Chapter 4 – One Million Boundary Lord Armies

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:55:02
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Which way to cultivate bug warriors?

The black clothed Luo Feng smiled slightly, in fact, when he heard Mother Emperor Irina’s detailed explanation about the three types of bug warriors, a decision naturally came to his mind.

“I practiced the Ten Thousand Minds Soul Control Secret Method to control a Bug Mother Emperor in order to be able to have an army of Bugs!” Luo Feng secretly said, “The bug race is best known for their ‘sea of bugs’ tactics, not their elite tactics! Maybe I can cultivate a few king bug races in small amounts, but the vast majority of the resources are still used to cultivate bug warriors on a normal large scale.”

Cultivating one King Bug Clan would cultivate a hundred Bug Clans.

Strength is even more formidable ……

100 King Boundary Lord Bug Clan warriors, and 10,000 Boundary Lord Bug Clan warriors, fighting as a group, there was no doubt that it would be the 10,000 Boundary Lord Legion that would win!

And fighting alone, perhaps a King Sector Lord Insect Race could break through each of them and kill quite a few other Insect Races.

But a group battle against ……

relies on numbers!

“Mainly the second normal cultivation mode.” Luo Feng commanded.

“Yes, master.” Mother Emperor Irina softly answered.

“Tell me the cost of the resources needed to cultivate the Shadowfronts, Tiger Beetles, and Hunting Mantle Bugs.” Luo Feng said.

No matter what, it had to be clear about the most basic cost of construction.

“Cultivating bug warriors costs resources, there are several channels, but the mainstream is three.” Mother Emperor Irina smiled, “The first one is the simplest to directly consume cosmic crystals, cosmic crystals are condensed from the power of the world, the power of the world can form any substance, so consuming cosmic crystals can completely create any kind of bug warrior one wants! However, cosmic crystals are used for a great deal of purposes, so the …… price is extremely high if you use cosmic crystals.”

“The second type, on the other hand, is to collect a large amount of metal alloy remains, the blood of some strong people or giant beasts, some gelatinous substances such as scale skin, tendons, etc. With this large amount of raw materials, it is also possible to cultivate insect race warriors. Because a lot of cheap raw materials can be chosen, resulting in a much cheaper build cost.”

“The third, is to collect a large number of bug corpses, those bug corpses can be directly used to be utilized again, and used to create a large number of bug warriors.”

Mother Emperor Irina smiled, “Undoubtedly, the first kind of cost is the highest, the second kind of cost is low, the third kind of cost required …… depends on the price of the bug corpses that you acquire, master, bug corpses, as far as I know, there are some people who buy them as collectibles in the Human 1008 Cosmic Kingdom, and that would be too high a price to pay. If it is directly in the extra-territorial battlefield to get countless bug warrior corpses, the cost may be much lower. As for how much it actually costs …… depends on the master’s ability.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Heard and understood, these three, the first one is the easiest.

Providing cosmic crystals, an endless supply of energy would create endless bug warriors. The simplest also meant the most expensive.

“Talk about the price.” Luo Feng asked, “If you use cosmic crystals to create them, how much money would it take to cultivate a peak sector lord level Shadow Striker Bug, a Tiger Beetle Bug, and a Hunting Mantle Bug.”

“The peak sector lord level Shadowfrontal Insect Clan requires cosmic crystals worth roughly 10 mixed yuan units.” Mother Emperor Irina said, “A peak Boundary Lord Tiger Beetle Clan on the other hand requires 25 Mixed Yuan Units, and a head of Mantle Hunting Bug Clan is 50 Mixed Yuan Units. This is a more accurate number. To create a king …… would be a hundred times its price!”

Luo Feng sucked in a breath of cool air.

My goodness.

To create a king hunting mantis (peak sector lord), that would be 5000 mixed yuan units! Enough to make an immortal army lord directly dump his family’s money.

“An Insect Mother’s Nest isn’t really something an ordinary person can afford to play with… The auction price for purchasing a Sector Lord-level Insect Mother’s Nest alone is over a million Mixed Yuan Units! And the secret method of controlling the bug mother nest …… is equally expensive against the sky, and even if one has the money, if it’s not a core member of some super power, there’s no place to go to buy it.” Luo Feng secretly sighed.

Almost millions of hybrid units were invested in the early stages alone!

And then cultivate a large number of insect warriors ……

Without some base, it really wasn’t enough to consume!

“Hunting mantis king? 5000 hybrid units for one head although it’s extremely formidable, many peak human sector lord powerhouses are no match. But that’s too high a price.” Luo Feng said darkly, “Whether or not to manufacture …… is better to wait until later.”

“To manufacture the cheapest Shadow Striker insect race, 10 hybrid units a head, 100,000 heads that’s 1,000,000 hybrid units.”

“Too expensive!”

Luo Feng secretly shook his head.

He now had over 2 million hybrid units left over at the bank, this was his teacher’s legacy, he had been spending but not earning! When this wealth was almost depleted, then he wouldn’t be able to play anymore.

“My original plan was to create ‘One Million Realm Lord Legions’, once the One Million Realm Lord Legions are out, killing in all directions …… Even if it’s a Seal King level immortal deity, as long as it doesn’t possess some heaven-defying masterstrokes such as Instantaneous Shift, Time Stop, and other strong, they can’t help me.” Luo Feng secretly said.

