Chapter 18.

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:55:42
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Nightmare Candle King looked at the Purple Huan Paradox Leaf and E9 grade laser gun in Luo Feng’s hands, he couldn’t help but frown, with his status of course he wouldn’t be slandering his eyes, but he was still shocked at the wealth and ability this little guy who was clearly only at the ninth stage of domain master level had, spending money to buy is an ability, not spending money to get it is strong enough.

“Rather capable of sophistry.” Nightmare Candle King let out a light laugh, “I won’t give you a hard time anymore about this fire god source crystal, I’ll ask you again, who exactly is that soul slave realm lord you control, what’s his name, from which cosmic country and which star realm.”

Luo Feng was shocked in his heart.


This was a loophole.

“Back then, I purchased a large number of universe level slaves, and one of them was called Tai warmed up.” Luo Feng’s conscious reaction speed was worthy of being comparable to an intelligence, instantly judging that it would be easy to find out if he had taken in a certain slave at the cosmic or domain lord stage, “He was one of them with extremely excellent talent, Nightmare Candle King you should know that back then, I was still only at the ninth stage of the stellar level, and I couldn’t forcibly take in a cosmic level powerhouse as a slave. Cosmic level slaves on the other hand won’t resist in the slightest, so ……”

There were indeed quite a few universe level slaves that Luo Feng had purchased.

And there were also many deaths in several incidents, for example, because of the “insect nest gas” there were many universe level slaves that died.

In short, even the most powerful existences couldn’t find out what happened on Earth a long time ago.

“This Tai warmed up as a slave, without any resources, the cultivation method is also very crude can reach universe level nine, later, I passed on a set of secret techniques to him, and during the virtual universe company I continuously provided excellent resources to the best few of these slaves.” Luo Feng laughed, “Tai warmed up almost directly to domain lord level very quickly, as my soul slave, I didn’t want to waste his time even more, I directly let him reach the ninth order from domain lord first order, then he was extremely lucky, he even quickly crossed over to sector lord level! Of course I vigorously cultivate, moreover, I carry it around with me, after all, there are many things that a soul slave to do is the most convenient.”

The Nightmare Candle King frowned as he listened.

Before asking, of course he had found out a lot of information about Luo Feng, but back then, when Luo Feng hadn’t risen through the “genius war”, he was just an ordinary earth lord, plus the earth was in the “void area”, so he really didn’t have any information. Moreover, the slave trade at the bottom was even more chaotic.

“Oh?” Nightmare Candle King looked at Luo Feng, “At that time, you knew the soul control method?”


Luo Feng respectfully said.

“What secret method?” Nightmare Candle King continued to ask, he had to ask for a break, soul control secret methods were rare, what secret methods did Luo Feng have before he joined the virtual universe company?

“The Soul Seal.” Luo Feng replied.

“What secret method is this, there is such a secret method?” Nightmare Candle King raised his eyebrows.

Next to him, King Long Convulsion laughed, “Nightmare Candle King, the intelligence information you got should have Luo Feng’s spaceship as the ‘Meteorite Ink Star’, right? It’s the spaceship of that rather famous Meteorite Ink Star owner Huyan Bo back then.” Although there were many, many immortal deities in the human frontier, the ones with a little bit of a name could easily be memorized.

Deities had extremely strong memories.

“Of course Luo Feng obtained Hu Yan Bo’s inheritance.” King Long Keji smiled, “And Hu Yan Bo, back then, had many of the nine immortal slaves. The ‘Iron Sword Marquis’ among his slaves had even caused a lot of people to be envious. Huyan Bo’s method of controlling the nine immortal slaves is the ‘Soul Seal’.”

The Nightmare Candle King frowned.

“You said that at that time, you were summoning ten Realm Lord guards, one was your Soul Slave, and the other nine’s names, identities, and details of their origins, tell them one by one.” The Nightmare Candle King said.

“Nightmare Candle King, what exactly are you asking.” Luo Feng lifted his eyebrows.

“I asked you something, didn’t you hear me? You just need to answer!” The Nightmare Candle King’s eyes flashed with a clear, cold light.

