not enough. Once I become an Eternal True God, my divine power still lacks a lot.” Luo Feng shook his head.


After the physical breakthrough, void channel after void channel appeared in the void of this galactic sanctuary universe, endless chaotic currents poured in to be continuously absorbed and transformed, causing the mini universe to continue expanding.

Ten billion light years, ten billion light years ……

Thirty billion light years……

Sixty billion light years ……

It kept expanding, likewise taking longer and longer.

The true gods and universe lords of all races had long been dumbfounded… Heavens, the East Emperor Holy Land Universe was only 3.2 billion light years in diameter. How big must this Luo Feng’s Galactic Holy Land Universe be. And at this time, the Original Ancestor’s small universe also began to metamorphose, its size rapidly beginning to expand up.

“The Original Ancestor’s small universe has also expanded, it’s already reached 1.8 billion light years in diameter and it’s still expanding.”

“He can’t be as terrifying as the Galaxy Lord’s.”

Strong people from all races discussed with each other.

At the same time, they also envied the humans, because the humans had two great Holy Land universes ah.

“The Original Ancestor’s small universe has stopped expanding, reaching a diameter of 5.2 billion light years.”

“It can’t be compared to the Galaxy Lord’s.”

The Original Ancestor’s was post-evolutionary, but it succeeded first.

After the original ancestor’s small universe reached 5.2 billion light years in diameter, Luo Feng’s had exceeded 90 billion light years in diameter, and after roughly nearly another month, it finally reached 100 billion light years in diameter.

Finally everything stopped.

“One hundred billion light years.” Sitting Mountain Guest was also shocked, “Legend, this is a legend. Eternity-level mini-universes reaching this step are already complete, and only exist in legends.”

“Father God, this is truly awesome.” Simo was also excited beyond measure in the void.

The foreign true gods on the other hand were all dumbstruck, but they could accept it in their hearts because it was Luo Feng who created all this miracle!

Luo Feng, had long been a legend in the cosmic sea.

“My divine power is once again condensed a hundred times.” The six pairs of feathered wings behind Luo Feng unfolded, before, he couldn’t even fully repair the fifth pair of feathered wings for more than six trillion epochs, but now it was repaired in a matter of moments, “But the reserves of divine power within my small universe aren’t enough, and now that I’m transforming into a sea, I can only reach a diameter of more than two light years.”

The previous divine power reserve, to become a Void True God, was completely enough.

Becoming an Eternal True God, it was still far short.

“Fortunately, I have more small universes now than I did in the past. Devouring and transforming divine power is also more efficient.” Luo Feng nodded, the galaxy holy land universe was too big, swallowing chaotic air currents formed a huge vortex, even the universe lord had to ride through it in a palace supreme treasure or else he would be strangled and killed.


Luo Feng took a single step and left the origin space, arriving at the ‘Nine Realms Mountain’ of the Galaxy Holy Land Universe.

The family members were here waiting for Luo Feng.

“Ha.” Luo Feng smiled and walked over, suddenly his smile froze.

An invisible fluctuation swept through the Galactic Sanctuary universe, sending a message.

“A year?” Luo Feng muttered.

He understood.

Now that he had broken through to become an Eternal True God, he had to go break into reincarnation within a year. It said one year because the original ancestor had succeeded in breaking through almost a month earlier than him, as long as the two of them went to break through the wheel of reincarnation together …… then in reality the time given to Luo Feng was only eleven months.

“Dad, mom.” Luo Feng smiled again and went to talk to his parents.

Luo Feng and the original ancestor met once and talked, agreeing to head to the Tilted Peak Realm in ten months to break into reincarnation. And these ten months was to arrange everything.

Within these ten months, Luo Feng met a lot of people, growing up all the way from earth, those who influenced him, those he influenced, many, many people.

His children from the sea of ghosts vein, such as Simo and the rest of them who were still alive.

His old friends from the Earth vein, such as Wei Wen.

When he first joined the Virtual Universe Company, he met many of his close friends, Buran, Rongjun (Tuban), and Uka. Although they had good talent, it was extremely difficult to become a Universe Lord, and even more difficult to become a True God! Like Luo Feng’s son, Luo Hai, who had absolutely perfect conditions, yet he never broke through to become a Master of the Universe. Biran and Rongjun both eventually became masters of the universe, and Uka was a universe venerable, as for the batch of geniuses in the battle, some of them fell during the trials and tribulations, and some of them simply didn’t become immortal, and didn’t wait for the day when humanity got the ancient civilization.

The three brothers of the Earth at the time, Luo Feng need not be said, Hong is naturally a true god, as for the God of Thunder …… even with the help of Luo Feng, with the help of the Earth lineage, after all, for the Earth lineage, the God of Thunder is definitely a patriarch, but the God of Thunder is only struggling to become the Lord of the Universe.

True Diffusion, also just at this step of Lord of the Universe.

“Teacher, you can completely break through as a True God within my small universe.” Luo Feng even said to Zhen Yan, “To me, separating a small universe is nothing.”

“Then Prana Yu Hou ……,” Zhen Yan was however a bit apprehensive.

“Back then in the magic sound mountain, although she counted on me, there was a reason for it, and that was how long ago, teacher you don’t have to care.” Luo Feng said.

The reason why the Prana Yu Hou had counted on Luo Feng in the first place was to get back at Zhen Yan!

It also involved a love history, Zhen Yan’s lover had long died, Zhen Yan was even more guilty, knowing that Pura Yu Hou hated him, but he could only tolerate …… Pura Yu Hou counting Luo Feng, and later found out that it was also Zhen Yan who pleaded for Pura Yu Hou! This time, he was transferred to a small universe, and Pinyu Hou was transferred to the original ancestor’s small universe, and it was also Zhen Yan who helped him out.

Even the relationship between Pura Yu Hou and Zhen Yan began to be unclear.

Before he set off to break into reincarnation, Luo Feng also gave his disciples another lesson, and then he set off.

Outside the Tilted Peak Realm.

A ship hovered, inside the ship stood quite a few figures, Chaos City Lord, True Diffraction, Sitting Mountain Guest, Luo Hong Guo, Gong Xin Lan, Xu Xin, Luo Ping, Luo Hai, Darkness True God, Ice Peak True God, and the Lord of the Dragon Walk, they were here to send Luo Feng and the original ancestor off.

“Don’t worry, if Luo Feng was in danger even from breaking into the cycle of reincarnation, then the Eastern Emperor’s Original Ancestor and the Purple Moon’s Original Ancestor would have died long ago in the first place.” The mountain sitter was the most relaxed one.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A star tower and a boat in the distance flew towards the Tilted Peak Realm at the same time.

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