Seal king level immortal deities, there was also a difference between high and low.

Assuming that he really made a million sector lord legions, he really was considered to have a super card, and his deterrent power wasn’t the least bit weaker than a sealed king level immortal deity!

“Irina.” Luo Feng spoke.

“Master.” Mother Emperor Irina’s turquoise blue eyes were soft as she looked at Luo Feng.

“The approximate data needed to create bug warriors from metal alloy remains, blood, gelatinous …… and from bug corpses, all recorded on this intelligent light brain, will you use the intelligent light brain?” Luo Feng looked at Irina, and with a flip of his hand a smart light brain appeared in his hand.

“Master, I have an intelligent light brain.”

Mother Emperor Irina smiled, “Master please wait, right away I’ll give the detailed data of the resources needed to cultivate bug warriors, to master.”

Yangzhou city, Luo family’s old mansion.

Luo Feng was sitting on a bamboo chair with a teapot and a few teacups on the coffee table next to him.

“It’s not easy to get a million sector lord legions.” Having just come out of the quiet room, Luo Feng sat here alone and meditated, “Babata, how’s your access to information on the internet going?”

“Still checking in, because there are just too many ways to buy all kinds of raw materials, different methods have different prices, and the raw materials we buy, in terms of volume, it’s a stellar volume of raw materials …… because the quantity is incomparably huge, so the unit price is slightly different, and the total price difference will be a lot of money , I have to find out the optimum discount.” Babata said, “And there are just too many selling materials in the universe, give me some time, give me 6 hours …… can almost get it done.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded.

This kind of calculation, intelligent life Babata was definitely better than himself.

“Brother!” A surprised voice rang out.

Luo Feng looked up, his younger brother Luo Hua on the distant corridor had a surprised face.

“Ah Hua.” Luo Feng waved.

“Brother, aren’t you in seclusion, why did you come out so quickly?” Luo Hua walked over, with a wave of his hand, a chair in the distance flew directly suspended in the air and landed aside, Luo Hua sat down and also poured himself a cup of tea, smiled and asked, “This seclusion, but it’s less than a day, not like your style at all brother, I thought it was going to be ten years and a hundred years.”

Luo Feng smiled.

This time it was to subdue the insect mother, not to cultivate, of course it was fast.

“Right, brother, about the financial investment, I have to give you a report.” Luo Hua smiled and looked at Luo Feng.

“Oh?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

Back when there wasn’t much wealth yet, because of his brother’s extremely high financial investment talent ability, Luo Feng decided back then that every time he harvested some of his own wealth he would give it to his brother to use for investment, one was to give his brother a huge space to play, and two might be able to get a huge return.

However ……

With Luo Hua controlling more and more wealth, wanting high returns, it became harder and harder.

When he returned to earth more than two hundred years ago, at that time Luo Feng had just gotten his teacher’s legacy, and after returning home and talking to his brother, he gave his brother a small portion of his assets – 500,000 mixed yuan units – to operate! This 500,000 mixed yuan single immortal, Luo Feng could still afford to lose it, after all, he gave it to his own brother.

At that time, Luo Hua said, “Brother, with 500,000 mixed yuan units, the size of the assets I can control immediately soared two notches, and I already have the qualifications to enter the ‘cosmic human development financial market’ to invest.”

Universe human development financial market, is the entire human 1008 universe country highest present model of a kind of financial market, can participate in this financial investment, the minimum capital scale to reach 100,000 mixed yuan units! So the …… that can participate is either a powerful force or an existence with a powerful strength.

In fact, this supreme financial market, the original intention is to absorb to a large amount of financial wealth, used to promote the community war! It was used to hire some immortal groups to venture into the secret realms of the universe and so on! The business is extremely varied. However, since it is a financial market, it will naturally produce various kinds of complicated trading means, the entire universe human community in the investment of the most talented group of characters, gathered in this market, manipulation of wealth is even more terrible.

Perhaps some Seal King level immortal deities who are well connected may entrust their collective to a certain genius for management.

And this market ……

Also is full of shocking waves, predators lurking in a market, even if the seal king level immortal deities will be part of the property, in front of the highest human financial market is considered a small fish and shrimp. So the threshold is also ridiculously high, ordinary immortal deities have no qualifications to enter this financial market.

A threshold of 100,000 hybrid units was quite normal!

To Luo Hua, this highest financial market of the universe’s humanity had a staggering attraction, and within this market because of the huge amount of money involved, a slight loss of 10% or 20% would be a huge loss.

The strong were eaten!

The geniuses get eaten!

Only the true predators and top geniuses could smack money.

Luo Hua has long been eager to enter this highest financial market, if a financial investment person has not entered this highest financial market …… then it means that he has not really entered the profession.

“Brother you returned to Earth last time and gave me 500,000 mixed yuan units to operate.” Luo Hua laughingly said, “Although I have secretly simulated the operation quite a few times, but when I really put money into the operation, I really feel terrible.”

“Scary?” Luo Feng was stunned.


Luo Hua nodded, “Because I was careful and cautious, although I used 500,000 mixed yuan units to apply to the account to participate in the investment, but the first time I just invested 10,000 mixed yuan units into it, and at first I made a small profit, I increased my investment to 50,000 mixed yuan units, but then I started to constantly lose money …… I was confident because of it. Continue to increase investment!”

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