Luo Feng respectfully saluted, “Reporting back to the Nightmare Candle King, the other nine realm lord guards are the nine realm lord level golden horn clansmen that were gifted to me when I was invited to the golden horn clans, saying that I would let them protect me secretly and closely.”

“Golden Horn Clan?” Nightmare Candle King’s anger immediately surged.

The Golden Horn Clan, was independent of the human community.

Although it was a vassal, the humans would not interfere with the Golden Horn Clan’s internal management and cultivation of their offspring, so there was no way to find out what was going on in the Golden Horn Clan’s hometown of “Rasuo World”.

“Everyone listen to the order.” Nightmare Candle King violently turned his head to look at the hundreds of men behind him.

Hundreds of white-robed and purple-robed men respectfully bent down and waited for orders.

“Give me a careful examination of the traces of the surrounding area after the battle, find out all the clues and traces, and find out the truth.” Nightmare Candle King ordered.


The white-robed and purple-robed people instantly dispersed in all directions and began to carefully investigate the surroundings.

“I won’t ask you anymore for now, let’s just see the results after this exploration of the battlefield.” Nightmare Candle King glanced at Luo Feng and said no more.

Luo Feng didn’t say anything.

Luo Feng glanced at King Longjie and transmitted, “King Longjie, does this Nightmare Candle King have a grudge against me, targeting me like this?”

“He is indeed targeting you, as for the reason, I don’t know. I also know that his character might find trouble with you, but targeting you so persistently is a bit too much.” King Longjie transmitted his voice, “By the way, did you tell your teacher, King Zhen Yan, about this?”

“Dylan he just told my teacher, later on I also realized to enter the virtual universe to meet my teacher.” Luo Feng replied with a voice transmission.

With that, Luo Feng turned his head to look at the distant starry sky.

Tens of thousands of kilometers range starry sky, those white and purple robed people were flashing like lightning one by one, carefully checking.

Luo Feng, Dylan and the five heads were silent as they watched.

“Put a piece of the Flame God Spirit weapon remnant, consider it a suspicious item you found.” Nightmare Candle King instantly transmitted a voice to a purple robed immortal deity in the distance who was looking for traces, that one was none other than the immortal deity of the flame lineage, that deity heard that it was the Nightmare Candle King’s order, and even transmitted a voice to reply, “Yes, my lord.”

A moment later.

These hundreds of white-robed and purple-robed people all flew in, each with some items clubbed in their hands.

“My lord.” The white-robed and purple-robed people bowed respectfully.

“The surrounding area should be filled with Boundary Lord Insect Race corpses, and these are not Insect Race corpse fragments.” The Nightmare Candle King pointed at the various items, “Take a look at these items, oh, the flame laws permeate this weapon fragment, it’s clearly a weapon fragment commonly used by Flame Immortal Deities. Can’t it be that this wasn’t an explosion of the fire god source crystal, but was caused by the attack of a flame immortal deity? And these items, Luo Feng, how do you explain this? None of these items are realm lord insect corpses, they’re obviously foreign, what’s the origin of each and every one of them?”

Luo Feng frowned and respectfully said, “Reporting back to the Nightmare Candle King, there were several sector lords that died, once a sector lord dies, the world inside collapses, of course a large amount of items flew out. How do I know where these items came from?”


Nightmare Candle King laughed coldly, “Pushing it all away, according to you, any valuable evidence can be described by you as items from the collapse of the realm lord’s inner world after his death?”

“From the beginning to the end, I can see that you have been making sophistry.”

“All of the words spoken are unverifiable.”

“Men, escort this Luo Feng directly to the first starfield prison.” Nightmare Candle King barked out an order, “By the time he reaches the first starfield prison, he’ll have to confess everything!”

The four people beside them, King Long Ke and King Da Shu, were all shocked.

The First Starfield Prison?

