Chapter 13 – Luo Feng’s Death

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:55:28
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Luo Feng stood suspended in the starry sky, stirring the starry sky 216 tens of thousands of kilometers as if the starry sky serpent’s main vine crazily surrounded one by one to that central assassin, and countless vines and leaves, branches were also entangled and strangled, accompanied by one of the branch of the Mo Yun Vine vines vines pressed the press button on the E9 Uranium Shotgun, the dazzling white column of light bombarded on the Cosr, the high temperatures caused the surrounding vines and leaves to caramelize, but it didn’t penetrate the Cosr.

“E9 grade uranium shotgun, it can kill an average sector lord ninth rank, but it doesn’t say 100% kill any sector lord ninth rank peak powerhouse.” Luo Feng was well aware of this.

To be able to strike within the No Hole Starfield, this assassin must have been lurking for a long time.

Once he struck, he was surely stone cold!

To be killed so easily, Luo Feng himself wouldn’t believe it in the first place.

“Come on, let’s see what other tricks you have, let’s see how far you can force me to evolve my battle plan?” Luo Feng stared at the figure under the white light pillar.

Boom ……

Kosel’s face went pale as he crashed into the massive Mo Yun vine branches behind him.

“Mo Yun, kill him.” Luo Feng ordered.

Rustling ……

Countless vines staggered and slid across the starry sky, cloaking the sky and wrapping around Kosl. Kosel was very clear …… Mo Yun Vine was a very difficult type of plant life, many characters with backgrounds in the human frontier were keen to cultivate a Mo Yun Vine to protect themselves at all times, its huge body and cellular activity made it terrifying.

Luo Feng’s Mo Yun vine belonged to the very top grade of cultivation.

A total of 216 main vines, sector master level when each main vine limit length can reach 30,000 kilometers, thick normal can reach 200 kilometers thick, of course, normal combat is not necessary to maximize, sector master sixth order of high Mo Yun vine, toughness is extremely high, even if you let the sector master ninth order of destruction …… I’m afraid that the destruction of the speed, can not catch up with the Mo Yun Vine itself! Recovery speed.

“Ah!!!” Facing the endless vines that cover the sky, Cosier’s face was hideous, and he let out a violent and crazy hiss.

“What are you roaring before you die?”

Luo Feng was in the distance, standing in the starry sky, getting it remotely.


“Rumble rumble rumble ……” an incomparably terrifying aura, as if the ants had seen a divine dragon, cloaked the sky and filled the air, causing Luo Feng’s face to instantly change, at the same time at the place where Cosel was erupting with flames through the sky, causing that one starry sky to seemingly turn into a sea of fire, the A large number of long vines and trailing leaves were all quickly burned to ashes.

Many thick and long vines began to twitch and twist.

The Mo Yun vines also sent a simple hint of realization to Luo Feng, so scary, scared, can’t resist ……

With Kosel as the center, all the surrounding thirty kilometers were turned into ashes, many of the main vines of the Mo Yun Vine were heavily damaged and didn’t dare to approach the 30 kilometer range around Kosel anymore.

Endless flames burned in the cosmic stars.

There were two figures in the flames.

One is seriously injured in the madness under the Kosel, and the other …… is the center of the endless flames, he is twelve meters tall, wearing a simple black battle armor, the battle armor is not shrouded all over the body, still bare arms, his arms have a luxuriant fire red body hair, face also has a red mane.

A pair of eyes also looked like flames burning.


Flame Immortal Deity!

“No, Immortal Deity!” Luo Feng, who saw this scene in the distant starry sky, looked at the immortal deity in the endless sea of flames and felt the surging endless pressure, as well as the immortal power that spread out and directly suppressed his body, the endless immortal power, as if it was a huge mountain pressing down on Luo Feng!

It was impossible to resist under the pressure of the immortal power.

“Surprisingly, surprisingly, it’s an immortal deity, this assassin is actually carrying an immortal deity in his body, surely, surely he’s hiding that immortal deity in his internal world.” Luo Feng’s pupils shrunk, “What kind of force is this that can lurk inside the No Hole Starfield …… My guess is indeed good, this kind of assassin’s true undercard must be terrifying.”

It was terrifying.

Terrifying to the point of driving people crazy.

An immortal deity ah!

No. 6, the reason why he can be able to lurk without the hole in the star domain of some of the chess pieces can rank first, is because his internal world is always hidden an immortal deity, this immortal deity, is by the insect race to invade the soul control, because of that year’s identity is exposed can’t be lurked by fluke divine country teleportation to escape back to the insect race territory.

There is no lurking value, this kind of controlled alien immortal deity is generally used as cannon fodder, as a weapon.

Put an immortal deity, put it in the internal world of a pawn …… at a critical moment to go to war!

If you want to get to be able to kill immortal deity “technology type weapon” price can be high amazing, and this kind of controlled alien ordinary immortal deity …… cost-effective much higher. Moreover, if a realm lord holds a technological weapon, I’m afraid that it’s not as good as a real immortal deity in battle.


It was the real killing move of number 6, and it was also the sure kill move that the bug organization had prepared for Luo Feng!

“King Long Conqueror, come save me, an internal member is carrying an immortal deity to assassinate me.” Luo Feng immediately connected his consciousness to the virtual universe network while quickly sending an email to King Long Turk and repeating it ten times in a row!

King Long Turk was in the outermost palace complex of the No Hole Starfield at this time, talking business with someone.

“This one is the principal amount of 10 million hybrid units for the purchase of goods, and this 10% …… or 1 million hybrid units is a small reward for keeping you busy, King Long Turk.” A bald old man shrouded in gorgeous black robes with a voice that made people feel friendly was speaking with a smile.

