Discover the intriguing life of Yang Yuyan, a girl navigating the complexities of a turbulent Republican China with wit and determination. Raised by a single mother in a rapidly changing society, Yuyan must confront family upheaval and societal expectations. As she challenges traditional norms, juggles Western education, and strives to keep her family together, this heartwarming story explores resilience, cultural shifts, and the pursuit of happiness in a world where the old meets the new.
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Chapter 483Zhu Yuyan's location is on the edge of Hiroshima, next to the county highway.
From here you can only see a white ...... horizon in front of you.
It is the flat, endless, can see the sky - leveling.
The line of white near the horizon would be the ruins of the fallen city.
Ah, this sense of blankness,full of the romance of doom and the brutal beauty of war, combined with the human figures lying on the highway, it's a picture of reality.
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