The toughest prisons in the human territory of the universe were the legendary “Upper Nine Prisons” and “Lower Nine Prisons”, and the “Upper Nine Prisons” were the First Starfield Prison to the Ninth Starfield Prison, and the “Upper Nine Prisons” were the First Starfield Prison to the Ninth Starfield Prison, and the First Starfield Prison to the Ninth Starfield Prison. The “Upper Nine Prisons” were the First Star Realm Prison to the Ninth Star Realm Prison. On the other hand, the lower nine prisons are the “tenth star field prison to the eighteenth star field prison”, which many immortal deities don’t know.

The 18th Starfield Prison is the legendary 18 Hells.

The further back it went, the more terrifying it became!

Even if a Seal King level Immortal Deity was thrown into the Eighteenth Starfield Prison, I’m afraid they wouldn’t survive.

Although the first starfield prison was the least dangerous, that was in comparison …… At least for Luo Feng, it was already terrifying.

“Nightmare Candle King.” Luo Feng raged.

“Shut up, there’s no room for you to speak.” Nightmare Candle King indifferently drank.

“I came to your no hole starfield to buy goods and was assassinated, you guys arranged for someone to come and save me all that slow, if it wasn’t for the backstabbing I left myself I’m afraid I would have died long ago.” Luo Feng didn’t even care about Nightmare Candle King’s reprimand, instead he said in annoyance, “I haven’t even asked why your No Loan Starfield is not protecting me well, you’re even blaming me again and again.”

“I’ve been responding to your inquiries, and yet you’re insisting on finding fault.”


“Still really think that my Virtual Universe Company’s people are easy to bully.” Luo Feng coldly said, “I’ll immediately tell my teacher, King Zhen Yan, about this and report this to our host of that genius battle, ‘Venerable Nine Swords’, as well as the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord who was kind to me! I’d like to see …… when the people of your Giant Axe Fighting Martial Arena would also dare to dispose of my Virtual Universe Corporation Primal Mystery Realm members like this!”

The Nightmare Candle King’s face immediately turned red.

The others were shocked to hear ……

Nine Sword Exalted One? The Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord?

These Seal King level Immortal Deities of theirs, who were able to be the head of the No Vault Starfield, all had great backgrounds, and they weren’t too afraid of the True Diffusion King. But the “Nine Swords Venerable One” was different, and the “Heavenly Eclipse Palace Master” Luo Feng mentioned was a legendary figure, even more terrifying than the Nine Swords Venerable One.

“Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord?” Nightmare Candle King was also secretly shocked.

Even with his backstage, he wouldn’t want to mess with that monster.

The Heavenly Eclipse Palace Master was a super existence that could intimidate the entire “Blood Luo World” alone, much more powerful than many cosmic lords. The Blood Luo World was after all a place that had caused the Virtual Universe Company to suffer heavy casualties back then, and its strength was imaginable, and even though it wasn’t as good as it was back in the ancient times, it was still very powerful. The Heaven Eclipse Palace Lord was able to suppress the Blood Luo World, and his power had long since become a legend.


“No matter what, this Luo Feng’s suspicion hasn’t been removed, how can we allow him to leave?” Nightmare Candle King ordered, “Someone come, imprison Luo Feng in the ‘Silk Rain Hall’ and keep him under strict guard.”

“Yes.” Those purple robed immortal deities flew over.

King Long Turk and the others stopped talking.

This imprisonment, that is, house arrest, was not a serious problem.

“Nightmare Candle King.” Luo Feng stared at the Nightmare Candle King, “The people from the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium are really good at braking me, you didn’t manage the Vaulted Star Realm well, causing me to be assassinated, and now you’re still treating me like this. I will definitely report this to the higher-ups of my Virtual Universe Company and report it to the Nine Swords Exalted One and the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord.”

Hearing the Yu, the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord, the Nightmare Candle King couldn’t help but twitch his muscles at the corners of his eyes.

“Escort me away and imprison me.” The Nightmare Candle King droned.


Luo Feng was escorted by two immortal deities, and then in a purple standardized spaceship, he was escorted directly to one of the palaces in the No Hole Starfield, where he was placed under house arrest in one of the small halls. As for Dylan …… in front of the Nightmare Candle King and the others, he couldn t resist at all.

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