“You want to get 10 million hybrid units of goods, it’s not easy ……” Long Turk King frowned You should know that over 1 million is not something I alone can approve.”

Because it has to be recorded in the accounts, there will be detailed records in the accounts.

How much did so and so spend on what they purchased.

For example, Luo Feng purchased bug corpses costing 1 million hybrid units, this is recorded and will be scrutinized in detail.

So …… eliminating the possibility of buying in batches, not just anyone is qualified to come and buy, must have a bit of status to have certain permissions! Assuming that each purchase of 1 million mixed units, divided into ten times, it seems to be able to get big benefits. However, it was impossible for the five major forces such as the Virtual Universe Company and the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium to have such a large management loophole, and their auditing of accounts and so on was very strict.

Once serious corruption was involved, the consequences would be severe.

“Long Turk King, you and I are also the friendship of tens of thousands of epochs, this time I also want to seriously refine a weapon, so let’s do it …… 15% of the intermediary fees, go to Long Turk King you. As for the Long Turk King, how do you and the other four people in charge of the negotiation, how much to spend. Then it is always up to you, Long Turk King.” That black-robed bald old man had a pair of eyes that seemed like the stars were flowing as he spoke softly.

“You wait.”

Long Turk King frowned and muttered in his heart, “Who sent me ten emails in a row?”

The consciousness connected to the virtual Yu Lei network and entered Thunder Island’s own palace.

Standing within the palace, he gently tapped the void, and a screen self-generated out of thin air, on which an email was tapped – “King Long Turk, come and save me, there are members from within who are carrying immortal deities to assassinate me.”


King Long Turk was shocked.

“Luo Feng, assassinated?” King Long Turk once again tapped on a screen and immediately pulled up the surveillance map of the entire No Loft starfield and gave a command to the alert system, “Someone has been assassinated within the No Loft starfield, hurry up and find out!” In any case, the exact location had to be found out before people could be dispatched, as the alert system used white and red dots to mark whether it was an internal or external member.

However, there were quite a few within that chose cargo, there was no way to ascertain which red dot was Luo Feng, one could only look at where there was a battle!

“Drip! Drop! Drop!”

The alert system went through all the monitoring points of the entire No Hole starfield.

“There’s no fighting going on.” The alert system replied.

King Longjie was slightly stunned, but immediately followed by an immediate understanding, and even commanded, “Can there be any monitoring points damaged?”

“There was a malfunction in the instrumentation of monitoring point B2446 — 56453 — 13202 — 96233, B2446 –56 has departed 36 seconds ago to make repairs.” The alert system replied, this slow talking and so on, in fact when Luo Feng sent the email, the battle had only passed 4 seconds.

However, King Long Turk’s own slowness to open the email later, coupled with the alert system’s reply, only caused 32 seconds to pass.

“This is it! It’s this monitoring point area that has an assassination situation.” King Ron Turk even shouted.

“Connecting two Leaders.” The alert system automatically responded.

“I told you to send someone to the rescue immediately.” King Long Turk shouted urgently.

“King Long Turk, you don’t have enough authority, the alert system must follow the procedure.” The alert system continued to connect to the two leaders that had appeared in that monitoring point area, following Luo Feng, connecting …… again and again for a full 20 seconds without success. Only then did it send a direct command to a Cosmic Exalted.

This was intelligence!

Even intelligent beings such as Baba Towers, once the master gives a certain order …… then the order must be followed rigidly and cannot be disobeyed.

This is also the case with the master control intelligence of the vigilance system of this No Vault Starfield, because some of the requirements, which were set by the five major powers together, must then be followed.

Without rules, there is no way to accomplish anything.

The army has military rules.

This vigilance system naturally also had some rigid rules, which seemed rigid, but if there wasn’t a rigid rule, then the management would be chaotic, and instead, it might cause even more damage in the future. And with this kind of rigid rules, even if losses were incurred, they would still be within an affordable range.

“By the time an existence like the universe honored one rushes over again, it’ll be 90 seconds before and after. Luo Feng, I hope you can survive it, if you die …… that immortal deity can’t escape, even if the divine kingdom teleportation escapes, but the spatial fluctuation left behind by the divine kingdom teleportation, at least 60 seconds or so after the teleportation, with the ability of the Cosmic Exalted One can still determine the spatial coordinates of the divine kingdom, and will definitely be able to avenge you. ” King Long Turk secretly said, “Let’s see how long you can hold out.”

Inside the Undying Star Realm.

The Immortal Deity in that endless flame turned his head to look at Kosel at his side.

“Immortal, you have 80 seconds, you must kill Luo Feng within 80 seconds. Otherwise the superpower among humans will arrive.” Kosel had a crazy look in his eyes while rapidly transmitting with world power.

“You can die.”

A low voice echoed in Kosel’s mind.


Kosl was immediately burned to ashes by the flames containing the might of the law, this immortal deity lurking in his internal world, belongs to the final bottom card, once this bottom card is used …… it means that to the last moment, the insect race is absolutely not going to allow Kosl to survive, so that the human race is good to search their souls to inquire about some of the secrets of the insect race’s lurking organization.

“Humans!” The tall immortal deity in the flames, turned his head to look at Luo Feng, under the endless divine might, Luo Feng couldn’t move.

“You can die too!”

Rumble ……

The endless flames instantly surged, as if a divine dragon made of flames, instantly sweeping over a range of tens of thousands of kilometers, burning towards Luo Feng!

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